
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 39 : Adventures Of A Prodigal Knitter

Episode 39


The Winner of Episode 38's Becoming Art drawing giveaway is JoannaCos! Congratulations!

Receive 10% off at The Backwards Loop
until August 1,2010! Just enter special code "julypodcast" in the comments section when you place your order.
This offer is exclusive to the Never Not Knitting listeners and blog readers! Have fun!

Click HERE to download Episode 39 MP3 file.

(All iTunes downloading issues should be fixed! Let me know if you have any further problems with downloading Episode 39. Thank you!)


  1. Is the podcast not on iTunes yet? It's not showing up.

  2. It should be working now! Im not sure what happened.

  3. HI there!! So nice to have you back. I just downloaded the podcast right onto my ipod from iTunes, no problem at all!! Now I'm off to listen to it and knit :)

  4. Mine wouldn't download from my iPod directly (via iTunes) when I tried it last night, but it *did* download through my laptop iTunes subscription when I hit the "refresh" button. Weird! I am sooo looking forward to the episode, and I am hoping beyond hope that you are feeling a bit better! :)

  5. it's great to have you back. You sound terrific! i really enjoyed this episode, especially hearing your little one beg you to knit the monsters. You're such a great Mom!

  6. My itunes would not load the episode onto my Mac, but I was able to get it from your page using the right click command Download Linked File As... , then importing into itunes from the desktop.

  7. Hi just to let you know that I still can't get itunes to download the episode but I am in the UK not sure if that makes a difference or not.

  8. I can't get it to download to my iTunes either. :(

  9. Still not downloading to my iPod.

  10. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Thanks for the pod cast.
    dgporterhouse at cox dot net

  11. Great podcast and I totally took advantage of the 10% off at the Backwards Loop! So glad you are doing better!

  12. so glad you are feeling better! i enjoy episode 39 and hearing about all the projects you are working on! i'll be keeping an eye out for all the FOs :)

  13. So sorry to hear about your hospital stay. After all these weeks of you being unwell, I'd started to think m sickness, but now I hope I was wrong. Take it easy and eat LOTS of chocolate.

    love and prayers and yarny goodness Ü

  14. Alana -- I finally was able to download this episode and had a chance to listen. I am sooooo happy you're feeling better. THANKS for the great episode. It kept me good company on my morning run! :) Leslie

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. As always, a great podcast! I enjoyed hearing the computer pronounce "Frukttradgard"!

  17. I'm so relieved to hear that you're feeling better! Great podcast. Sorry that you had to do it twice.

  18. I'm glad you are doing better. I"m really sorry to hear that you are facing medical challenges.

    Loved, loved, loved the story of how you started knitting the monsters for your daughter!
