

A few days ago I stayed in all day with a cold. Who gets sick in the middle of summer anyways? Although I was miserable, it allowed me the opportunity to finish up two of my knitting projects. And that means that I now have some new photos to share!

First up...

Monsters Up high framed

The knitted monsters! They are done! Aren't they cute?
My daughter is pretty happy with me for finally sewing these up for her.

Monster in pocket framed

I really enjoyed this pattern. These monsters are so hilariously cute and
I love that there is both a Mama and baby. So sweet.
The pattern is called "Daphne and Delilah" and can be found HERE.

Looking at monsters framed

My daughter has declared these as "her new best knitted toy." Cant beat that.

Monsters standing framed

I just love making toys. Especially ones with attitude.


  1. Alana, these are so GREAT! your talent overwhelms!

  2. I know what you mean about getting a cold in the summer! I had one last week on my vacation! I was so mad but Sudafed and Advil made things more bearable. Glad you got were finally able to seam up the adorable monsters!

  3. Hmm, these might go on my Christmas list for my son - too cute!

  4. Awww, she looks so happy with her monster stuffies!!

  5. Those turned out really cute! You almost persuade me to knit them myself!

  6. These are so cute! Always wonderful photos!:)

  7. Hope mine come out half as cute as yours!

  8. These monsters are adorable, I love how the little one rides along with the larger one!

  9. Oh my goodness.. these are adorable!! Super duper cute!

  10. I wanted to see these finished, but then, up creeps my son and I hear his voice, "I want one of those! Can I have one of those? Could you make me some of those, only with the stripes a little different...." Here we go! Thanks, a lot! :)
    But, really, they turned out wonderfully!

  11. I love these! I haven't knitted a toy yet, but this may just be my first.

  12. Aren't summer colds the worst? Hope you're feeling better.

    The monsters are adorable...I think I need some!

  13. I just purchased this pattern... I think I'm going to make green and blue striped (with yarn left over from aliens for my son's birthday). There are for my daughter. I'm so excited to get started!

  14. They're so cute!! Hope you're feeling better.

  15. "Hilariously cute" describes them perfectly :) I love them!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I listened to the monster podcast this sunday and had to find out about these monsters, and of course, I went and bought the pattern, and now we have some monsters of our own. they are on my blog if you are interested in seeing them. Thanks for the podcast!

  18. Too cute, I saw these on your ravelry page and bought the pattern, sooo many ideas already for additions and change ups to the basic idea, this is going to be fun, and believe me I have the stash to be really creative. Also, not to be a copy cat but I also bought the beekeeper's quilt pattern, love the little flower details, and the colors you are using fit right it with my living room, (hint hint), just kidding! I hope all is well with you and yours, how about buying Ranch Dog Knitting and keeping a yarn store in town ;) toodles, paula
