
Never Not Knitting Printed Pattern Drawing Giveaway

Pattern Fan framed

This is a drawing to win all 13 of my newly printed patterns! The complete new pattern line.

Please leave a comment (with contact information) under this blog post to enter to win!
I will be announcing one winner on September 30th, 2010,
please check back then to see if you have won!

In your comment, please tell me what your favorite item is to knit.
Is it children's wear? Shawls? Socks? Hats? Underwear?
Whatever it is. Your comments will help me to determine what types of things to design in the future.

Gain an additional entry by posting this phrase from your Twitter account.

" I entered to win the Never Not Knitting Printed Pattern Drawing Giveaway at nevernotknitting.com! @nevernotknittin You should enter too! "

Thank you for all of your kind comments about my brand new printed patterns!
If you would like to see them carried in a shop near you,
please direct your local yarn shop owner to contact me at nevernotknitting@gmail.com.


  1. wow! i love to knit for babies! what a generous offer!
    thanks for sponsoring the giveaway!

  2. Oh, I'd love that collection! What a great giveaway.

    - Jodi in Chicago
    yarntastic AT gmail DOT com

  3. I love your patterns! And the new ones look so exciting.
    I tend to knit baby sweaters and fingerless mitts.
    Hoping, hoping, hoping I win!

  4. your printed patterns are so gorgeous!

    hmmm,favorite thing to knit? i'm going to go with sweaters, even though i don't do nearly enough of them!


  5. Love your stuff... and knitting for babies! Quick projects and so cute!

  6. I love knitting shawls and socks!


  7. I don't think I have a favorite, but if I had to pick one, it would be shawls! They're versatile, they can be speedier knits, and they variation is endless!

  8. Currently I'm liking shawls. It was the Cedar Leaf that started the trend!

    riordjo on Ravelry.

  9. I love knitting shawls, I wear them everywhere, work, meetings, outings, anywhere I'm not sure what the temperature may be.


  10. I bought the shawl-collared cowl pattern last week and gasped when I saw how beautiful the pattern was. I swear if I win the pattern line I'll hang them all up for decoration. So, so beautiful. I like to knit accessories and toys, especially for my 5 & 7 year old girls. Thanks for having this wonderful giveaway!

  11. These look lovely. I would love a chance to win. I love to knit hats and dishcloths most of all.

    avennett AT verizon DOT net

  12. They're stunning patterns, I absolutely love them.

    If I had to pick, my favorite items to knit are socks and sweaters.

  13. I love socks and sweaters best :-)

    thanks for such lovely patterns!


  14. What a great giveaway!:)
    I like to knit lots of stuff, but shawls and hats are nice for gifts and so on, so it tends to be a few of those:)
    my mail is: anne_marthe18@hotmail.com

  15. i just love to knit!!!! whatever I need in my wardrope or I just feel like at the moment:)

  16. Right now stockings and wrist warmers, but I really want to knit hats!!

  17. Beautiful layouts.

    I love to knit babywear and socks. Basically quicker things.


  18. Hmmm ... I've never knit underwear. :) My favorite thing to knit are baby hats.

  19. Beautiful patterns! It's tough to pic a favorite item to knit. I love shawls and scarves because you can never have to many and they make for interesting but manageable knitting. I also love kids sweaters because there is so much potential for fun colour!

  20. What great patterns! I would love them!
    abbyebee AT gmail DOT com

  21. I would love to be able to write patterns and design items. The next best thing is a collection of patterns!

  22. I would love to win your patterns! Right now I am enjoying knitting toe up socks in hand painted yarns. Its fun to see what colors will come up next and its a very portable project.

  23. Oooh! The format of your redesigned patterns is lovely. What a wonderful giveaway!

  24. Oh, this is so nice, and your patterns are so pretty. I love to knit socks and shawls!

    Liz U


  25. What I like to knit changes constantly. Currently, I am in love with instant gratification knits: primarily cowls and fingerless mitts! Thanks for the giveaway. My fingers are crossed!!

  26. The prints look really great. Wonderful graphic design.

    I prefer to make hats, mitts and neck things (scarves, shawls, shawlettes, and I am looking into new cowls and wimples to make).

    soundknitworks AT gmail DOT com

  27. What a lovely prize! I love to knit shawls and hats as gifts.


  28. I am a relatively new knitter who likes to complete projects so I'm all about knitting hats. But, I am ready to branch out so would love your pattern set!

  29. I tweeted: http://twitter.com/knitpurlgurl/status/24693473280

  30. How cute! Your lovely patterns look even nicer in their new presentation. No children in my life, but I may have to go find a few to knit your cute designs. But really, socks and shawls are my thing!

    Congratulations on the new look!

  31. such a cool giveaway! I am currently on a knitting purses kick. so much fun to use up the scrap yarn.

  32. My favorite things to knit are hats and shawls... I always have too many on the needles!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. I'm obsessed with knitting hats. You can knit one very quickly and usually only take one skein on yarn, so you can buy really great yarn. Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. I love knitting sweaters because I find I end up wearing those most often! I'm hoping to get to a Tea Leaves cardigan and a Cosette Wrap soon!! Congratulations on the expansion of your business and on the beautifully designed patterns.
    lizsto @ gmail dot com

  35. Oh this is lovely!!
    My favorite things to knit are wrist warmers and toys. They're usualy quick projects :3

    OkamiShoujo on Ravelry

  36. oh my contact info .. oops!


  37. surprisingly - i love to knit SWEATERS! Cabled sweaters! I just don't have time to make too many of them



  38. I have just finished knitting the kid's version of the spring garden tee for my little girl. I like knitting for her - anything that is modern and cute looking.

    I was very impressed with the way the t-shirt was knitted in one piece. I would definitely buy more patterns like that cause I always seem to have a brain fart and sew sleeves on inside out!

  39. I would love to win the patterns!
    My favorite thing to knit is shawls.

  40. I don't really have a favorite. Love cardis, hats, socks, and everything else after that.
    The printed patterns looks so great!

  41. What a great collection of patterns! I love to knit small stuff, like hats and socks for my military nephews, and baby items. Winning this giveaway would be great! Good luck to everyone.


  42. Right now I knit mostly socks, with shawls a close second, and birthday hats and kids' special requests a close third (again, usually hats). :)

    Those new printed patterns look fantastic! Have lots of upcoming babies to knit for, with husband's coworkers!

  43. Sock, sweaters, scarfs and afghans.

    jmikrut62 AT gmail DOT com

  44. I've finally finished my first sweater and it's a new favorite. I'd love to get my hands on some new patterns, too. ;)

    emily_salmons at yahoo dot com

  45. Oh wow! I would love, love, love to win all your patterns. So far I've tried just about everything, and I like all kinds of patterns, especially if they have a great little detail like lace, a cable, or ruffle. The only thing that never appealed to me was shawls. Now that I've seen your shawl patterns, however, I really want to give one a go!

  46. Omg i just bought your shawl collared cowl! Im going to make it for my hip mom for her birthday! I just fell in instant love with the color!


  47. My favorite used to be hats, because they were so quick, but I've really been getting into sweaters lately. Weird!

    (arletterocks at gmail, BTW, and omigod your patterns are pretty)

  48. What an amazing give-away! I love to knit socks and baby things, and sweaters and scarfs and well......... just about everything! I'd love to win.

    rav purlingpenny

  49. Your newly printed patterns are gorgeous! Thanks for a chance to win. My like to knit for babies and children mostly.


  50. ahh i wantt!!! i love to knit hats & toys the best but i also am trying to branch out as well. :]

  51. WOW it would be awesome to win just 1.

    I love to knit hats and shawls.


  52. What an AMAZING giveaway! I'm a graphic artist and I think the new pattern designs are gorgeous.

    I haven't knitted that many different things but I think my favorite project so far would have to be the umbilical cord baby hat. You can find the pattern in Stitch 'N Bitch. I've knit a few of those to give as baby shower gifts and they are always well received.

    kjramstack at yahoo dot com

  53. I love to knit for babies...especially since I have one! Those patterns are gorgeous!

  54. I love your giveaways! Congratulations on the printed patterns! Right now I an OBSESSED with shawls and cowls (probably since fall is right around the corner! thanks so much for the opportunity!
    k-knits on ravelry

  55. Right now I am really loving knitting sweaters...I've also enjoyed knitting toys in the past...I bet you could design some awesome toys!!
    JPeled on ravelry

  56. Wow...this is the best giveaway yet! I really love knitting socks, but lately I have been knitting other things with my sock yarn. Maybe I just love knitting with sock yarn regardless of the project.

  57. i love the idea of knitting sweaters a lot. however, i can never make myself finish knitting the second sleeve.


  58. Oh Alana all your patterns are gorgeous! I would love to knit any of these..I like to knit the toddler sized clothes for my niece whose 3. But my fave is sweaters for myself.

    mikki522 on Ravelry

  59. This giveaway is AWESOME! The patterns look so gorgeous all printed up! Congrats! :)

    Oddly enough, I love knitting toys. Stuffed bears, cats, loch ness monsters, anything! But I'm a weirdo! :) I also sew toys, so I'm probably just biased when it comes to my knitting as well! Clothing-wise I would that I enjoy berets. They're just so comfy and can be worn from early fall all the way into late spring!


  60. These look wonderful! Thank you so much for the giveaway!

    I really enjoy knitting fingerless mitts, baby hats, and neck warmers.

    ~ Diane

  61. Oh, how I love your patterns! The printed ones look gorgeous! My favorite things to knit right now are shawls. Thanks for the opportunity to win!


  62. Socks are the newest thing I learned to knit. Felted items are my favorite.

    Ravelry aandersonmi

  63. How exciting and generous! Currently I'm in a cowl mood but it is always changing. I have yet to tackle a substantial article of clothing but with 3 daughters, it's bound to happen!

    Thanks again for the giveaway! Your patterns are so beautiful.

  64. I've never knit underwear :) I usually like to knit easy seamless tops, or shawls and scarves. And I love knitting socks too.
    If I'm lucky enough to win you can contact me at
    denise at deniseschulz dot com

  65. What a collection!
    My favorite things to knit are bags. And toys. Then it would be hats and mittens for my boys. Wait a minute, that's what I end up knitting most often because they lose or outgrow them. But I am up for anything! Keep the patterns coming.

    amybel on ravelry

  66. I love making small shawls - I just can't stop! I bought a pair of size US 6 Addi Lace needles a year ago, and I've been burning through my sock yarn ever since! Thanks for the giveaway and the beautiful patterns.

  67. What a fantastic giveaway! (and the patterns DO look gorgeous)

    My favorite thing to knit is sweaters of all sizes, though I mostly knit sweaters for myself.

    My email address is my first and last name, which I'm not comfortable posting... but I'm "adleisia" on ravelry!

  68. For myself, I prefer socks. For others... well, baby knits, since it seems there is always a new baby who needs a new handknit.

  69. I love your designs so much! It would be amazing to have all those patterns--they look totally gorgeous.

    I think my favorite thing to knit, so far, is a vest. I think they're so useful and they look cute on everyone. And you don't have to knit sleeves!

    Thanks for doing such an awesome giveaway!

    virescent on Ravelry

  70. Pretty!

    xanaxjunkee AT yahoo DOT com

  71. Lately it seems to be scarves but I love to knit purses, bags, totes. One can never have too many.

  72. Love your patterns! I go back and forth, but I love knitting adult sweaters and hats.

  73. As a newbie (I've only knit 3 things so far) I don't have a particular favorite to knit. I want to knit everything! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  74. My favourite are definitely hats, without a doubt!


  75. Your patterns look beautiful! What a great giveaway!

    I love to knit small things: cowls, fingerless gloves, shawlettes, things like that.

  76. I'm a sock knitter at heart but I knit all kinds of things as the mood strikes.

  77. I would LOVE to win this! My favorite thing to knit right now is toys (ask me if that is still true after Christmas LOL)

    Thanks for the chance! Karafleck@gmail.com

  78. I would love to win your patterns. I love them all! Right now I'm loving to knit for my toddler and upcoming baby...and a bit for myself. I'm just a beginner but like trying new things. I also have a short attention span so it seems I'm drawn to shorter projects - baby things are great. Thanks for your blog and podcast!
    -Julliana @ equalopportunitycrafter.blogspot.com

  79. I love to knit for my girls who are both in the tween stage. I of course like to do hats too ;)

  80. Oooohhh, I'm crossing my fingers for this one! I love knitting hats!

    jeremynjenprice (at) gmail (dot) com

  81. My first knitting love is hats! My second love to knit is scarves. I love to knit them for two main reasons. Hats and scarves are finished quickly and I can then show to all my friends that I have accomplished something fabulous. Also they look good and are needed by everyone. I just love your patterns and thank you for sponsoring a giveaway!
    please see my tweet @emily_billings

  82. I love to knit hats because I love to wear hats. Especially hats with a fun detail on one side.

  83. Just tweeted!


  84. Hey, what a really cool knitting-page!
    I'm still not able to find such a good page here in my country - or even my continent!
    My favorite items are shawls in all variations.
    Keep on knitting!

  85. Oooooo, now THAT'S a giveaway. I like to knit socks and sweaters the most, but I've been known to be sidetracked by shawls and mittens.

  86. I love to knit hats all sizes, shapes and sorts! What a great deal!!! thanks for this giveaway!

  87. ohhh yum!! I just want to look at them all over and over so pretty.
    I love children's knits, socks, sweaters, everything gets knit every once in a while, all your patterns are fab.
    Great giveaway!

  88. What a generous gift offering!! Thank you!

  89. Ooooooh! My luck's been really awesome today so I hope I win!



    knittynwitty on Ravelry

  90. Oh.my.gosh.oh.my.gosh.oh.my.gosh!!! I would love to win a full set of your printed patterns! They are so pretty and I love the way you write your patterns. Just recently I've been knitting a lot of hats, scarves and cowls (Just cast on your shawled collar cowl in fact!) but I would really love to knit more cardigans.

  91. Wow - I'm so excited about your beautiful patterns! My all-time favorite things to knit are sweaters and socks.


    kgregorsok AT gmail DOT com

  92. Wow - what a wonderful give-away! I love to kniw kids clothing; hats. scarves, sweaters, mittens....they all knit up so quickly and the grandkids LOVE wearing the finished products and much as I love making them! Good luck to me....

  93. Pretty patterns, I would love to win them!

    My favourite knit is different kinds of small knits like socks, mitts and scarves.

    -Rannveig (ravnejenta @ravelry)

  94. sweater of course! cardigans too...

  95. I would love to win these! I'm a fairly new knitter, but I love to knit scarves and am working on several toys for my daughter. I also have some sweaters lined up for me to work on (eventually!).

  96. How awesome!!! Love the giveaway! My favorite thing to knit is little girl clothing. Girls 4-14 are missed big time in the knit designs.

  97. Amazing giveaway. I mostly knit sweaters for people, including myself, and baby items. Those are both my favorite things to knit.

  98. Your new publications are gorgeous! Am presently working on the Shawl Collared Cowl.
    My favourite knitting is for a little grandson.

    russell1370 AT shaw DOT ca

  99. these look goergeous, thanks for hosting the giveaway.
    i love hats and scarves and gloves since they make nice gifts. i love socks too.
    songyueyu at gmail

  100. Tweeted!!!

    rottnluck at gmail dot com

    I entered once above too but didn't leave my contact info in the comment.

  101. These are so gorgeous. I've really gotten into vests lately, but I'm starting to get back into accessories (like that gorgeous cowl).

  102. I love to knit sweaters, and baby knits are fun and adorable! This would be an absolutely amazing giveaway to win....fingers crossed! Thanks for your beautiful patterns!


  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. i tweeted http://twitter.com/syytta/status/24697764325

  105. Your patterns are beautiful, and the things they make are too!

  106. Oh my goodness what a gift for someone!
    My favorite is socks I have to say, but I really enjoy the small shawls and then, I do like sweaters and mittens and........... you get the picture, LOL.

  107. Hi! I taught myself how to knit about 4 months ago and started on a lace scarf for my first project. Since then I have tackled cabled scarves, a cabled bag, lace hats, fair isle and my first sock. lol Right now I ma finishing up my first pair of twisty stitched fingerless gloves and preparing to jump into a cable and lace scarf. I saw your Very Cherry pattern and was already considering making that my first official clothing item, making one for each of my nieces. I don't have a favorite thing to knit yet, but I enjoy each new challenge I have come across so far.


  108. Okay. I admit, I have a number of your patterns already but to have them in glossy professional format is too exciting an offer to pass on!

    I really love knitting children clothing and toys. Maybe the kids clothing more than the toys because they so often have so much sewing up involved.

  109. I love knitting sweaters for my kids and the occasional mitt/hat for myself. Love your patterns!

  110. I love knitting toys and hats. Hats are easy projects and toys are fun and often challenging

    marieladriannecabral AT gmail DOT com

  111. I just finished your shawl collared cowl and I love projects like that. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  112. I really love knitting shawls. I have been lusting after your cedar leaf shawlette for a while now.

  113. I love your patterns and your blog. Thank you for this giveaway!


  114. I would love to win your beautiful new patterns. Thanks!

    I've been knitting a lot of shawls lately. I always have a pair (or two) of socks going too. And I knit a lot of gifts too.


  115. I love knitting sweaters. And scarves. And baby blankets.
    And anything that uses yarn.

    RhondaH AT WardMech DOT com

  116. WOW! They're so gorgeous and I really want them!

    My favorite thing to knit is socks :) I'm addicted to it! Though lately, I've noticed a lot more quick-to-finish projects like hats and dishcloths, just because I have so much less time.

    My email is alyoops at ymail dot com, and my blog is http://aly-oops.blogspot.com :)

  117. Socks. I love that they are portable and that a skein of yarn goes a long way.

  118. Love your blog - and THANK YOU for the give away chance!! My favorite things to knit are shawls and cowls, neck warmers, etc. I also like to felt knitted items.

  119. I am pretty new to knitting, but I like baby items, small and quick to knit.

    Dana in Vancouver

  120. What beautiful patterns. I love your concept.

    I've just recently developed a strong sock knitting addiction but knitting sweaters is a strong second.

  121. Your patterns are gorgeous! Lately I most love knitting socks for myself, and hats for toddlers and babies!

  122. I love to knit for my two little boys. More boy patterns are always appreciated!

    What a great giveaway! I would love your collection!


  123. I'm so excited about seeing the patterns in person! They're gorgeous! As for my favorite thing to knit? Probably sweaters, but I love socks, too!

  124. I love knitting scarves!


  125. great prize! my favourite things to knit are hats and shawls... so the Cedar Leaf Shawlette would be first on the needles ;)

    - Tamara
    bbank334 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  126. LOVE your new pattern layouts!
    Hmm, I have 2 favorites to knit:
    1. neck accessories - scarves, shawlettes, cowls.
    2. Toddler/Child items (babies grow too fast)
    What a lovely giveaway, thank you!

  127. Love the new pattern graphics. I am in the bit of the hat knitting rut at the momment.


    pmacal DOT esq AT gmail DOT com

  128. i love to knit baby clothes for my granddaughter. Fast and fun! i am Goodstuff on Ravelry.

  129. I don't think I have a favorite really. It's what I have on the needles at the time. Right now I'm into shawls but I always have socks in my purse just in case a knitting opportunity arises. I love your patterns and your podcast.

  130. How generous! And exciting!!

    I love hats of all sizes.


  131. HOLY crap - this is an awesome giveaway. I love knitting sweaters, and gifts for other people!

  132. Would love, love, love a complete set of these great patterns! suzannewilsey@sbcglobal.net

  133. Oh wow, so many entries already! Not surprising, though. :)

    I love to knit women's sweaters and socks for the most part.


  134. I seem to knit a lot of baby sweaters lately! And, I do enjoy them!

  135. This is a fantastically generous offer! I love to knit either small projects or really large ones. I go from baby things to hats to small lace shawls to giant afghans. I do love knitting afghans, they just take so long!

    -Genevieve (genevievelg AT gmail DOT com)

  136. My mostest favoritest thing to knit is socks. Don't think that I am ever without a pair OTN.

  137. Oh, they are gorgeous. And so inspiring--thanks for the chance to win. I relearned to knit this summer and have started my third sweater. I'm totally addicted to sweaters/cardis:). Contact is
    3pumpkinslittle on Ravelry.

  138. What a great prize! Hats are my favorite thing to knit.

    - paws on ravelry

  139. OMG, your patterns look gorgeous! I love knitting everything (seriously) but I find myself drawn to hats a lot. I think it's the appeal of a quick project, something I can finish in a short amount of time!

  140. I am seriously drooling!!! I would love to win your patterns!
    Ok, I love to knit children's garments and toys and hats. sherralandmax@yahoo.com

  141. What a great pattern collection!!
    I love to knit shawls and neckwear but I also have grandchildren (with a new one on the way) so baby and toddler knitting is high on my list also. And who doesn't love to gift a mom-to-be with a beautiful knitted item.

    I'm suzygirl on ravelry


    Thanks for the opportunity!!

  142. Socks continue to be my favorite thing to knit

    joyceetta At Gmail Dot Com

  143. ... I like to knit it all... mittens, gloves, childens clothing and socks top my list.

    Your patterns are just beautiful~

  144. Wow - awesome giveaway!!! My absolute favorite item to knit is HATS. :)

  145. You are sooo generous offering all your patterns!
    thanks for the amazing giveaway!

    i love to knit hats!

    loststitch AT gmail DOT com

  146. Your new printed patterns are so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway!

    I am a big sock knitter, but I also love to knit shawls/scarves. I hope to knit my first sweater this winter, too!

  147. I love these patterns, I wish they were sold near me!

    I have fallen in love with knitting shawls this year.

  148. Sweaters for adult females are MY favorite thing to knit. Preferably in fairly big (worsted or heavier) yarn.

  149. I adored the Cedar Leaf shawlette and would love to make some more like this. But all yours patterns are adorable!

  150. What a great giveaway! I like to knit for kids and also hats (thw two are not mutually exclusive)!

  151. How wonderful! The new prints look so pretty. I really like small projects like hats, scarves, baby stuff. Anything that's easy to travel with!
    Melody redmelbug AT yahoo DOT com

  152. Love the new patterns graphics! I like to knit all kinds of things, but lately have liked smaller projects like cowls, hats, scarves/shawls and mitts. Have been lusting after the shawl collared cowl pattern!


  153. I think I love knitting shawls most of all (haven't tried underwear... hmmmm...)

    Your new printed patterns are gorgeous. Seriously.


  154. What a wonderful give-away!
    I like instant gratification projects ~ hats, cowls, shawlettes...

    IrishJennD on twitter
    IrishJenn on ravelry.

  155. Your new patterns are so cute!!! I would love to win them all!

  156. I love the look of your new patterns. They are beautiful. Who wouldn't want to win the full set!!! I love to knit hats (for a quick knit) and sweaters for long projects. I especially love color work. It is nice to have smallish projects to work on as you are working longer more time intensive projects. I can't post the comment via twitter but I will for sure post it on my facebook page! Your blog is wonderful and inspiring.

  157. Weee! I'd love to win! I've already purchased the cowl pattern but I would love all the rest too. Right now I'm into sweaters - for ME!

  158. What a fabulous give away! I enjoy socks and baby sweaters ;)

  159. i've been a socks & cowls gal, but i just finished the peasy sweater and now i think i'm a sweater knitter. your patterns are truly beautiful!

  160. Love the new look of the patterns! Can't wait to win...!
    Right now I'm knitting shawls, socks and top-down sweaters.

  161. These are so gorgeous! I'd love to have this collection! You did such a wonderful job on these! I love knitting small projects particularly for children and babies (toys, sweaters, mittens, etc). -kellery on ravelry

  162. What a fabulous giveaway! Currently I am in love with lace, but my knitting interests change with the wind! :)

  163. I love knitting for children, which is what brought me to your beautiful patterns in the first place!

  164. You are so generous to offer your new patterns for a giveaway! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win. I love knitting shawls and socks the most, but knitting anything is pretty cool!

  165. Ooo, what an exciting giveaway! I bought yarn today to knit your new Shawl Collared Cowl, but I haven't picked up the pattern yet. It looks so yummy! My current favourite things to knit are cowls and fingerless gloves.

    I'm fryk on Rav.

  166. I think my favorite to knie would either be sweaters or blankets, depending on my mood. Latley, it's been baby stuff!

  167. I love all your patterns. It's so nice of you to have a drawing giveaway! My favorite thing to knit is socks and the second best would be small shawls.

  168. I love knitting accessories- a quick, but elegant knit to give away to a loved one.

  169. I received your gift! thank you!!

    And what i love knitting: Cardigan brain-free knitting!

  170. I love to knit for children; and I love the color green. What more can I say. Thanks for your wonderful blog and podcast.

  171. I love the patterns and the scrapbook paper idea is fabulous. I'm sure before you know it, you will be printing more.

  172. I knit mostly socks, but I do love knitting sweaters and shawls a great deal.

  173. ilove your patterns because they have such beautiful, clean lines. i enjoy knitting shawlettes and scarves the most because i feel like they're most likely to be seen and admired by others- particularly non-knitters. :)

  174. With four grandchildren under four I am having a "ball" knitting for them.

  175. I'm a pretty new knitter so I love knitting cowls and hats but I can't wait till I'm at the point where I can knit sweaters and shawls.

    Thank you for this.

  176. I would love to win! I love your shawl collar pattern. I like to knit socks the short ones like footies.
    I also like baby items.

  177. I personally love to knit whimsies - silly fun knits that make me smile the entire time I'm knitting them :)

    And your pattern redesign is amazing! Bravo!

    Theindigomuse - Twitter

  178. I love to knit for babies too, they are so small which makes it quicker and sooo cute.

    Theresa (utsc@shaw.ca)

  179. This comment has been removed by the author.

  180. i would love to win these patterns what a gorgeous set.
    thanks for yet again another amazing giveaway.

    rav name : britbrit


  181. Hm...my favorite thing to knit is sweaters, although I never actually have the money to buy that much yarn. Ah, the perils of the recent college graduates.
    Beautiful patterns!

  182. I love to knit sweaters for myself! Selfish I know, but... Your patterns are lovely!

  183. Love your blog and the giveaway. I've been knitting pumpkin baby hats like crazy.

  184. All about socks for a long time but more recently I've been knitting sweaters for my self and my grandchild.

    New patterns are beautiful and this is a very generous giveaway.

    Teal on Ravelry
    waltonmw AT yahoo DOT com

  185. I definitely go on jags of what is my favorite item to knit. Currently it is sweaters.

  186. Oh wow, I'd love to win! My favorite type of knitting is kid's clothes.


  187. Socks are my favorite, although I have been knitting more sweaters lately.

  188. Congratulations on your new set of printed patterns. I thoroughly enjoy knitting cowls! Thanks for the opportunity for this giveaway.


  189. I really love knitting shawls with a beautiful but easily remembered pattern repeat!

  190. I love your patterns! My favorite things to knit are sweaters and socks. Maybe because I'm always cold? It is cold here in Alaska but as the saying goes "Northern Knitters are warmer" :)

  191. Hmmm...favorite thing to knit, hard to say, still practicing at sweaters, love scarves and really starting to love shawlettes (I've knit Damson & your Cedar Leaves), but I'd have to say hats still reign for now, they're quick, you get to try new techniques without overly committing, and indulge in some great yarns! Plus, whoever doesn't need a hat?

  192. Your printed patterns are lovely and I would be thrilled to win the collection! Thank you for your wonderful give-away.


  193. The patterns are works of art. They make me dreamy happy just like looking at a lovely cookbook.

    I can't get enough of knitting cardis! Especially in one piece.

    Thank you! Will tweet this, too.



  194. What a great giveaway! I think my favorite things to knit are scarves/shawls :)

  195. I love to knit sweaters, and I think hats are a close second.


  196. I love the new printed patterns. Lately I am starting to knit sweaters for both babies and adults (and hats).

  197. Aww, your new printed patterns are probably the prettiest printed patterns around. Great job! :)

    My favorite thing to knit is socks. I lovelovelove socks..as evidenced by my stash. LOL. :)

    Manda/knitpsycho on ravelry
    hello.lovely @T gmail.com

    (ha! my word verification is "things")
