
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 41 : The Birth Of A Knitter

Episode 41


Use the "Buy Now" buttons below to purchase the Gift and Fall pattern collections for a discounted price.

This offer is only available to the Never Not Knitting podcast listeners and blog readers. 
Offer ends November 1.

Check back for a Knitcircus Drawing Giveaway! Ill be posting that soon!

Please click here to directly download Episode 41


  1. I'm glad you're back to podcasting! I miss you when you're gone!

  2. I'm having a Never Not Knitting kind of day! Just listened to this epi while finishing up a Shawl-Collared Cowl (for MIL's birthday this weekend!) Great podcast and seriously AWESOME pattern!

  3. This was a fantastic episode :)

    I'm so glad you're blogging again, and the magazines look super fun:)

  4. I just found your podcasts a week ago and have managed to listen to all of them over my break! They are so much fun to listen to!

  5. I'm eyeing the Cedar Leaf Shawlette and thinking I need to increase my knitting skills kinda soon. Thanks again!

  6. I just love all your patterns, will you and/or your patterns be at Rhinebeck, Stitches East or Vogue Knitting Live??
    I hope so,

  7. Getting ready to start listening to the podcast while cleaning the basement wish I were knitting


  8. Thanks for the episode -- great to have you back!!! :) (I love the image of the scarf dipping into the toilet - made me laugh out loud!)

  9. Congratulations on your printed patterns! I know how much work that is. I just got tags printed for my hand-dyed (with plants I grow) yarns and it took forever to get the design right.
    I listen to your show while cleaning homes and offices for a living. Thanks so much for the wonderful listening.


  10. Ha! I absolutely don't 'hate' you - I love working with you on your beautiful designs!

    Fun podcast! Curious to see what's in store for your next one.

  11. Welcome back and thanks for alerting me to Knit Circus! And the shawl collared cowl is gorgeous!

  12. Thanks for the great episode!! Congrats on your printed patterns. You rock. KruegsJen

  13. It's great to have you back at podcasting! We have missed you around here!

    Thanks for another great one!ca

  14. Just spent the weekend knitting w/friends (Th-Mon - we extended it as there is never enough time to knit, right?). Keep on supplying us w/info, love it. Knitcircus would be a great addition to my library! djandnoh@yahoo.com :)

  15. Canvas lined tote is my favorite - you can stash it with all the other great items RoseKnits has to offer.

    Here's hoping to winning a lovely bag and yarn to boot!

    Brenda of estudio@bellsouth.net
    Charlotte, NC

  16. I made the Shawl Collard Cowl and just found some great button at Rose Knits Etsy shop. Love your podcast!
