
Blogiversary SALE!

Three years ago today I started my blog, and what a wonderful journey it has been. 
This blog has led me into wonderful friendships and exciting new creative opportunities. 
November 26, 2007 will always be a special day to me.

 For the past 3 years I've used this date to give back to my readers, and to all of you who have kindly supported me from the very beginning.

This year I will be offering a 50% off sale on all of my pattern pdfs. The sale will go on all day tomorrow, November 27th. From midnight to midnight PST.

To receive your discount, please enter the special code "3yearsofnnk" in the checkout process.

(Note: It has come to my attention that some of you are having a hard time with the discount code. At the bottom of the Ravelry Shopping Cart window, you will see a little link that says "Use Coupon Code", please enter in the code there. Email me if you have any questions: nevernotknitting@gmail.com)

Thank you, and enjoy!

Autumn Vines Beret Shawl Collared Cowl Cedar Leaf Shawlette Spring Garden Tee - Adult Version Cosette Amelie Playful Stripes Sheepish Molly Haltermelon Spring Garden Tee Chloe Very Cherry Watermelon Image Map

If you'd like to leave a comment for me, I would love to hear from you!

I'd love to find out how you originally stumbled upon Never Not Knitting and how long you've been reading!


Michelle B said...

Congrats Alana! I love your podcast, blog, and patterns too! I found you through my knitting pal Pam (of Pretty Knitty Jewelry)

Here's to many more great years!

Christina said...

I chatted with you once when you worked at one of our LYSs and you mentioned that you had a blog -- I'm not sure how long ago that was! Very happy for your success -- Congratulations!

Suzanne said...

Happy blog anniversary! I found your podcast only three weeks ago but I had marked your cedar shawl in my favorites a while ago. I've loved listening to all the episodes. They are like candy but better! I can't believe the strides you have made over the course of your crochet & knitting career. I'm very impressed by your drive, your projects and your productivity.

Kelly-ann said...

Congrats Alana! This is timely as I just cast off some legwarmies tonight...the second pattern of yours I have knit. Looking forward to more blog posts and patterns in the future :)

tammy said...

congratulations! i found you via sew liberated i believe...love, love, love your legwarmies! have used this pattern for several baby gifts.
thanks so much!

Silvia M. said...

I found your blog through Ravelry but I can't quite remember through which pattern. I've been a faithful reader ever since. Your patterns are beautiful. :)

Louise said...

Thanks, that is so generous! Unfortunately I just bought two of your patterns via ravelry last week :) I'm about to cast on more spring garden tees, for my daughter and for myself as well, I just love them!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I linked from CelticCaston's blog. I think I've been coming here for just under a year. I have the yarn and pattern for the adult spring tee and can't wait to make it. I've been a bit unfaithful to a cardigan and have promised (myself) that I'll finish that before I star the tee. I love your website and adore your nature inspired patterns. thank you.

Kristi said...

I found you through Ravelry. Believe it was the leg warmies <3

Connie said...

Congratulations! We all hope you have many more years both with your blog, podcasts, and, of course, pattern design. Thanks for your sale. I just bought 2 (Cedar Leaf Shalette and Shawl Collared Cowl)which had been in my queue for a while and can't wait to cast on.

Unknown said...

I've just bought 3 patterns and now I've collected 4 of your beautiful designs. Love them all! Thanks for the discount.

Donna said...

Congratulations and thank you. You are very enabling...I've been eyeing two of your patterns and kept putting off making them (too many UFO's, you know how it is). Well now I have two more things in the basket, how could I resist a twofer. LOL.

CeRae said...

Happy 3rd Anniversary Alana! You've come so far in such a short amount of time! Congratulations :)

CelticCastOn said...

Congrats Alana! You've done a lot of pattern writing in 3 years! I think I found your blog through Amanda at Joli House quite some time ago, then I realized you had a podcast, listened to them all, was hooked and the rest is history! I've purchased two of your lovely designs, one for me and one for my daughter. Thanks for the discount!

Beth said...

Happy blogiversary and thanks for the great sale!

I've been reading/listening since late spring/early summer. A friend recommended your podcast to me and I'm glad she did.

Ytknits said...

Congratulations! I love your blog and also your patterns. Your new pattern presentations are gorgeous. Makes you want to knit them all! I've actually knit the Shawl Collared Cowl as a Christmas gift for this year. What a great pattern! I can't remember how I found your website, probably enticed by someone knitting your patterns from another blog. I love the pattern sale and picked up 5 patterns I've been eying. Our oldest daughter had a baby girl this past August. She'll be getting the Watermelon sweater from Santa :-)

polkaknits said...

Congratulations! I like your blog very much. I found it couple months ago and I'm always waiting for new post since then!

Sherral said...

Alana you are awesome! I'm going shopping right now!!!

Teal said...

Thank you! Love your well organized blog and podcast. Took the opportunity to buy some of those patterns that have been sitting in my shopping cart - Cedar Leaf Shawlette, Shawl Collared Cowl, Playful Stripes and Chloe. Now to find the time to knit them all.

melsheljack said...

I work at a LYS and a customer came in with your shawl collar cowl and we loved it, just a week ago.

Beverly said...

Amazing! At this point, I can't remember for sure how I found you ... through your podcast? I just know I've always thought everything you do, including your podcast, is so well thought out and professional. Here's to another 3 years of success and more, Alana.

Jen said...

Congrats on your blogiversary!! I think I found the podcast first and then the blog. Love your patterns...thanks for the sale today. I just downloaded Autumn Vines Beret and Shawl Collared Cowl!

KnittingBetsy said...

Congratulations! I like your blog and your design so much! It is always a huge joy to see what you do, and not only your projects but also your photos are phantastic!

I'd like to buy the "Molly" pattern, but the link does not work.

Greetings from Germany,

Catie said...

Congratulations on this anniversary. I found your podcast via a giveaway I think - maybe yarn on the house - earlier this fall. I'm now addicted and working my way through back episodes. I think my favorite part is when you include clips of your daughter saying how much she loves the toy you made for her - like when you made her the mouse and she named him Stuart.

Gene said...

Congratulations to your Blogiversary! Thank you for the discount. I just received some Paypal funds earlier today and look at that, you have a sale! I'm still new to knitting. Hopefully I'll be able to make both spring tees for me and my daughter.

maria said...

Thanks! This is awesome. I can't wait to make the Cedar Leaf Shawlette for my mom. The coupon code didn't work for me...

Clumsy Knitter said...

Congrats, Alana! I remember discovering your podcast when it first came out, but I can't remember how. Either way, I have been enjoying it the entire time. :D

deidre said...

Congratulations! I found your podcast from another podcast quite awhile ago. You had me hooked from the song. Bless you!

Francesca said...

Dear Alana,
I found you through the sknitty blog, and purchased the Cedar Shawlette pattern and received advice from you re yarn -- and sales price from the Backwards Loop.

I am trying to take part in the Blogiversary Sale but for some reason PayPal is not taking the discount code. Ah well!

Maryse said...

Happy Bloggiversary! I've discovered your blog this year. I can't tell for sure, but it is surely via another blog that I discovered yours! Since then, it's been on my blogroll and I really enjoy every visit! Thank you!

ctexas said...

Congrats your blog and podcast are on my list of things to check weekly.
Love all the patterns have made quite a few.
I found you from reading Brooklyntweed's, I think or not sure but so very glad I did keep up the good work.

Kerstin said...

Congratulations Alana! I've been following your blog since january of 2008 after meeting Eileen Duffy who told me about you. I always look forward to reading your blog, listening to your podcast and seeing your latest creations. Keep up the great work!

jillian said...

Happy Blogiversary! I can't remember exactly where I came to NNK, but I am betting it was either a link from another blog or from one of your patterns on Ravelry :)

Kathryn said...

Happy Birthday to your site, and I love it! I wish I could remember exactly how I stumbled across it, but your a constant source of inspiration and I love your patterns!

Unknown said...

thanks for the great sale, i picked up two new patterns i've had my eye on. :)
i've been listening to your podcast for about a year, though i can't remember how i found it.
congrats on your anniversary!

Hege said...

Congratulations, I came across your blog on Ravelry, and I've read a long time. I have just knitted Playful Stipe cardigan, and it's gorgeous :-)

Greetings from Norway

Mikki said...

Congrats! I enjoy your blog and podcast so much! Looking at all of your projects is so inspiring. Thank you for the sale! I can't wait to knit from your patterns!

Tinkie said...

Congratulations Alana! 3 years and counting; I have loved knowing you and watching your much deserved successes as you've woven several talents into this passion of knitting design. I first learned of your blog from you as my knitting/crocheting instructor and lys mentor. You have a quick and endearing wit, which shines through in your blogstylings. I was so excited to see your ad in Twist Collective's Winter Ezine. Here's to many more years of design, creativity and broadening your web-presence. Hugs to you!

Judi A. said...

I was finally able to do some blog reading catch-up after a busy holiday week-end and was so excited to see your celebration sale for 3 years. I quickly went to patterns and started choosing which ones I was going to order. I actually got ready to check-out and then realized the sale had ended. :-( I was so disappointed, but still wish you congratulations on your blog anniversary and hope you continue on for many more! :-)


Nicky said...

I have been reading your blog for about 18 months.
I love the pic's of your wee girl.
I also love all the giveaways and the interviews.
All the best for your anniversary from Auckland . New Zealand.

Rachelle said...

Drat, I missed out cos I got behind on my reading. Love your blog, love your patterns. Will have to save up now.

Tracey said...

Congrats! I absolutely love your blog, and have recently started listening to your podcast. It's one of the best around for sure!
But unfortunately I was not able to participate in this discount as I was away for the Thanksgiving holiday. Any chance you can open up the sale for one more day?
If not, BUMMER!

Emily Repnyek said...

I stumbled upon Alana through a mutual friend, and now I have been listening to past podcast episodes while I have been knitting just to catch up. It's totally informative, and actually kind of soothing. She is an awesome friend and an even better instructor! Congrats on your anniversary!

Andrea said...

Congratulations! I will buy your new beret pattern on sale but would have any way at full price! ;-) I wish I could remember exactly how I stumbled on your blog, but I can't. I discovered Ravelry only about a year ago, so it might have been through that. (2010 marked the beginning of my knitting resurgence.) I love your taste in projects and designs and have knit lots of things from you as a result. (AndreaElizabeth on Ravelry.) I enjoy listening to your podcasts when I run. I listen and then when I get home I have to open your blog to see the projects you've discussed!

Poethead said...

I'm so glad you're still blogging and designing. I love your site. I found you by accident. Now, I own all most all of your patterns, and I've made many of them. Love them. Onward to the next anniversary!