
Autumn Vines Beret Pattern- In Print!

Just the other day I received in my bulk shipment of Autumn Vines Beret patterns from the printery! 
I love the way they have turned out!

The past few days have been completely taken up with pattern order processing and packaging. 
Let's just say that the post office lady knows us all by name now. :)

Check for the printed pattern in a yarn shop near you!


  1. I wish all patterns were printed like this, they are beautiful. I still need to find that shop near me that sells them :)

  2. Seeing my work in print like that would make me beam. Plus, I love good mail.

  3. i just bought your cedar leaf shawlette and now i see the new autumn vines beret and i just wanted to comment on how pretty your patterns (the actual product) and "patterns in print" are. the backgrounds are so nice. i almost want to buy them just for the pattern in print.

  4. those look awesome, The'll sell like warm cookies!
