
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 45 : Special Occasion Hats

Episode 45



The winner of Episode 44's Brave New Knits Drawing Giveaway is Judi A! Congratulations!

*Please check back soon to enter the drawing for Episode 45!

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Click HERE to download the Episode 45 MP3 file.


  1. That was a great episode! I totally relate to giving gifts that no one appreciates. I gave my sis-in-law 4 baby blankets and a sweater for my nephew and he wore none of them! Never again! I would love to win some of those sarcastic tags!
    Emily R

  2. Giving someone your handmade items is scarey. There are some who don't appreciate them because they think of them as less than something bought in a store. Choose the recipient carefully. Gift tags would be a nice touch if you are brave enough to gift part of yourself.

  3. I stopped knitting for my sister. Everything I made for her got packed up and sent to never never land. She constantly remarks about how pretty the things are that I make but never again!

  4. great episode. My granddaughter love getting knitted "just for her" items, grandson not so much! He is 3 and not that into it.would love to win these tags.

  5. I am careful about who I knit for. Mostly I make things for myself. I hate to think someone feels obliged to wear what I've made for them.

  6. Just listened to the podcast and I had to laugh, I work at a LYS and hear stories like this alot.

  7. I had been looking all over for cool knit gift tags, and then, in my morning walk podcast, there you were Alana, with the answer!!! thank you. I also found knitknotes to be fun, just incase you want a laugh, chck them out.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I can believe that a knitwear recipient will not use it because they think it's beautiful and precious. Last year, I knit some beautiful Monkeys and I wore them only once cause I'm afraid to use them ;-) They are so nice!!!

  10. I am a late-comer to listening, but appreciated this podcast as i have spent hours creating just the right gift for which i have rec'd such lackluster thanks that i wanted to take the item back. glad i'm not the only one...
