
The NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 49 : Knitting Without Fear

Episode 49


The winner of Episode 48's Ida's Kitchen Drawing Giveaway is "Lyeng11"! Congratulations!

*Please check back soon to enter the drawing for Episode 49!

Get 25% off the entire selection of Yarn love yarns and patterns 
until February 28th!

Enter code "nnk25" in the checkout process on either Etsy or Ravelry to receive your discount.
This offer is exclusive to the Never Not Knitting podcast listeners and blog readers.

Click HERE to download the Episode 49 MP3 file.


  1. I completely agree with you, you designers need to slow down with the great patterns! I can't keep up!

    Great episode! I really loved the knitting story! It's encouraging because I learned to knit with the Knitting for Dummies book. =]


  2. What a great way to enjoy a snow day--knitting and listening to your podcast. Casting on for Norie today--thank you!

  3. I looooovvvvvve Elizabeth Bennett (both the character and the yarn!). I've got one skein that I just can't just myself to knit up.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sunny and clear in Oregon today. Lovely podcast and can't wait to try the new yarn and your lovely patterns.

  6. Thank you for once again providing an informative show. I have learned so much about the yarns and patterns available. I also am inspired by the story. I will continue to push myself to try new techniques.

  7. Thank you for once again providing an informative show. I have learned so much about the yarns and patterns available. I also am inspired by the story. I will continue to push myself to try new techniques.

  8. Thank you for another great episode. I love your beautiful cowl! and thank you for the intro to Yarn Love; pretty names for pretty yarns.

  9. I'm emailing all my knit friends to listen to your podcast. Enjoyed listening to Gudruns story. Can't believe she's just started designing> I'm knitting her Shalder pattern from ST Book 1 and it's turning out wonderful. love your podcast,

  10. The Yarn Love yarn names really captures my imagination. I cast on to knit the sugar and cream cowl last week. I am using a fingering weight I bought at Yarnia here in Portland.
    Great Episode

  11. I loved listening to Gudrun's knitting story! Great episode!

  12. Thanks for a great podcast, this is the first one I've listened to and really enjoyed it! I love the yarn love yarns, they look luscious. I can't wait to listen to more!

  13. I just read your interview. Lovely. And very cute headband! I was a little disappointed, but only a very little. When you mentioned you had a little girls' project coming out in the spring issue and you were using Louet Gems Fingering, I went and bought several hanks of the stuff. Now I have far too much yarn . . Oh darn. :-)

  14. I checked the Yarn Love site and was overwhelmed by the yarn color choices. There were so many that I would find it difficult to settle on one. Thanks for the info on this yarn.

  15. I loved all the patterns, especially your knit headband with the flowers. I think I will make that for my 4 yr old niece. All the articles were really intersting, especially the one on you!

  16. I really like the Yarn love yarn...Elizabeth Bennet sure sounds lovely!! However given my name, I'm more curious to try the Diana :)

    I really loved Gudrun's story. Kitting for Idiots is really helpful, hehe

    Hope to win the Yarn Love contest.

    See you at stitches west :)


  17. Thanks so much for introducing listeners to the knit Circus. It was a great find for me.

  18. Thanks so much for introducing listeners to knit circus.

  19. Enjoyed the podcast. I enjoy hearing about the yarns you are using.

  20. Your podcast makes me happy. It is perfect for a snow day knit session :)

  21. This was a perfect way to spend on a snow day in front of a fire knitting!

  22. Great podcast. I keep meaning to try Elizabeth Bennet. Thanks for the reminder.

  23. A wonderful podcast - thank you! Gudrun's story was great!

  24. Thanks for another wonderful episode, and for reminding me that I really need to get Gudrun's book on mz Amazon wishlist. I'm completely head over heels for the Filska skirt -- s.o.p.r.e.t.t.y.!! Am looking forward to the next show and finding out which special guests you have in store for us. In the meantime, good luck with the Stitches prep, and don't feel bad at all about not quite reaching the 5-pattern goal - 4 is still quite an achievement. :-)

  25. I only just recently discovered your podcasts and love them. I bought Gudrun's book when it first came out and love the designs at the moment I am knitting Laar. And Yarn Love is a gourgous yarn I bought a skein about 5 years ago and still have it as I classify it as too good to knit silly I know but I will knit it one day. Hope you continue your wonderful podcasts.

  26. I love your podcast, Alana. Imagine my extreme sadness on February 2 when I dropped my iPod into the puddle of water at my feet while listening to episode 49. The puddle of water formed after I accidentally spilled 20 ounces of water in my lap on a 29 degree day. I fried my iPod and had to wait hours to finish the episode. It's all better now. I have a new iPod and loads more room to store archived episodes.

  27. I am loving your knits and podcast too! cant wait to read more about you

  28. amazing giveaway--amazing new yarn! thanks

  29. I really enjoyed the knitting story, I have only been knitting 3 months and have surprised myself, armed with a knitting answer book and u tube I have made all sorts. I now feel all inspired after listening to Gudrun's story I think I really will have a go at those cable socks!!

  30. You are correct norie hat is very cool! Really enjoyed this podcast thank you. Gudruns story was excellent and her designs are amazing. Keep up the great designs!

  31. Listened to Episode 49 while office filing this afternoon. i love how it makes such a mundane task fly by!

  32. First thanks for another great podcast. I have to say I usually look at knitcircus for the patterns and have never read the articles. This time they caught my attention and I am enjoying the read.

  33. Very inspiring story. I love knitting because there is always something new to learn if you leave yourself open to mistakes.

  34. I'd love to hear you discuss in the podcast how you became a designer, and what you've learned along the way about designing, marketing and selling your designs.

  35. Great ep! The yarns sound gorgeous:). I really enjoyed Gudrun's story- I can relate to being too proud to admit I don't know something at the LYS, but will rush back home to read, google or you-tube a technique ;P

  36. Yarn Love---AMAHzing!!! Thanks for another great episode. I wish you the best at Stitches. Jennifer

  37. I only just got my first ipod and discovered your lovely podcast - really enjoying listening and would love a chance to win all goodness in your giveaway! I am sitting knitting socks as I listen - what better way is there to enjoy a saturday at home!

  38. Enjoyed this podcast, and your new patterns are super cute. I'm sure they'll be great at Stitches. :)

  39. Thanks for the opportunity to win the Yarn Love yarn. I went to the website and just love the Elizabeth Bennett yarn. Gorgeous!

  40. Wow! What a wonderful give-away! I love your patterns!

  41. Thanks for the chance to win Yarn Love! I have a skein I am saving for something special.

  42. I think you are one of those designers who needs to slow down! Really Alana, I haven't even had a chance to spin up the yarn for the Oak Grove Mitts and now you have published a pattern that is made for that special skein of sock yarn in my stash!! I have some Madeline Tosh Sock in the Fjord colorway that I've been hoarding forever without finding that perfect pattern. I think my search is over!

  43. Another great podcast. I enjoyed Gudrun's story. My favorite Yarn Love colorway is "Stargazing"

  44. Hi, Alana -

    I just started listening to your podcast this last week, and look forward to meeting you at Stitches West in a couple of weeks! I've listened to 5 or 6 episodes and have really enjoyed it :-)

    ~ Tracie Bezerra

  45. Love your podcast and the wonderful book.

  46. The Homin shawl in Yarn Love saffron colorway. Now there's a wonderful day of knitting to look forward to. The patterns are all charming (and I love the cardigan you knit for your daughter, Gudrun). This is my first time to listen to the NeverNotKnitting podcast. What a pleasure, and thanks for reminding me that there really are things one can do with sock yarn (besides socks)!

  47. Argh!!! More yarn to love and more gorgeous patterns to add to my queue. Guess it's good that I'm a little behind everyone and all the colors that are good for me (I'm a summer) must be gone so my pocketbook is safe... for now !

  48. Always love your podcast! Love the stories! I have a few of my own and hearing others' stories makes me giggle and feel like I belong a little. :0) What a great and original idea!


  49. Awesome episode. Can't wait to check out the Yarn Love yarns and the Shetland Trader book.
    Thanks for all you do!

  50. I have just discovered your podcasting blog ... just in time for the season end. Boo Hoo.
    Hopefully I will be able to catch up on the previous 48 podcasts while waiting for a new season.
    Mind you that will along with: checking out Yarn Love and looking for Gudrun's book. (I already have Knitting for Dummies.) and testing new patterns.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Thanks for the yarn info! So many colors, so little time.
    Removed earlier post due to typo!!

  53. Thank you for another great episode. I enjoyed Gudrun's story. This cowl will make me finally learn cables!

    Lisa in Chicago

  54. What a pleasure to meet you at Stitches. I will listen to this episode on my way home from Stitches.

  55. hello Alana, Although I am usually one or two episodes behind I am still with you. I still remember when you told me you were going to start doing a podcast. Way back in the day when we compared favorite patterns at the yarn shop. Here's to another 50.
