
Stitches West Recap and Surprise! A New Podcast Episode!

I'm back from the Stitches West Convention! What an amazing experience that was!

I was able to capture the show in photos and in audio for you.

Setting up....

My husband was so helpful. He did so much for the booth and ran TONS of errands for us during the show. 
I couldn't have done it without him.

 Here is our cozy little booth when all was said and done.

Lisa's gorgeous hand-dyed yarns made for a beautiful colorful display on the back wall.

Here is a closeup of the lovely samples we had knit up for the show in the beautiful yarns.
My Dad made this little wooden display for me to hang everything on. 
It turned out super cute and it was great to show off all of the knits at eye level.

This lovely Cedar Leaf Shawlette knit by Lisa in the Becoming Art Lana Sedosa in the "Mother" colorway 
was the sample that seriously won the most attention. This was my best selling pattern by far and 
I left the show with approx 10 copies left. And I brought a TON. 
This was definitely the most popular pattern at the show.

Another lovely sample was this Cosette Wrap that Lisa wore on Sunday. 
Its knit out of Lisa's handspun yarn which she was also selling at the show. 

I think that this is the perfect pattern for showing off handspun and the finished shawl was soo cushy and bouncy.

I want one now.

All in all, I had a fabulous time! I met so many fun people and saw so many beautiful things...

Which reminds me...
I have a new SURPRISE "Stitches Recap" podcast episode to share with you!

You can download the MP3 of the bonus Episode 50.5 here

Thanks everyone!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow - this looks so great! I wish I wasn't so far away and could have been there! It's a real paradise! :-)

    Many greetings from Germany

  3. Congratulations on a successful Stitches! The booth looks so colourful and cosy. Thanks for the bonus episode :)

  4. Glad you are back - the booth looks so colourful and I hope you enjoyed it - despite all the hard work beforehand.

  5. It is wonderful to see the pictures from Stitches. It seems like a dream come true, but more likely is the product of a lot of hard work on your part. I'm so happy to see you shine and be in your element. I hope you are ulcer free and resting up.

    PS. I am so happy to see Cedar Leaf in that colorway. I have had it in my mind that it had to be green, which I didn't mind at all, but it looks lovely in that color as well.

  6. AH!!! A surprise podcast!!!! Thanks!! Everything looks so beautiful!!! Wish I lived closer!
    jpeled on ravelry

  7. Oh my. That cedar leaf shawlette in that color is incredible. Your setup is just stunning with all of Lisa's yarn! Gorgeous! I wish I could have been there. Huge congrats to you two!

  8. So glad to get an audio update before your break! Off to download now.

  9. So glad all of you survived! Congrats on the success....I am drooling over the cedar leaf shawlette too (how'd I miss that one?)

  10. your booth looked AMAZING! great photos, and the yarns and patterns look gorgeous tgoether. I'm so glad you had a great show, and that your patterns did so well- that cedar leaf shawlette is so timeless, I'm not the least bit surpised that it sold so well. Congrats!

  11. What a great episode! And great surprise! I loved it, though I have to say that my favorite interview was the one with your dad.
    Also, thanks for talking about some of the other podcasts out there.

  12. Of course the Cedar Leaf Shawlette was a hit! It's my go-to pattern for gift giving. I've NEVER made one that wasn't well received (or that I wanted to keep for that matter).

  13. I wish I could be there! It sounds like very exciting experience besides of hard work.
    Your parents are so spppuortive! I've recently heard your first podcasts about the Dad sweater and it's so great that he's wearing it!

  14. Thanks for sharing your experience. I don't know if I'll ever get to go to a Stitches. Sounds like lots of fun.

  15. Loved visiting your booth. It was so colorful and well stocked with beautiful yarns and patterns. I picked up the Cream and sugar cowl pattern and a cozy soft skein of Lisa's yarn to go with. The pictures are great!

  16. Thanks so much for the recap!!! It sounds like you had a fantastic time :o) Your booth looked like so much fun! I wish I lived closer!

  17. I thoroughly enjoyed the surprise podcast.! Sure takes alot of work, but it came off really great!

  18. wow - that cedar leaf shawlette is simply stunning. must have some yarn in the 'mother' colorway! thanks for the surprise podcast and sharing the pics from Stitches West - your booth looked so great!

  19. Alana, it was so fun to hear a little of your Stitches West experience, thanks for recording and sharing it with us! Congratulations on having a great show, your booth looked adorable. :)

  20. What a GORGEOUS set up!! You both (&hubby too) did a fantastic job!! I'm so sorry I don't live on the west coast so that I could have been there too!!


  21. What a beautiful booth! I'm glad you had such a great time :)

  22. I listened to your recap while knitting Seedling with Verb for Keeping Warm yarn that I purchased from the booth next to yours......what a treat! It was nice meeting you.

  23. Beautiful booth. Can you answer a question? In one of the pictures there is a Molly beret knitted is some beautiful stripy yarn. What is that yarn? thanks.

  24. Congatulations, Alana! Your booth looks wonderful and sounds like you were very successful. Way to go!

  25. You had a very well furnished booth!

  26. Loved your booth. Excited to get your new pattern. Most of all what a pleasure to meet you Alana. Your husband sounds like a charm and must be so proud of what you have accomplished with your designing and knitting skills. Karen

  27. Stitches West is soooo close to me! This year I had to go to Idaho to visit my husband's family, but I will see you there next year!

  28. Your booth was fabulous! It was so fun to meet you. I'm almost done with my Seedling hat, one of the patterns I purchased at the show. Can't wait to see what else you have coming down the pike. I'm downloading the surprise episode -- I hope I don't cringe when I hear myself! :)

  29. Your booth was my absolute favorite! Love the patterns, yarn and friendly you.

  30. Loved your booth! Loved your patterns! Loved your yarn! Thanks for your friendly, helpful and delightful staff!

  31. What great photos of your booth. It looks so inviting - makes me want to walk right in and look at all the lovelies and feel some of those luscious yarns. Love your father's display rack. Wish I could have been there.

  32. Wow it looks so enticing. I wish I could step into my computer and have been there. Love the idea of the little cloths line with peg for showing off your lovley goodness.

  33. Yay for surprise podcasts, especially ones that make me feel like I'm actually there. Thank you for doing a recap with live interviews from Stitches. I've always wanted to go, more so after hearing what it's like! And congrats on having a successful show yourself. I hope you had a chance to get some rest afterward.

  34. Do you go to any of the other stitches.

  35. I was so thrilled to meet you there and see your designs up close. It really was a sweet booth!

  36. Thank you so much for the surprise episode and the photos! I'm always really happy to hear recap episodes like these, since it's the only chance I have to take part in the fiber festivals. Germany is just so far behind in that respect :-( Glad to know it was such a success for you, especially after all the hard work you put in. Looking forward to hearing more in June!

  37. It was so nice to meet you and also to touch the Becoming Art yarn. I can't wait to make my oak leaves mittens!

  38. Oh how you are making me long for Stitches Midwest. Great podcast! Love the interviews from fellow listeners and pod-casters.

  39. Congratulations, Alana! Sounds like it was a great event for you. Loved to hear all of the folks at the show. Wish I could have been there, but I'm across the country.

  40. Hi, Alana -

    I really enjoyed meeting you (and your mom!) at Stitches! Has your mom started learning to knit yet? I'm looking forward to knitting the patterns of yours I got :-)

    Take care!

  41. I really wish I could attend one of these. I would spend soooo many $$ and have a blast.
    I'd bring friends with me. They'd also bring $$ to spend.
    There never seems to be one near me though :(

  42. Ah, all that Becoming Art yarn and FIBER! I hope you enjoyed your time, even if it was busy. Congrats on a successful convention. Someday I will get to go to something like this.

  43. Your booth looked great! Too bad I live in the midwest. Love the podcast.

  44. Love the booth, wish I was closer so I could have attended. I enjoy your podcasts so much!

  45. Hi Alana, I am a new listener (and reader) from France (KittyStitches on Ravelry). Congratulations on your booth being so successful - it was so pretty! I can well understand why the Cedar Leaf shawlette sold so well. It's a great design. I am making one for my sister's birthday and I badly want to make one for myself too! :)

  46. I love your booth, the colors, and the designs! Well done! Love your podcast!
