
Vintage Modern Knits Drawing Giveaway

In Episode 50 I had the wonderful privilege of interviewing Courtney Kelley and Kate Gagnon-Osborne, the authors and designers behind the book Vintage Modern Knits!

They have kindly provided 2 fabulous prizes for you to enter to win!

Here is the GRAND PRIZE
It includes a brand new copy of the book along with...

2 skeins of Canopy Fingering to make the Cady Twisted-Stitch Mittens...

2 skeins of Canopy Worsted to make the Bramble Beret...

and another 2 skeins of Canopy Fingering to make the Abigail Hand Warmers!

The SECOND PRIZE is this lovely yarn sampler! 
It includes one skein of every yarn type carried by The Fibre Company!

All of the yarns are soo beautiful, but these are my absolute favorites. 
Incredible, really.

To enter to win one of these lovely prizes, please leave a comment (including contact information) under this post. In your comment please tell me if you have used The Fibre Company yarns in the past and if you have a favorite colorway. 

I will be announcing the winner here on March 1, so please check back then to see if you've won! Remember, only one comment per person please.

Have fun!

Drawing Now Closed! 
Congratulations to first place winner Erin Kole, and to second place winner "cricketspaw" ! 


  1. I have never used this yarn before but the colors are beautiful. Thanks so much for the give away!

  2. I will use the Fiber Co. yarns for the 1st time when I win this contest. Thank you. I love your blog!

  3. How fun! I haven't used them...yet. Thanks so much for this.

  4. I knit my Manu out of Road to China Light in Lapis and I love it! All the colours are so beautiful. I blogged about it here:


  5. Thanks for such a great giveaway! I have not tried the fibre company yarns but they look lovely!

  6. I have not used Fiber Co. yarns yet, but would love to!

  7. I have never used the Fiber Co. yarns but if it is half as beautiful as your pictures - I would love to!

  8. I'v never used the Fiber Co. before, but I've heard wonderful things about Terra and Road to China.

  9. I've never used this yarn before. It is my introduction to the company. I lve the colors though and can't wait to check them out!

  10. I have never used their yarns - though I've heard great things about them. I really like Loam in their Organik line - I'm a sucker for a rich brown colour.

  11. Oh, my! What a GREAT prize pack! I've never used their yarn but I'd love to try it!

  12. I along with a lot of these other people would be using this yarn for the first time....and Andrea's comment was cute...I would have said it if she hadn't already !!! The yarn is beautiful and the fair isle mitts are TO DIE FOR !!!

  13. What a great giveaway! I've used the fingering and the Road to China light, they're both gorgeous to work with, but no favorite color--too many great ones!

  14. Wow, those are gorgeous! No, I haven't used their yarns before. I'd love to try them, though.

  15. What a great give away! I have never used the Fiber Co. yarns before, but I would love to try it!

  16. I just joined the Facebook page for this yarn to learn more. I haven't used it.....YET!!! I would love my name to be entered.

  17. Thank you for the giveaway! I hope I win so I can try out the yarn!

  18. Oh myyyyy! I've never used their yarns but I've tried out some of the free patterns they did and loved them - I'm sure the book is equally awesome!

  19. Thank you for your giveaway! I've never used this yarn before, but it looks so nom nom nommy! :) So many beautiful colors!
    melxcloud on Ravelry

  20. I haven't used them in the past but they look lovely and I would love to give them a try!

  21. I haven't used these yarns before, but they look gorgeous!
    Thanks for another great giveaway!

  22. Great giveaway! I used the discontinued Pemaquid to make my dad a scarf & hat which he loved, and I loved knitting with.

  23. Oh my goodness I'm drooling! I want everything!


  24. I have not used the yarn before, but all the colorways look great.

  25. No, I haven't used the Fiber Co. yarns yet. They really look good and such pretty colours. I'd love to try them on some of the nice patterns in the book. Thanks for the chance.

  26. I've never used The Fibre Company yarns before, but they look great. I don't have a favourite colourway, though (it's hard to narrow it down to one).

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  27. I've never tried them, but I'm tempted now. Conifer makes me smile!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I haven't used The Fiber Company yarns yet, but Road to China caught my eye at A Verb For Keeping Warm and it is a gorgeous yarn. - KnitAdmin on Ravelry

  30. I've never used this yarn but it looks gorgeous!
    I'd love to win!

  31. would love a chance to try this fabulous yarn

  32. Wow! The yarn colors are beautiful! Such a wonderful give a way!

  33. I have never used Fiber Company yarns. It is gorgeous! I will have to put it on my list to buy.

  34. Wow - what an amazing prize. I'd love to enter, though I've never used any of these yarns before.
    Thank you for running such a fabulous competition.
    If I don't win, I'll certainly try and get me a copy of that book and some of that beautiful yarn.


  35. My knitting resolution for 2011 was to be a little scared (challenged) by every project I tackled this year. This book, and these lovely yarns, would really push me outside my comfort zone and expand my knitting skills. Thank you for this lovely opportunity.

  36. I have not used the Fiber Co. Yarns but they look so lush and pretty. Also this book is a must buy! Thank you so much for having such a wonderful giveaway!


  37. I haven't used Fiber Co. yarns yet, but they sure look luscious in your photos. Soft colors are always my faves - hematite, Savannah in Hickory, so many lovely colors.

  38. I've never used the yarn before (and don't have a favorite colorway) however, the yarn is beautiful!

  39. I haven't had a chance to try out the Fiber Co. yarns, but the textures and colors look wonderful! I'd love to try them all.

  40. I haven't used these yarns before but they look beautiful. I especially like the Autumn Jasper, Malachite and Quetzal colourways.

  41. I haven't had the chance to use the Fiber Company yarns, but after seeing this post I'd really like to! All of those colours look really lovely. Thanks for hosting! (SarahVV on Rav)

  42. I haven't used this yarn either. The blue and purple that you photographed in this entry is GORGEOUS. Thanks!

  43. Wow! What a giveaway! I have long coveted the Fiber Co. yarns but have never used them. So soft and lovely!

  44. I have not used The Fiber Company yarns before, but I love the gemstone names they gave the Road to China colorways. I would have to say Peridot is my favorite, partially because it is my birthstone!

  45. Awesome giveaway. The girls sounds lovely on the podcast, looks like a great book to add to my library.

  46. What a great giveaway! I have not used the Fibre Co. yarns yet, but would love to!


  47. I really enjoyed your interview with Courtney and Kate, and would love to sample their designs. Thanks for the offer! And have fun at Stitches :)

  48. I've only fondled these in local shops, but never used it myself! Would love to win one of these lovely prizes!


  49. Amazing giveaway! I haven't tried these yarns yet, but would love to.

  50. That yarn is gorgeous! Thanks for he contest!

  51. These yarns look exquisite... I have never used these yarns as they closest they are sold is about 45 minutes away. Bummer!

  52. I've never used Fiber Co before, but I most definitely will - soon. The colourways are awesome! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  53. Awesome giveaway! I've never used Fiber Co, but definitely will in the future - the colourways are gorgeous. Thanks for posting such a great giveaway!

  54. Lovely yarns and a great book. Thank you for the give away.

  55. What a great giveaway! I have never knit with any of their yarns, but hope to in the future! Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  56. I've never had the opportunity to use this yarn, but they look absolutely delicious!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  57. I have used it in the past and it was lovely to knit with, and would love to knit with it again.

    Great giveaway

  58. Wow, they all look like such gorgeous yarns! I haven't tried these ones yet, but based on your previous podcasts I've ordered the YarnLove yarns and picked up some Spud and Chloe for a baby blanket :)

  59. I've not used this yarn before. All the colors look wonderful. Love this blog!

  60. Wow, what a great give away! I have not heard of their yarns until just recently. My daughter and I were checking out the book in B&N the other night. She is 17 and was really liking a lot of the patterns. A true complement to the authors! ;) I will certainly be purchasing the book!

  61. I haven't used yarn from the Fibre Company yet, but it's clear that I need to soon!

  62. Beautiful colors and thanks for the giveway !!

  63. I've never had a chance to use Fiber Company yarns; I haven't found a yarn shop in my area that carries them. Clearly, this is a terrible situation and must change!

  64. Wow, I have never even seen this yarn before! But, thank goodness, there are apparently not one but two yarn shops within a reasonable distance of me that carry it! Thanks so much for this giveaway, the absolute wealth of yarn and patterns is overwhelming!

  65. I havne't usse the Fiber Co. yet, but it sure looks delicious! Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. Wow! What a prize! What a great chance to try out these yarns that everyone seems to be raving about these days. And on a sad note...June is really a long time away, looking forward to the new season!

  67. I've never used their yarns before, but holy cow, do I want to!

  68. I Love these yarns! I have never used them but they look beautiful, so soft and warm. I am a new knitter and your wonderful blog has exposed me to all these wonderful options and great companies!


  69. I have not used them before, but the colors in your post look so beautiful!

  70. I haven't used these yarns - yet. It's great to know of new-to-me yarns from you. Thanks!

  71. I have never used that yarn, but it looks great! Lizpitcavage at gmail dot com

  72. What an amazing giveaway! I have never used Fibre Company yarns, but have been dying to!

  73. I haven't used their yarns, but would love to...and I'd even go back to colour knitting for those adorable wrist warmers!

    Another lovely giveaway. Thank you so much.

  74. Fantastic giveaway. I have "Vintage Modern Knits" book on my Amazon wish list. I haven't used Fiber Co. yarn before, but colors look amazing.

  75. WOW! What awesome prizes! It would be great to finally get to use the Fibre Company yarns - I've been lusting after them!

  76. I've used Road to China for some luxurious mitts, and Road to China light for a leafy shawl for my mom's birthday. I've been dying to try Canopy and Savannah. My favorite colorway is malachite, though I really like the new colorway conifer!


  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. I've used Terra, Canopy Worsted Fingering and Road to China. My favorite colorway is probably Kaffir Plum. These yarns are absolutely delish. sunaynaramdeo@gmail.com

  79. I have never used this yarn, but it all looks yummy! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  80. I've never used their yarn before but I've lusted after Road to China light.

  81. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  82. What lovely prizes. I've never tried the Fiber Co yarn before -here's hoping that I will :-)


  83. What a fantastic giveaway!

    I have never used The Fibre Company yarns, but I'd love to try them out!

    ideon AT dal DOT ca

  84. I have never used this yarn before, but it looks yummy. I hope to win, but good luck to all.

    You can reach me on Rav as:

  85. Wow! What an amazing giveaway! I still haven't been able to get my hands on this amazing yarn, but I would LOVE knit with it. Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  86. Great interview, great yarn...I hope I win because I would love to make those patterns with that yarn! Yummy!

  87. I have never used Fibre company yarns, but the more I see them, the more I am tempted to try them.

  88. I've never gotten to try their yarns. This is a great giveaway.

  89. I love Road to China, but haven't tried Canopy yet! WOuld love to do one of these projects with it!

  90. I have used the Fibre company yarns many times. I love Terra and Organik the most. I made my MIL a scarf with Road To China Light which she loves! What a great giveaway :)

  91. I have to say I haven't used any of their yarn, so I really hope I get to try some soon :)
    theyarnkat on Ravelry

  92. I have not used this yarn yet, but the colors look gorgeous!

  93. What a generous giveaway! I have not as yet used and Fiber Co. yarns. I absolutely love all the colors.....so much so that I cannot pick a favorite.

  94. I've never used RTC hyarn but would sure love an opportunity! You have such generous sponsors :-)

  95. I have never used the Fiber Co yarns, but I would love to have the opportunity. Sounds like some lovely gifts. I am into the warm colors, autumnal colorways. More subdued than vibrant. But then I make the vibrant colors for gifting, so I would enjoy any color.

  96. I have not used this yarn before, but every single color on this post is gorgeous!

  97. I haven't ever used this yarn before, but they are really pretty.

    modsiwevoli on Ravelry.

  98. I've never used The Fiber Co yarns. I've been interested in trying them, but haven't had a chance.

  99. Hi Alana! Terrific season finale podcast.

    I have not yet used the Fibre Company yarns, but that's because I haven't been able to find it in my local yarn shops in Cincinnati. I am particularly fond of the Canopy Fingering in the Acai colorway and Road to China Worsted in the Dark Amethyst colorway. I'd love to win one of the giveaways, so I can finally try out their yarns on one of their beautiful patterns.

    Hope you have fun at Stitches West! Looking forward to your next design and future podcasts.

    (carol.p@fuse.net, or "littlecp" on Ravelry)

  100. I love blog and your patterns are so gorgeous!! I would love to win one of the prizes. Thanks so much!

  101. I must admit I've never used this yarn and this is the first that I've even heard of the company. I'm so new to knitting and have much to learn. I would love the chance to win! Love the book and your podcast.

  102. I have never used the Fibre Company's yarns - YET - but I would absolutely love to try them out! The colors are amazing and I am salivating over the things I could make!! You never disappoint with your give-aways! This one is awesome, as usual :)
    Thanks again, Julie Witt

  103. What an awesome giveaway. I'm always excited about vintage or vintage inspired patterns.

  104. I haven't used the Fiber Company yarns but now that I'm seeing this book and the patterns in it, I think I will be using these yarns. The yarns are lovely and the patterns are fabulous.

  105. I haven't used Fiber Co. yarns yet either, but I love that buttery yellow...

  106. I have used Canopy, Terra, Organik and Savannah and a discontinued line called Khroma, and I have loved them all. My favorite colorways are Acai, Crater Lake, Fjord and Magma. Love.

  107. I would love to win these beautiful prizes.

  108. What a delicious giveaway! I haven't used their yarns before but I think my favorite colorway is the Organik Desert Canyon.

  109. I never used this yarn but the colors are SO BEAUTIFUL!! I would love to win either! Thanks, once again, for a wonderful giveaway.

  110. What an awesome prize. I have never used yarn from Fiber Co. before.

  111. I've never used any of their yarn. You can't get it here (not very easily anyway), so I'd have to order it online. And I'm one of those people LYS owners hate because I have to touch everything before I buy it ;)

    Love the podcast, see you in June!

  112. I have never used Fiber Company yarns, but they look lovely! The Sumac colorway is really beautiful, but so are many of the other colors. THeir book has some amazing patterns. I look forward to getting my hands on a copy.

    knitwish on Ravelry

  113. Wonderful giveaway! I haven't used this yarn before, but it looks yummy!

  114. Never Knitted with Fibre Co. but the colors are so rich. Can't wait to win!

  115. Oh, how delightful! And it would be lovely to win! Please count me in and thanks!

  116. I've never used their yarn before but I definitely want to; the colors are so beautiful!

  117. I never used these yarns before, but I would love to. And the book is wonderful too, I would love to start knitting garments... I love the Sapphire color in the Road to China series....

  118. what an amazing giveaway! I've yet to use it but it is now on my list! I'm sad there will be no more podcasts until June!


  119. wow - how generous! i've never used those yarns before, and would just love to see what i've been missing :P

  120. I have 6 hanks of Road to China Light in Plum Jasper in my stash and just can't stop squeezing it enough to knit something with it - maybe these patterns will be the perfect solution to this little problem ;)

  121. Beautiful colors! I haven't used that yarn before.


  122. I've never tried this yarn but I would love to! Thanks for the chance to win.

  123. I've never used this yarn before but it looks yummy!

  124. Uh! Heart-stoppingly beautiful!!

    What a terrific giveaway ... thanks to all of you!!

  125. I haven't used any Fiber Co. yarns yet, although I've been curious after seeing many lovely projects made from them on Ravelry. Their blends sound exotic and worth getting my hands on. :)

  126. I loved the pod cast and can't wait for the next season; I hope you have a good time during the "off season".
    I have not used any of the yarn from the Fiber Company, but I have my eye on the Road to China Light in Malachite, just beautiful!

  127. I'm pretty new to knitting, but the more I read about the Fibre Company's yarns, the more I am convinced to get my hands on some! It's hard to choose just one colorway, but I am really quite smitten with Lapis in the Road to China collection, and I love how subtle yet beautiful Sarsparilla is from Canopy.

  128. I've never even seen them before today. I love that yellow, so rich!

  129. I have never used this yarn before, but wow! What beautiful colors!
    I follow their blog and their patterns and love this book! How great!

    *crosses fingers*

  130. I have never used the Fiber Co yarn but I am so tempted to put this first on my list for next yarn to use. I would love to win some. :) Thanks for the blog I have just started to read it this year and have really enjoyed the podcast.

  131. I have not used these yarn s before. I heard your interview last night and went straight to Ravelry to find out more about them and their new book! I can't wait to get my hands on both the yarn and patterns!!

  132. I've used Terra, and I loooove it. So excited to make the sweater on the cover using Terra. My favorite Fibre Company colorway is Atoll, a blue available in Organik.

  133. I haven't used their yarns yet, but hope to change that after winning a prize! The colors are beautiful.

  134. What an amazing giveaway. Thanks!

  135. I have yet to have the pleasure of using The Fibre Co yarns yet but that purple is sooooo pretty!

  136. Alana, you always have the best giveaways. I can't believe how soft those yarns look even through the computer screen. I'll have to look for them the next time I'm at the LYS!

  137. I would love to win this and enjoy knitting with this yarn.
    Pick me.....

    Marlene M.

  138. omg, my LYS doesn't carry Fibre Company yarns and these look perfectly delicious!

  139. I've never used their yarn before, but it looks scrumptious! All the colors are warm and lovely. I'm just starting to branch out into the nicer yarns; this would be a great help!

  140. I've not used Fibre Company yarns before but they are lovely. I like the Road to China Lapis colorway! :)

    What a generous and awesome giveaway! I would most certainly knit every one of those patterns! :) And I can't decide if I'd rather be a first or second prize winner! :)

  141. I love Fibre Company yarn! I just finished a hat in Canopy Worsted-- it's addictively soft and fuzzy. My favorite color is probably Plum. Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm rigatoni on Ravelry.

  142. I've never used the yarn before, but the Road to China in Lapis looks like it would be stunning...

  143. OH WOW! This is a great giveaway!

  144. Holy hell, Savannah looks interesting."Slate" looks gorgeous. I love a good gray.

  145. The yarn looks beautiful. And with classic designs with a modern fit - I can't wait

  146. I haven't had the chance to try these yarns before, but I've heard if them. There a re many beautiful colours on the website, Plum Jasper for example.

  147. Great giveaway. I've never used this yarn.

  148. I haven't used this yarn yet, I've been excited to ever since I found out about Courtney Kelley's adventures. She and I are in the same community, and I've always been an admirer of her knitting. So psyched to see her published!
    Also, I recommend Wednesday WIPs on the Kelbourne blog.

  149. I've never used this yarn, but it's gorgeous. I hope I win! I would be able to make a great birthday present for my mom.

  150. I haven't used Fiber Co. yarns yet - but your photos make me drool! And I've been eyeing this book. Thanks for a chance to win!

  151. I've never tried Fibre Co. yarns, but would love to try them. The colors are gorgeous.

  152. I also have never used this yarn, but I agree that the colors are lovely and I will certainly try out the yarn the next time I find it in a yarn store. Thanks.

  153. Oh wow, fantastic giveaway! I've never used this yarn, but it's definately on my want&need-list!

  154. I haven't used Fiber Co. yarns, but I would love to knit something out of that gorgeous purple colorway you pictured in Organik!

  155. haven't used it yet. Looks great thought. Thanks for the contest!

  156. I haven't used Fibre Co. yarns, but it looks as though I'm missing out. I'm loving that pink-y/purple-y skein and the pale greens. That book looks fantastic, too.

  157. Alana, this is such a wonderful give away! The prizes are fantastic and the book and yarn are wonderful!

  158. I have not yet had the opportunity to use Fibre Co Yarns. But looking @ their website I would love to get my mitts on some Savannah in Persimmon.

  159. Wow, what a great giveaway. I've never used the Fiber Co. yarns, but I have, um, groped them. My favourite colourway is Algae, I think. Or Fjord. Or Jungle. Or Lapis.

    Too many good things!

    Once again, thank you so much!

  160. Wow! What beautiful yarn! My fingers long to touch it but alas it is trapped in the screen. I have not used this yarn before but it looks lovely! candi_rae@verizon.net

  161. I would love to try these yarns.

  162. I have some of the Terra yarn, but have never used it...it's on my stash..

  163. I love those colors.
    LS497 'at' hotmail.com

  164. I have never used this yarn but I REALLY want to try their Savannah in the Persimmon colorway. I have heard many great thigs about this company and they have beautiful patterns. Thank you for the give away! I love reading your blog.

  165. Oooooohhhhh1 Those yarns are so yummy! I have never knitted with any of them, but they are all beautiful.
    Alissa T.

  166. Wow, Great drawing. Loved the latest podcast with Kate and Courtney. you can reach me at barbalt1 (at) cox (dot) net.

    Barbara in Santa Barbara

  167. Loved your interview with Courtney & Kate! All the best for a successful Stitches West adventure!

  168. What a wonderful final podcast. Would love to win!

  169. This comment has been removed by the author.

  170. I've actually been lusting over this yarn since um ... 2008. I can't believe I haven't bought a skein! This is an amazing giveaway thanks so much!

  171. I've never used these yarns, but they look absolutely delicious!

    (You can get ahold of me at novella.in.red@gmail.com)

  172. I haven't used this yarn before, I don't believe it's available at my LYS. The Autumn Jasper and Peridot colorways of the Road To China yarn are just beautiful.

    My email is erin (dot) lombardo @ gmail (dot) com

  173. I haven't yet used their yarn but would looove a chance to start. Your sponsors and interviewees are so very generous!

  174. I haven't had the opportunity to use them yet, but they are gorgeous!

  175. I have fondled the Tera before but not yet used the Fiber Company Yarn for a project. So, I'd love to win some. avennett AT verizon DOT net

  176. I have not used that yarn before...I would LOVE a chance to use it! PLEASE pick me!!!

  177. I have been drooling over yarn from this company. The patterns look great, too! Enjoy Stitches West!

  178. I never win anything, but you never know! :)

  179. I have only tried road to china light. I loved it so much that I am itching to use all their yarns, basketballknit on ravelry.

  180. So pretty! I've never used Fibre Company yarns. Love the "Loam" colorway.

    snowlaine on Ravelry

  181. I have been eyeballing this book and look forward to my chance to use both the lovely yarn and peruse the lovely book.
    I love the natural tones of the neutrals/browns and greens. They all have a soft, yummy 'flavor'.


  182. Love your podcast. We will miss you while you are gone until June. I love any color as long as it has blue in it. I have used Fiber Company yarn (Road to China Light) before and love the yarns.

  183. I have not used this yarn before, but I think I might be in love with these colors. Beautiful!

  184. This comment has been removed by the author.

  185. thank you for the great chances to win! i've not used Fiber Co. yarns before nor have I seen the book. either prize would be dreamy!

  186. So gorgeous. I have never used their yarn before, but I'd love to try it.


  187. Oh me me me! What an awesome giveaway!

  188. Love Fiber Co. yarn…what a great prize and lovely patterns to knit! thanks!


  189. I am still a newbie when it comes to knitting so I have not yet used this yarn but would love to give it try. The book would also be a great addition to my ever growing collection of knitting books. Thanks Ash

  190. I have not had the pleasure of seeing the Fiber Co. yarns...but they do wonderful. From their website, I think my favorite is Road to China...this alpaca blend must be sooo soooft!
    Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway.

  191. Fibre Company yarns are great - I've used Terra, Canopy Fingering and Canopy Worsted but my absolute favorite is Road to China! Wesley in Grey Pearl, Dark Amethyst and Plum Jasper!


  192. I haven't used this yarn, but now I *need* the Terra African violet! This is an awesome give away. I hope I win!
    danettefoster at yahoo dot com

  193. I haven't used them...yet!
    Thank you for this wonderful give away.
