
The Downside of Knitting

Don't you just hate this? 
When you have to spend your precious knitting time untangling yarn? 
Oh Madelinetosh Pashmina.. you are so beautiful.. yet so tangly...


  1. Oh no - thats not fun!

    I'm also experiencing a downside - an hour and a half spent pinning and repinning a shawl out and one of the pins broke off in my finger :(

  2. It is a waste! looks like spagetti.

  3. It is a waste! looks like spagetti.

  4. Yeah, I know the feeling - frustrating.

  5. Whoa there! I wish I had some MP to untangle! It's only a dream....

  6. This is quite an exercise for patience, yes, it happens sometimes. But you'll forget about it fast when you re-start knitting it!

  7. looks like my puppy got it. I have been experience this for a bit.

    We are learning mine and not yours hope this works soon.

  8. I had a skein of Handmaiden Lace Silk - 900m worth of laceweight - that was fine until the last 100m or so, then I had to spend two hours untangling it while somehow trying to keep my cat from giving in to temptation... I truly feel your pain.

  9. Ha ha! Yes, I do. I was planning on dying some yarn and went to untie it when it all fell on the floor. I think I spent three days worth of spare time untangling that mess.

  10. Been there...done that...probably will go there again...

  11. And it gets worse: when untangling and the cats come to help you out!

  12. I have a skein of Wollmeise lace garn I need to get after soon, and I'm scared to death!

  13. Arggh. Sometimes they can be so unruly, yet we still persevere and love them anyway. Like children.

  14. It happens to everyone and somehow that's only a wee bit of consolation.

  15. I had this same downside yesterday.

  16. Strange as it seems, I sometimes enjoy working out the tangles. It can almost be soothing...or at least I tell myself that it is! ;) Maybe it makes me feel like I'm doing some "cleaning up" and not avoiding housework with my knitting.

  17. It always happens with the pretty ones! You have to watch them! I'm lucky that my knitting group has lots of people that like to untangle knots and messes. Ball winder messes are the worst, too!

  18. Oh, that's frustrating! What are you knitting?? :>

  19. Pardon me, but there is no downside to knitting... Unless it is darning. :)

  20. oh! man, I know the feeling! I hate when yarn tangles grrr!

  21. yes definitely frustrating! ashleymccauley on ravelry

  22. Oh that's so sad. Pashmina is such a divine yarn.

  23. I find that super-pricey yarns tend to be more tangly than the cheap-o ones! What a pain!

  24. Not fun at all! But it is a beautiful yarn...I'm knitting with a madelinetosh yarn right now too...your buttery yellow is so lovely!

  25. I was given madelinetosh prairie to knit the homin shawl for a friend, and am experiencing the exact same thing. It has taken me a week on and off, and it still isnt't done! Grrr!

  26. Ugh~ I just untangled 400 yards of Purple Label Cashmere Tanis in Shadow. I did manage to rescue all of it but oh my the frustration and F-bombs... *sigh*

  27. yeah, I love this too!
    there's so much I could do instead of untangling my yarns...
