
Week 5: Book Review: Mittens & Gloves

Thank you for joining me back this week for another book review!
Last week's drawing winner is Lauren! Congratulations! 

If last week's cowls were not your thing, perhaps you'll enjoy this weeks review of the book Mittens & Gloves by the editors of Vogue Knitting Magazine.

This book contains over 40 of the most popular patterns compiled together from previous Vogue Knitting publications. The main focus is mitten and glove patterns, but there are also a few patterns for coordinating hats and scarves included as well.

This is truly a pattern book. There is a teeny tiny section in the back to show you the knitting basics, but the bulk of the book is pattern instructions and photos.

One thing I enjoyed about this book is the variety offered. There are many styles included to suit all different tastes. There are all types of gloves and fingerless mitts.. plain, cabled, colorwork, lace.. everything!
This book contains patterns for beginning knitters and advanced knitters. I think that everyone could find a pattern that they like in here.

Personally, I found many patterns in here that I would love to make and wear. Here are some of my picks.

And of course, I was happy to see Jared Flood's Druid Mittens included. I've always liked this pattern.

If you would like to win this brand new copy of Vogue Knitting Mittens and Gloves provided by Sixth and Spring Books, please leave a comment under this blogpost.

Only one comment per person please, and don't forget to leave your contact information as well!

I'll randomly select a commenter and announce the winner next week along with another book review!


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Megan said...

I would love to win this book. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Holly said...

Mittens and gloves! Definitely my thing and those are beautiful!

Shannon said...

It looks like a really good one. Thanks for the opportunity!

Frankly Beka said...

I've been saving up for a book of patterns focused around hand accessories. Vogue Knitting: Mittens & Gloves is one of the books I've been looking at longingly. Maybe next week I'll discover that I was actually saving up for yarn to go with my new book.


Lauren said...

Oh, that's surprising -- I have that issue of VK! I didn't know there was a pattern book to go with it.

SimplyMe said...
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SimplyMe said...

These patterns look like a lot of fun! I would love to win the giveaway. I can see me wearing some of the designs you featured as well.


Thanks again!

Kathryn said...

ooh, me - please!

Dr John said...

I haven't done any mittens or gloves yet. This looks like a great book to get me going.

Anna said...

I've been too scared to attempt mittens or gloves. This book would probably give me the guts. Thanks for the giveaway!

SillyLittleLady said...

Gloves of all lengths, styles and colors are extremely important for staying warm throughout the year :)

Great giveaway!

navymomma said...

I LOVE all the mittens and gloves and im always looking for fingerless mits for my sore wrists in the cooler weather. Thanks for having such a great give away!!

KARIN said...
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KARIN said...

The book looks great. I'd love to have one.


Janelle said...

Oooh I would love to win this book! Thanks for the great giveaway!


Jack said...

Beautiful mittens! We live in Alaska and can never have too many ...

Silvia M. said...

Yes, mittens are more my kind of thing. Looks like a good book!

Pam said...

Mittens, yes!

(Pam on Ravelry)

katherinelynn_04 said...

Those gloves and mittens look amazing! I would love to have a copy as I always have a hard time looking through mitten/glove patterns.

katherinelynn_04 (at) yahoo.com

Jen Price said...

Fun! I would love to win!

momsue84 said...

Would love to own this book. Thanks so much for the contest.

Awa said...

sweet! looks like a great book!

Mermaid Kitten said...

Not very lucky but I would love to win. I am in love with your podcasts by the way. Thanks for making them!

Karen said...

Love the patterns that you picked! This looks like a good book! =) I love knitting mittens!

~hunnyb on Ravelry~

kelleysgirl said...

What a beautiful book and I love the patterns you chose as well. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
kelleysgirl on ravelry

A.G. said...

I like to see pretty craft books like that!

Toby said...

OMGoodness those OWL mittens are too lovely. I prefer making mittens/gloves to socks. (I am more apt to wear them too than socks- so why do I keep buying sock yarn? I digress) What a neat book to add to my wishlist IF I'm not chosen...

octoberp at gmail dot com
0ctober on Ravelry

Carol said...

I would love to have this book. I have knit mittens but I haven't knit gloves yet. I love the patterns you showed from this book. Thank you .

Kerri said...

I'd love to win! there are many great patterns in this book.

Judi said...

This is a book I would really like to have! :-)

Zowmom on Ravelry

CuteStuffInside said...

Love it!


StaceyKnitsIt said...

Great giveaway!

Maryse said...

I love mittens! I would love this book! Thank you for that great giveaway

karen said...

yes, please! that book looks wonderful!

okeydokey on ravelry

Kim said...

Would love to try out these patterns!

Kathy said...

Looks like a good one!

Emily said...

I'd love a copy of this book! I'm bookcasehat over on Ravelry

april said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chantal Boucher said...

Ok, spring is supposed to come soon,we still hope because it snowed today, but i would like to knit gloves for next year!

april said...

i love mittens!
"alane" on ravelry

DakotaAJ said...

Awesome book! I would love to have a copy!
DakotaAJ on Ravelry

RachelUnraveled said...

I had been toying with the idea of buying this book so I would love to win a copy! Thanks for the great review!

RachelUnraveled on Ravelry

Jani said...

Thanks for hosting this contest - looks like a great book!

susieg said...

Such beautiful projects! I'd love this book

Zenitude said...

My breath was taken away with this book and its patterns. I love to knit mittens! This book would make it to my project bag several times!

Kristina said...

It looks lovely! I'm bourbongirl on Ravelry.

kristi said...

Looks nice! I would love to win a copy :) Thanks for the opportunity!

Tall Kate said...

Wow, that looks like a great book. Thanks for offering it!

Teresa said...

Looks like a great book! I have only done simple mittens so far and would love to branch out. Thanks for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

I've only knitted one pair of mitts so far and I'd love to knit more! This book looks great!

ctexas said...

I have been on such a glove and mitten quest lately, this book would be so great for me to try some new patterns.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Tracey said...

Thanks again for another giveaway. Love jared's mittens too!


Kathy said...

Lovely book - would love to add this to my library!

Zeddy said...

This book looks great! I would love to win a copy!

Tia said...

that's are really nice review. do know if it has any glove patterns for guys cause my bunny really wants one.

Little NutMeg Productions said...

That book looks wonderful! what a nice collection of knits to gift (or keep) :)


Anonymous said...

The few mittens with the cables look a bit bulky but then cables have a tendency to do that. But those gloves look lovely, though thinking about knitting those individual fingers look daunting.

knitterlydesigns said...

This looks like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.

Becky said...

Holy cow, this book looks amazing! It would be awesome to own! Thanks for the giveaway!

marylouc said...

I'd love to win the book for the cover alone. The patterns you chose look scrumptious!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I've become enamoured with knitting gloves after making the Ringwood gloves from Knitty so this book would be fantastic for fuelling my growing addiction

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

This is more my thing then the cowl book. And I have only made one pair of mittens so far but MANY hats. Maybe that could be the thing to knit next winter!

wanderrast said...

A great book.
I like to knit gloves.

Papayamaya said...

I would love that book! My ravelry ID is mayapof.

Anonymous said...

Nice review, and lovely photos... I love that it also looks like there might be patterns with different weights of yarn in this book.
Thanks for your generosity, you're hosting so many giveaways!

Anonymous said...

Nice review, and lovely photos... I love that it also looks like there might be patterns with different weights of yarn in this book.
Thanks for your generosity, you're hosting so many giveaways!

Joanne said...

Wow - if those photos represent the rest of the book ... simply WOW. Love those Druid Mittens especially!

Alexandra said...

Wow! It looks like a great book!


kristal135 said...

Ooooohh la lah looks great. I always like to see Jared floods work also. Thanks for the great review Alana.

Jen said...

I am in LOVE with this book, and it's been on my wish list for a while now!

Gaelle said...

i would love to win this! i would have to share it with my mom, though!
PS: i love your patterns, and your blog!

Estella said...

Another great giveaway - thank you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for reviewing this book! I have only made one pair of mittens, Bella's Mitts and I would like to do more. I too, love Jared Flood's work! Thanks, Erin
19vesperstreet on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Seems like a good book, I hope I win!

Paula said...

This is a book I would put to good use. I'm bufo13 on ravelry.

Katia said...

It's the first one, but I'm in on this one!

Tucana on Ravelry ;o)

Michelle said...

those mittens on the cover are so awesome! The cover has me hooked

Robin said...

I really like this book. I would love to win.

Kamigaeru said...

Mittens!!!! What an awesome book to win, thanks for the giveaway! (Kamigaeru on Ravelry)

Heather said...

This is perfect! I've been nursing a mitten obsession all winter, but I was prevented from knitting by an RSI and a wrist injury. These look like perfect small projects to make over the summer and wear/gift over the winter!

neferatowen said...

Those are some sexy gloves!

MotherHenKnits said...

I normally knit socks for everyone for Christmas but this year I was thinking about making mittens and gloves. Great designs!

Paige said...

What a fab book - would love to add it to my library!

Maria said...

I am obsessed with mittens and gloves! Thanks for the opportunity.

Made by Hand on Planet Earth said...

Nice giveaway! Thanks!


Alycia C said...

What gorgeous gloves and mittens!

Lucy said...

What a great giveaway!
lucy21780 on ravelry

Unknown said...

I love the Druid mittens, too. I do a lot of sock/mitten knitting in the summer, so I would *love* to have this book in my library. Thanks for the giveaway!

Valerie said...

Gloves and mittens are more my thing than cowls! -- Valerie

rav id: valeriechristine

Sangeetha said...

Okay - you just cannot have me having affairs every week (with the books I mean)

Awesome giveaway - thanks

Sandy said...

I agree the Druid Mittens are great - but the long gloves - Oh My!

Missy knits said...

Wow, those are some seriously gorgeous mitts!!

juliana said...

Beautiful photos in this book. Would be delighted to win. Thanks for the review.

Juliana Lerman

Rae Lynne said...

I've always loved this book, but never purchased. :) And the Druid Mittens are one of my favorite mitten patterns. :)

Thanks for the opportunity!

raelynne01 on Rav

Bonnie said...

I've had my eye on this book but so far have refrained from buying a copy. Thanks for the review and giveaway!

Michelle said...

I've been wanting to knit some mittens, this book would be perfect!

Cakewalk Yarns said...

Love it! The patterns look great.

Teresa said...

Love the mittens on the front cover!

mjknits said...

Vogue knitting is such eye candy! What great portable projects these are. Thanks for the giveaway:)

barbara said...

Looks like a great book. I love to make mitts and gloves

Dana said...

Yum!!! Knitting Goodness to add to my library!!!

Kimberly said...

I went online to snoop and I LOVE all the patterns in this book! I think I'll be putting it on my list even if I don't win the giveaway :)

bren_na said...

Love mittens and gloves! My hands are always cold. Please enter me!

teresa said...

I would love to win this book!

PatQ said...

Looks like a great book. Sign me up!

m&m said...

Ooh, this looks so interesting!

Tanya said...

Oh wow! I love the book reviews you are doing and would love to win this book. Thank you for hosting a giveaway

sharmylae said...

mittens and gloves are my favourite thing to knit! i'd love to win in this great giveaway.

charlotte said...

Love the look of this book! So many interesting and classic patterns! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.

Katie L. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anna said...

Neat! I have Robin Melanson's "Knitting New Mittens and Gloves" but I haven't seen this book before. I have a lot of mittens and fingerless gloves, especially because when I started knitting, I bought a lot of single skeins. To use them up, I often knit fingerless gloves. Or mittens. charis_channah17 AT hotmail DOT com

Katie L. said...

I love to knit mittens, so warm and versatile! I keeping meaning to make the leap to gloves, and this book might be just the push I need! Thanks for hosting these great giveaways! katie.lustig@gmail.com

Joan said...

Oh yes, please! Thanks for the chance to win...


Robin Lane said...

I would love to have this book! Thank you for opportunity to win a copy.

Anonymous said...

Pick Me! I love the cover mittens.

Ellen Barnes said...

what a fun book! My sister recently moved to a land where mittens and gloves are a MUST. I don't get to wear them all that often but LOVE the look and details that are involved.

Alyssa said...

I want it! I want it! Really badly, haha. Good luck to whoever wins! And if that person is me, my email is in my profile and my ravelry username is Alyoops

Kristen said...

I've always loved the Druid Mittens too!

Andrea said...

This would really be a great resource book to have on my shelf. Thanks for the giveaway.

jenbrook96 said...

What a great book! I would love to win! Thank you for a great podcast!

Jenbrook96 on Ravelry

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that this book is printed ! But I already like it :)

Jodi said...

What a cool book I would love to win it. Thanks for the book reviews.

Kristen said...

This looks like a fun book - great for gifts!

Unknown said...

I would love to add this book to my collection!

Rav ID kristinfitzgerald

Liz Peters said...

This looks like a great book. I would love to win it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Rav ID - lizpeters

jennifer said...

Oooo count me in! Looks like a wonderful book.


Rachel said...

Would to have a book of mittens and gloves to help me brave the NY winter next year!

themaidenoflight on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Cool! I was just going to find a mitten pattern. I would love to win this!
danettefoster at yahoo dot com

cksknitter said...

I love knitting mittens!

ohdessa said...

Mittens are my favorite thing to knit! I'd love to win this book.

Missy said...

This looks like it has some great projects!
mkrids on Ravelry

Macabre Kitty (Sara) said...

OOOH that looks like a graet book! Thanks for the opportunity to win it!!

Sarafina77 at hotmail dot com

gotgauge? said...

mittens, gloves (and socks) are my passion this year. Small projects with infinite possible varieties. So I'd love to use MITTENS & GLOVES.

Poethead said...

I've looked at this book before, and it's a winner. I hope I am too! Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy Olsen said...

I have this book right now from the library. Many of your favorites were tagged as some of mine. I'd love a copy of my own!

Ellen said...

I would love to add this book to my collection! Thanks for giving us a chance to win a copy!

By the way, I was thrilled to see that "Looped" in DC is carrying your patterns. I was going to buy one today but couldn't decide which so I ended up with three. They are gorgeous!

mhchong said...

Maybe this is the week I win! Thanks for the giveaway!

troy and christina said...

This would be a fabulous book to win--thank you!!


christinacreating AT yahoo [dot] com

Sabrina said...

I would be thrilled to have this book! I'd knit for me and all my friends and family. Thanks for the opportunity.


Brenda said...

I'd love to win! It looks like a great book.

(goodstuff on Ravelry)

Unknown said...

lovely book!

Unknown said...

lovely book - would love to win it!

Unknown said...

lovely book - would love to win it!

Julie said...

This book looks like it belongs in my knitting library.

Ellen said...

It looks like a beautiful book. I'd love to win! Thanks!

Jessica said...

Pick me!! :0)
jpeled on ravelry

billicummings said...

I would love to add this to my collection of Vogue books. The assortment looks wonderful and challenging.

Billi Cummings

Raime said...

Love it!
Ravelry ID: MamaRamelade

Carol said...

I just found your blog. I was worried about you since there hasn't been a podcast for a while so I googled you and found the podcast. Hope everything is okay.

The bonus is that I found out there was a book give away!

wdtmb said...

I have wanted this book... Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Natasha on Ravelry

Alane said...

I haven't tried mittens yet. This could be my chance!

sara said...

Love this one! Thanks for the giveaway!
rav ID = smdenbo

aknitontheside said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
aknitontheside said...

I love mitts and gloves. thanks for the chance to win.

ravid = aknitontheside

ladybug said...

I would love to win! Thank you for the giveaway!

In Julie's Opinion said...

I've never made gloves or mittens but I would love to try! Thanks for another great giveaway!

Susan J. said...

Looks like a great book - perfect for my neck of the woods where it snowed yesterday. Thanks for the chance to win!

Donna said...

What a great looking book. Count me in please.

Helen said...

Ooooh - how lovely - please include me in your draw - thank you!
helenthequilter [at] hotmail.com

Betsy said...

I've got a lot of these patterns in old Vogues. It would be great to have them in one place.

Pamela said...

Thanks Alana! Looks like a great find.

JeanD said...

Me! Me! Me! have tried simple mittens but am ready to move on to not simple and this looks like the ticket

Catherine said...

Perfect projects for something small to take on my vacation...Thanks for the giveaway.

C. said...

This book looks gorgeous... The red cable gloves are incredible!

G. K. Green said...

Please enter me in the book giveaway. All of the pictured patterns look so tempting! Thank you ...

G. K. Green
gkgreen on ravelry.com

Anonymous said...

Oh I love mittens!!! What a great book for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

These are so elegant! I love making mittens and gloves.
EmmaJoyce34 on Ravelry

Ana said...

I would love to win this book....

melosa said...

Love Love Love Mittens! This is a book that I need to get. Thanks for hosting a giveaway.

Rachelle said...

I have a thing for mittens, would love to be in
sable at xtra.co.nz

Steph said...

Oooooo....I love the Druid Mittens. They look so cozy and warm!

Steph said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maggie D said...

I love the Druid Mittens! I've already made the Druidess Beret and I would love to make those mittens too... I can be PM'd on Ravelry, my username is mirfain.

Shelley said...

I have NEVER knit gloves before -looks intriguing!



thewalshfam said...

This book looks like it would be a great addition to my knitting library! Thanks for the giveaway. I miss your podcast! Can't wait for June! Hope you are enjoying a little break!
rnmama on ravelry

Lani said...

Looks like a great book.

Shelley said...

I've been eyeing this book for a while! I would love to win it. Thanks for the giveaway!

Heidi said...

That looks like a very fun book. I have never knit mittens or gloves but would love to try!

TYL said...

WOuld love to try to long style gloves. I have a winter coat that they would be perfect with.

lucyinthesky1 said...

Thanks again for the giveaway! I really like the opera gloves...
Llule on ravelry

Andrea said...

the druids have been on my list for a long time.....

marlene said...

These gloves are beautiful and would make great gifts for friends and family. I would love to own it.

Sherral said...

Mmm... mittens :)

Svenja said...

I love knitting gloves and mittens. The pictures in the book look great.

Thanks for the giveaway!

mattinasera (at) yahoo (dot) de

grammynan said...

Would it be too awful to make a string for adult mittens to connect them together? I ALWAYS lose one of a pair. Maybe then I would venture to actually make some mittens.

blunderingmom said...

Those first pair of gloves are stunning. I would love this book!

Unknown said...

How pleased I was to stop by and see your book reviews! Thank you!

Quelle Fille said...

That books interesting. Don't know if I'd buy a book just on mittens. I also gotta say the mittens on the cover....what? They're a little too modern. Should've led with something a little more universal, like Jard Floods amazing mittens/

sewlemur said...

This looks like a great book. Thanks for the drawing.

Puella63 said...

This book has been in my wishlist since itwas pre-announced!

BikerChicKnits said...

O Wow, what wonderful mittens and gloves. The second image is my favorite shown. I would knit them over the summer at the beach. Thank you for another giveaway.

sydneypaige said...

What beautiful mittens, I've been a failure at mitten knitting so far, would love the chance to practice! :-) Thanks -

Cindy said...

These patterns look interesting - thanks for the giveaway!

without.television said...

Alana, the book looks awesome!!

Debbie said...

I would love a copy of the book! Thanks so much! Debbie in Alaska

Susan said...

I've never knitted a glove, but with patterns that pretty i'd gather my courage and give it a try!

knitgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
knitgirl said...

Looks like a great book. Would love to win it. Thanks.

Emily said...

ooh this is exciting!

Anonymous said...

Mittens have become a bit of an obsession for me, though I haven't managed to complete a pair. Why does nobody ever talk about SMS? well, I would love the opportunity to ahve patterns to inspire me.

Kathy (bigblueice(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

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