
Week 6: Book Review: Knitting Over the Edge

Hello! I'm back with another book review! 
Congratulations to Juliana, last weeks giveaway winner!

This week I'll be reviewing Knitting Over the Edge by Nicky Epstein. This book has been around for awhile, but is a great one! I'm happy to share it with you!

Knitting over the edge is the second in Nicky's edging book collection. The first book was titled Knitting On the Edge and the third in the collection is Knitting Beyond the Edge. I love and own all three! 

Nicky Epstein is probably the most inventive knitwear designer I can think of and I feel that these edging books just cannot be beat. The first 2 books contain 350 different knitted edges.. EACH! 700 total in the first 2 books. Who can even think up 700 edgings? Amazing, right?

All 3 of these books are excellent reference publications that every knitter should have in their library.
I refer to them all of the time. They provide me with constant inspiration.

Here is what you can expect to find in this particular book, Knitting Over the Edge.

This book contains edging designs broken up into 5 different categories.. Unique Ribs, Cords, Appliques, Colors and Nouveau.

Below are some pictures to give you an idea.

There are also some garment patterns included that utilize some of the edgings featured in the book.

It's jam packed with information. There is something for everyone inside.

If you would like to enter to win this brand new copy of Knitting Over the Edge, please leave a comment under this blog post. In your comment please include your contact information and please remember only one comment per person please.

I'll announce the winner next week with another book review, so be sure to check back!


Charlotte kaae said...

Amazing I love this one.

Knitting AT bykaae DOT dk

Tiphanie said...

I would love to win this book! Please, please, please be me! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, Alana!

My rav id is purplemama. =)

Cinnamon said...

I have coveted all three of these books for. ever. Would love to win this one! Thank you for giving it away. :)

Holly said...

Sounds like an exciting book for a relatively new knitter to get her hands on!

Anonymous said...

I like the author, but I don't have this book... belimeda@gmail.com

Little Miss S. said...

I love these Nicky Epstein books.

~RaenWa~ said...

Nicky Epstein has some of the greatest ideas & books.

Raverly -Raeknitsnwa

LittleEdenMakes said...

Oh I love the look of this book! Fantastic.

Chantal Boucher said...

We always need inspiration from good knitters! That's why i read your blog too!

Unknown said...

That books looks beautiful. I'd love to take a look at it more.

my rav is jecrowley

Kamigaeru said...

What a neat trio of books! One of them could really come in handy now that I've got the bug to try my hand at designing something.

Kristina said...

This looks amazing!

Suzanne said...

Nicky's books are just beautiful to look at no matter what the content.

Megan said...

Looks like a great book for inspiration through photography and stitches! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Kathleen said...

I would love to win this book! Count me in!

Silvia M. said...

It looks like an awesome book!

MotherHenKnits said...

Thanks for the give away! (I'm motherhenknits on Ravelry)

Rae Lynne said...

Great book! Edgings can be so fun! :)

raelynne01 on Rav

pickledpurls said...

I have never really gotten into edge knitting. I will have to check these books out! Thanks!

Charlotte said...

What a cool book! It would be so much fun to add it to my knitting book collection. :)

Becky said...

This books looks great! It would be amazing to own. Thanks for the giveaway! :]

My rav id is Selece

VTwin said...

I gave two of the books shown away as gifts. I did peek at some of the edgings and was truly amazed! I've never done anything so fancy but would like to try.

Kristi ~ ArtSea said...

Facinating!!! I love the love knot icord! I've never done anything like that.

Katia said...

I'm in! This one is handy!

Tucana at Ravelry

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

navymomma said...

I love stitch books they prompt you to be sooo creative. I checked out knitting on the edge and loved it It would seriously make my week to add knitting over the edge to my colection.


Teresa said...

Gorgeous book!

Bonnie said...

Lovely! I checked her Knitting Block By Block book out from the library and then promptly added it to my wishlist. It's amazing. I'd love to see this one.

knittingdeb said...

Wow! Love the creativeness! Had no idea there were so many options...

Erin said...

I was just flipping through this book at the library yesterday! It looks like a great reference.


Karen said...

I would love to win this book! =) I would really love to learn these techniques.


Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

I have looked at these books so many times. I would love to own a volume!

rav id: valeriechristine

RRM said...

I would love to add this to my Knitting book collection.

SillyLittleLady said...

I love looking at Nicky Epstein's knitting, she's always so inspiring!


Jessica said...

♥ this book!
Jpeled on ravelry

penelope10 said...

would love to own one of her books!

SimplyMe said...

What a great addition to any knitter's library. Thank you for the opportunity to have this book.

paddock1 AT hotmail DOT com

charlotte said...

Looks great! I'd love to add it to my bookshelf. :)

W.G. Woolens said...

All of her books are amazing! I'd live to own another.

knitterlydesigns said...

This is a great book and I would love to add it to my collection.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I'd love to have this book! r.dukes@live.com

Michelle said...

this book looks so cool!
My RAV id is mickerr

DakotaAJ said...

Awesome, count me in.

Rav ID; DakotaAJ

Jodi said...

what a cool book! I'd truly love to own this one.
singsmysoul on ravelry

Judi A. said...

This would be a great way to expand my knitting horizons. :-)

Zowmom on Ravelry

Jenny T said...

Beautiful designs, would love to win this book.

Kitty Hates Everything said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kitty Hates Everything said...

This book looks amazing and really useful! If I don't win I will have to buy the whole series anyway :D


(prev comment didn't include contact details!)

dendiane said...

Looks like a great reference book to have! Love it.......

Jennifer said...

Beautiful book!

jenboh on rav.

asteride said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I always wanted to buy this book.

Robin said...

Great giveaway. Ravelry ID dieborl

Amy Olsen said...


troy and christina said...

Love it!
christinacreating AT yahoo [dot] com

Jen Price said...

I would love to add another Nicky Epstein book to my library!

Ellen said...

I'm a big fan of Nicky Epstein's.
I've been in a knitting slump and could use some inspiration. This book would help!
Thanks for having the giveaway.

EllenRonnie on Rav

Julia said...

Such a creative book! Thank you for the giveaway!

earthymama42 said...

Wow! What's a great resource! Thanks for the givewaway. =)

earthymama42 at gmail.com

deidre said...

I have actually been stalking this book. I love how her brain works. Thanks for the chance to win it. I am lostinkansas on ravelry

PurlingPenny said...

Wow!! What beautiful edgings and now my mind is spinning with ideas to use them. I'd love to win this.

Rav id purlingpenny

Glana Ricci said...

Hi Alana!!
I love Nicky Epstein's work, I live in Brazil do not know if I can join your lot, if possible I'll be very very happy!
my rav id Glana

Glana Ricci said...

Hi Alana!!
I love Nicky Epstein's work, I live in Brazil do not know if I can join your lot, if possible I'll be very very happy!
My rav id Glana

Retha said...

I've heard nothing but great things about her books. As always, fingers crossed!
Rav ID rethers

Sangeetha said...

Have heard such good reviews about this book, would love to win

bubbygigi said...

The edges from this book look amazing. I loved all of them and can picture them on scarves and sweaters.

Malin said...

Wow, I never thought there was this much good stuff in these books!

malin dot hillevi at gmail dot com

Sabrina said...

I'd like to have this book. I've heard of it, but never seen it in person.


Sabra said...

How cool would it be to win this book? It would be awesome.

rav id - sabrab

email - sabri8404@yahoo.com

kristal135 said...

Decorative edgings looks tricky......would love to give it a try. Only one more month until the next podcast!!! Looking forward to it.

G. K. Green said...

Please enter me in the book giveaway. It will give me more things to do with I-cord, I just know it! Thank you ...

G. K. Green
gkgreen on ravelry.com

Boom said...

I could learn a lot of fun things from this book. Would love to win this!!!

karen said...

This looks like a great one!! karenlambert@cox.net

Deb said...

Wow! What a treasure! Thank you for your reviews and for sharing such wonderful books with us.

Judi said...

Looks like a fantastic book - thanks for the chance to win!

rav ID judigo

karen alho said...

Does "oh my!!!'qualify as a comment if you stretch it out long enough? This stuff is amazing. Even if I never actually used a single pattern I would probably pull this book out and just drool over it like I do with my collection of Kaffee Fasset books!

Ravelry id is intavira

Kathryn W. said...

neat book review!! i didn't realize there were three in the series, i'll have to check the others out!

Made by Hand on Planet Earth said...

Looks like a fun book!


Thanks! Suzanne

Unknown said...

I love that you are reviewing books, but I miss your podcast! Erin @www.knittinginbeantown.blogspot.com

Fiona said...

That looks like a great book! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Rav id Noni26

Nicky said...

Fantastic book !!

Debbie said...

I would love to win! Thanks so much! Debbie in alaska

Monica said...

This looks intteresting...I'm always willing to learn more!

schatzi.knits at gmail dot com

barb said...

oh, I hope I'm not too late to enter the giveaway. I have her first knitted edge book, and I would love to get the second, (and the third, as well).

rav id is BarbArian

Jen said...

Looks awesome!

timothyandreas28 said...

I've been wanting to buy and collect all of Nicky Epstein's books. I think they're must-haves in every knitter's library, alongside stitch dictionaries.

My email is frosch at gmail dot com.

Denise said...

All those edgings look wonderful, would love to try some.
denise at deniseschulz . com

teresa said...

Love this book!


mhchong said...

I'd love to win. Cool book.

Lykke said...

How lucky one should be to win this prize :-)


Tricia said...

I have Knitting On the Edge and I LOVE it - this looks awesome too! Great giveaway!
triciajohnson77 AT hotmail.com

Zenitude said...

Your book reviews make me discover such great books out there. Knitting over the edge is just what I need for inspiration...fingers crossed!!

Anonymous said...

Fascinating - would love to win.

Rebecca said...

Fun! This is a great book! RavID: rebecca6923

Tanya said...

I would love this book!

I'm kitsybabcock on ravelry.

Anonymous said...

I would love to add this book to my knitting library!!

Kerstin said...

I love Nicky Epstein and would love to add this book to my collection! Thank you for the opportunity Alana!

My rav id is kerstinlee

Unknown said...

I absolutely love this one!
Embellishments are so much fun.

Ravelry: EmmaJoyce34
Email: emmajoyce34@gmail.com

dendiane said...

This books great! Very informative and would love to win it.

CeltChick said...

I have had this book from the library; I have to wear a bib when I look through theirs 'coz I drool over it....So, heck yeah! I'd love to have my own copy! Thanks for offering.
AnnBan on Ravelry

bren_na said...

This book looks amazing and inspirational! candi_raeATverizon.net

girltrekkie said...

Wow, these definitely look like some new techniques for me to learn! I would love to checkout this book!
girltrekkie on Ravelry

Susan J. said...

I crave this book - thanks a bunch for the chance to win!


Unknown said...

I love Nicky's designs.

Guru Nam Kaur said...

I love Nicky Epstein's books. Thanks for the chance to win this one.

Kitty Couture said...

This looks like such an interesting book! :)
(my contact info is in my Blogger profile :))

IrishGirl said...

I love Nicky's designs!

IrishGirl said...

I love Nicky's designs!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan Z said...

I love this book. I didn't want to give it back to the library, but there's always a waiting list for it.

rav id is crafterix

rinebird said...

I used to crochet edgings when I was young.I would love yto get back to this with knitting & crochet.

Brenda said...

This book looks amazing. I would love to win.
I'm goodstuff on Rav.

Rachelle said...

I've got the first one, would love to have the second.
My rav id is Sewsable

d said...

I love the N. Epstein books, and she was just at a store nearby! Thanks for your generosity, Alana...

bookboxer on ravelry

suesueb said...

So many beautiful designs! Although they look challenging, I'm sure the results are fabulous. Thanks for the chance!!

Shelley said...

I've had my eye on this one for a while. Thanks for the chance!

Acipenser said...

115 comments already, wow. Just shows how popular you and your podcast are. Thanks for your tireless efforts. Loved all the interviews so far.
Rav id Acipenser

RubyC said...

I know that I would love to have this book in my library.

Rav: mzcruse

ACraftyKnitter said...

That book would be a great addition to my knitting library!


D Louise said...

Ooh. I LOVE those books, and my mean library will only let me keep them a month at a time...

I got to meet Nicky at StevenBe's in Minneapolis, MN this weekend. I was so charmed...

Anonymous said...

This looks like a very interesting book, thank you for the opportunity to enter the drawing.

Charlene Brown (keppygirl on ravelry)

Alexandra said...

What an amazing book!


Monica de Moss said...

I love the whole concept of this book. Many is the time when I like a pattern for something but not the edge treatment. And being a fairly new and self taught knitter, I'm not knowledgeable enough yet to figure out how to do something different. this book would solve my problem!
positivepolly -Ravelry ID

Jandy said...

This book looks great! Thanks for the opportunity to win it. I'm cowgirl92 on ravelry.

Rosemary said...

What a wonderful book. I am always looking for an edging in shawls or blankets. rosevta@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Nice book, would love to win it!

(And sorry if I'm double posting, got an error message)

Anonymous said...

Awesome book! I have a copy of knitting on the edge and you're right - it's incredible. Gorgeous photography, lovely range of patterns and all well organised and so, so clever.

Rebekah Pope said...

This appears to be a great book! I would love to win it. thanks for sharing. rebekahpope@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I have the skill to knit all of these (or even most) but I'm certainly willing to try!


x said...

The pictures from the books look wonderful. I love it when knitting books and stitch dictionaries have clear, color photographs.

ikkinlala said...

I'd love a chance to win this book!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

jacky jan said...

Sounds like an exciting book for a relatively new knitter to get her hands on! Good article keep it I like this post thanks

Jennifer said...

Ooh, that seems like such a great book! Is it too late to enter the draw?

My Ravelry ID is jdsinger. :)

Savannagal said...

I've looked at this book before and really liked it. Thanks for the contest.

Savannagal on Ravelry

Patty said...

I've had my eye on this book for quite some time!
Rav ID: PattyP

jmpeck said...

I would love to win this book! Thanks for the opportunity!!

sethelwt said...

this looks like such a fun book with new ideas I have never seen before. I would like the chance to win. I am always looking for ways to improve my knitting!