
Making Decisions

Remember the pattern collection I eluded to earlier? Well, my first piece is now DONE.
Mostly knit in the throes of early pregnancy morning sickness, this sweater has taken w-a-y-t-o-o-l-o-n-g and I cannot tell you how excited I am to get it off of the needles!

Isn't it strange how sometimes picking the right buttons to finish a garment can be the hardest thing about the project? Choosing buttons is such an important part of the process and it's the part I find very challenging.

I went back and forth between these three options for awhile and finally settled on the middle row of buttons.
They most captured the essence of what this sweater is all about. Sweet and feminine with some vintage charm. I look forward to showing you the entire thing when the time comes.

I know it's annoying when designers show you these kinds of vague and non-revealing photos of their upcoming patterns, but this is how it will have to be for now. Please bear with me while I finish the rest of these designs.

My pregnancy put me way behind schedule, but I still hope to be able to reveal the entire collection to you at the end of the year. This is a very special and personal collection of knits and I hope that it will be worth the wait!

I will keep you all up to date with my progress. And just so you don't get too bored, I will be releasing some other designs that will be part of my regular pattern line in the next few months. 

With my new pregnancy, this collection of knits, and my podcast season starting up again, this blog will be one busy place! Stay tuned!


  1. I'm looking very forward to seeing these patterns. I've so enjoyed Chloe (I very well may be the person in the world to have knit the most Chloes--7 so far). I've been looking and looking for the perfect cardigan for me. I might just wait on it until I see yours.

  2. I love it! Hang in there, I hope your morning sickness gets much better soon!

  3. I agonize over button choice too. I knit my husband a Mister-Rogers-type cardigan and had him come with me to pick out buttons - he was overwhelmed and we wandered around for almost an hour, clutching packets of buttons and holding them up. So much pressure to choose well!

  4. Looks like the perfect match. The buttons are so pretty and the sweater, well I can't wait to see more pics....

  5. I definitely agree with your button choice! They look pretty and vintage. I don't mind the teaser photos, they are defintiely lovely to look at!!

  6. I didn't get frustrated at the limited photos because I was too caught up in gazing at your knitting! May I just say that your knitting is exquisite! A true feast for the eyes. I cannot believe how perfect it all looks - how the button band blends perfectly, the evenness of the stitches, the perfect texture - it is all just amazing!!!
    And I love ALL three button choices! Wow!

  7. From the first picture, I picked the same buttons. Love this design!

  8. Oh, that looks so interesting. Can't wait! Great choice of buttons!

  9. It is so great to be able to personalize your sweaters for everybody. I would have chosen the buttons on the far left, but all of them are great choices! Take your time with the sweaters. There is nothing more difficult then knitting when you feel sick! The baby is way more important!

  10. Haha! I'm laughing because I saw the middle buttons, and thought "Those! those are the best!" :) Great minds?

  11. You made a great choice. It looks very pretty!

  12. LOVE EVOL your choice in buttons.

  13. I've missed your podcasts so much that I started listening again from the beginning. I'm counting down until June 1st.

  14. Great choice on the buttons! Looking forward to patterns.

  15. When its decision time, I like to lay the piece somewhere I walk past often. Usually the choice becomes evident when I'm drawn to one over the others.
    The beauty of buttons is you can change them down the track if you wish.
    Looking forward to seeing the pattern collection.

  16. This is lovely! And good choice on the buttons; I'm having button dilemmas with a jumper at the moment. My solution seems to be to continue buying vintage buttons :S

  17. Love it! I'm guessing it is a knit sweater maternity line? Thus the reason for your craziness! ;)

    Love the glimses! Cannot wait to see the whole collection. You do amazing work.

  18. It looks beautiful! I love the scoop neck. Can't wait to see the whole collection.

  19. I'm so excited about this! I can't wait!
