
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 51 : Another Interview With Susan B. Anderson

Episode 51


**Please check back soon to enter the drawing for Episode 51!

  Click HERE to download the Episode 51 mp3 file.


  1. Great to have to back! We've missed you! - Going to listen right now :)

  2. I'm so glad you're back :) I've missed your podcasts. I've found a number of others while you've been off, but it's wonderful to hear you again :)

  3. OMG - Will you ever look at Saltines again?
    I did, but it took years!
    Great to have you back and the design collections sound beautiful!
    The Spud and Chloe book is so adorable and I would love to have it to read to a little one and knit along!

  4. So glad you're back. I really enjoy listening to your podcasts.

  5. I want to knit the
    spud & chloe animals. So excited and thanks for another episode.
    Congrats too on having another little one!

  6. Alana,

    I have really missed your podcasts. I am so happy for you and your family on your new addition(s), the baby and the new knitware. Make sure to take care of yourself and again I am really glad you are back & doing so well


  7. Great episode, I loved hearing from Susan B. Anderson. Great to have you back.

  8. So happy to have a new podcast to listen to. I'm saving it for a moment when I don't have to hit pause.

  9. I really enjoyed your podcast and I loved hearing from Susan B Anderson! Glad to have you back:)

  10. I loved the latest episode of your podcast, so good to hear you again! I am glad you are feeling better; oh I do remember those terrible first months of pregnancy and nausea (and it has been a long time in the past for me ;-). I am really looking forward to your new collection of patterns; I hope you are enjoying that process now.

  11. I love the Spud and Chloe animals! Great interview. Hope the rest of your pregnancy is perfect and eventless :)

  12. very happy to hear you're feeling better! so excited to hear that you'll be podcasting more often (until much more happy, important things take up your time!) glad you took the time to chat w/ susan again--looking forward to checking out her new book! and i can't wait to see your new patterns!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I have really missed you and the podcast! the Stitches podcast seems ages ago....I ended up listening to your entire 5 seasons over again! Really enjoyed this episode...laughed, cried ( enjoyment tears...of course) and totally enjoyed every minute! Congrats on the newest addition to your family...

  15. Another great pod cast, thank you. A very entertaining interview with Susan B Anderson. Her books all sound so amazing what a talented lady. Congratulations again!

  16. Another great podcast! Congrats on your newest WIP, and don't you just love Susan B Anderson's laugh?!? She makes me laugh. I love her toy patterns, she's very creative like you.

  17. Congratulations on the baby in your belly and welcome back!

  18. Yay for a new season of your podcast! I would love to try making a knitted toy.

    nashvegasknitter on ravelry

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I loved the episode. Susan's work is wonderful. I hope you're feeling better, Alana!

  21. Really enjoyed the interview with Susan. Love Her!! Love Her Books!! These farm animals are so sweet! Thank you for this wonderful offer.
    lmetzger on ravelry

  22. Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway! Congrats on the new baby.....how exciting for you and your family! May you be blessed with good health and joy in your pregnancy and delivery of a beautiful, healthy baby!


  23. Looking up the patterns from the book on ravelry-- so cute! Love the barn and animals. Think I will have to make some for my 2 year old. So glad your podcast is back:)

  24. Welcome back!I love Susan's new book, can't wait to knit Spud.

  25. Welcome back! I love Susan's new book, can't wait to knit Spud.

  26. I have been catching up on some of your old shows. I really like listening. My daughter loves the Susan B. Anderson book. She says everything is so cute.

  27. I have missed this so much,. I started listening during the break and it was wonderful to hear your gush about the spud and chloe book. I saw it too and LOVE IT

  28. So glad you're back! The design collections sound beautiful!

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  29. So glad you are back and feeling better!! It will all be worth it, as you know!
    The new episode was great and you all made my mouth water for the book and the yarn for Spud and Chloe. Unfortunately, Blue Sky will not let my LYS carry their lines so I can't go get it. So, needless to say, I hope my number is drawn to win the prize! Looking forward to the next episode!

  30. It seems like FOREVER since I have been able to listen to your Podcasts! Love Susan B. Anderson, and would love to win her book! Cheers, Melanie

  31. Love Susan and her work. I would love to be the new owner of this book and yarn.

  32. Didn't get to listen at this episode until today, but loved it :-)
    It's kinda empty when you're not podcasting...

  33. It was so funny to hear you say knitting made you nauseous!! I thought I was the ONLY ONE. Knitting made me nauseated during my entire FIRST and SECOND trimesters with my first little one. I am praying that doesn't happen again with number two! Hope you continue to feel better!
