
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 57 : The Trouble With Seatbelts

Episode 57


The winner of Episode 56's VK Live Drawing Giveaway is Lorrie and the Alpenglow Yarn Drawing Giveaway winner is Avila! Congratulations!

*Please check back soon to enter the Pulling At Strings Drawing for Episode 57!

Receive 10% off of all Pulling At Strings orders by entering code "NNK10" in the checkout process.
This offer is valid until midnight on October 1 at pullingatstrings.com and is exclusive to the Never Not Knitting podcast listeners and blog readers.

Click HERE to download the Episode 57 MP3 file.


  1. another great listen!
    I can't wait to see the cutest outfit in the world on your new baby.
    and i think this is the final straw- i've already downloaded Baby Sophisticate-it's time for stash digging.

  2. Just finished this latest episode. You should include "handmade especially by you" tags with your gifts so folks know they are getting a beautiful professionally made peice. Love the apple. I had the chance to attend Sock Summitt in Portland, OR and visit 3 Irish Girls and Becoming Art in person. Love them both. Another of my favorites from this show is the Plucky Knitter. I always enjoy hearing a new episode! Take care of yourself. -Amy O.

  3. Another good episode. I would love the oppurtunity to win some yarn.

    Rav ID - SabraB

  4. I enjoyed your podcast. I added a few of those projects to my list. Thank you!

  5. Nice although too short interview with Amy Herzog. I really like her designs! So nice to hear the voices of people you've been following for a while through their blogs! And take care of your voice ;-)

  6. Loved to listen to this podcast! Hope you are doing better by now :) I´d love to get a chance in winning the beautiful pattern and lovely yarn!

  7. I really enjoyed this episode and I hope you're feeling better. There's nothing worse than a cold when you're pregnant. Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing giveaway!

  8. Love listening to your podcasts! Hope you get better soon. I can't wait till I am grandmother so I can knit some quick and beautiful baby projects.

  9. as always an awesome podcast, thank you. Would love the chance to win that scrummy sounding yarn and wip up a new sweater.

  10. I enjoyed your podcast!
    And are looking forward to the next one :-)

  11. I just started listening to your podcast this summer- love it. I always chuckle and always hear about more wonderful yarn and fun patterns to explore. Please enter me in your drawing this week.

  12. I just listened to your latest podcast and with a new grandchild on the way I was inspired to download the sweater pattern and the little booties.
