
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 59 : The Process Knitter

Episode 59


Karabella Aurora 8

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The winner of Episode 58's One Planet Yarn and Fiber Drawing Giveaway is "Fibercrafter"! Congratulations!

*Please check back soon to enter the Tactile Fiber Arts Drawing Giveaway for Episode 59!

Receive 15% off at the Tactile Fiber Arts online shop by 
entering code "coastalknits" in the checkout process.

This offer is valid through November 15th at tactilefiberarts.com and is exclusive to the 
Never Not Knitting podcast listeners and blog readers.

Click HERE to download the Episode 59 MP3 file.


  1. Great theme song, by the way! Thanks for all of the links. I've been doing some natural dyeing and it is loads of fun!

  2. I've just discovered your blog and sat down tonight to listen to my first episode of the podcast with a new baby hat on my needles. I'm also besotted with the rocky coast cardigan but can't figure out what yarn I want to use - I'll MAKE time to knit it! The baby hat knitting book sounds fab ... I've decided I love knitting baby hats cos they're so fast and it feels good to get a project finished!!!! So sorry that next podcast may be your last but wish you all the best - as the mum of 2 (and possibly a bit) I know how hard it is to balance everything! Thank you!

  3. OH, and I love that theme song too!

  4. I loved hearing about the eucalyptus grove that inspired the beret I am knitting right now. Even though I don't have the lovely yarn discussed in the show, I chose something similar that I had in my stash.

    Can't wait to hear your conversation with Hannah next time.


  5. Another great episode. First I'd like to say they the upcoming break is temporary and thay you'll come back after things settle down with the family. Second, I'd love to win the book and yarn. Wooly Wormhead sounds very interesting.

  6. Oh! I can't believe this season may be your last! I've enjoyed listening to your podcasts over the last few years (has it really been that long?).

  7. Thank you for your comments on Malabrigo Worsted. I am currently knitting Rocky Coast in Shelter, but I am planning on knitting another sweater soon that suggests Malabrigo and I was concerned about the pilling.. maybe Organik will work!

  8. I will miss your podcasts, I just love listining to your voice when I knit. Thank you for all the time you have put into this podcast.
    Happy knitting, and have a fun and happy life. Linda

  9. I'll be here for sure for the season finale and keep following your instinct for yarn and podcasting! You must always follow what your guts tell you to do!

  10. Thanks for a great episode (again!). I hope this was not your one-before-the last podcast, I'll miss listening to it...

  11. I always enjoy listening to the podcast while sewing, Knitting is reserved for upstairs in front of the tube. I look forward to tuning in on Oct 15th and I hope it is not the last we will hear from you.
    Melanie in Spokane
