
Good Things

There are so many good things lately that I have been very happy and excited about...

First of all.. on a personal note.. our little guy is now 2 months old and is all smiles these days.

Just a smiling face sitting atop a pair of shoulders. No neck in sight. :)

Aside from that, I've felt re-enthused about my knitting and have been working on a new design!

Squishy elegant cables are always a treat.

Also. I am planning out a trip to Santa Clara, California at the end of February because I am going to be a vendor at Stitches West again this year! The neckless baby and I will be sharing a booth again with Lisa Sanchez from Becoming Art. Crazy? Yes, probably. But it will be fun.

See.. so many good things.


  1. Oh my, I do quite need that hat pattern. :)

  2. It's wonderful to see a little baby smile! He's cute.

  3. your baby boy is so cute Alana! yea, your going to stitches this year. I have been listening to your podcast for a week. I have listened to the first 22 and love them. I realized I have to pace myself so I don't run out of episodes before you are back on air. I can't wait to meet you.

  4. Let's see - precious baby, gorgeous cables, and I can't wait to see you at Stitches West again this year!!!

  5. Supercute baby, and stunnning cables! :D

  6. Love the new cable pattern and what a cute baby!

  7. Smile :)
    Smile :)
    Smile :)

  8. So cute! Glad to see you designing again!!
    jpeled on ravelry

  9. I'm in love with the yarn from your new design! Can't wait until we can find out more about it ;)

  10. I was going through a little NNK withdrawal yesterday and happened to listen to the podcast where you talked about Stitches West and your insane pattern preparations. I hope this time is a lot calmer for you. Happy knitting!

  11. AWWWWwwww. What adorable pictures. Baby smiles are the best!

  12. Your baby is so adorable! I love the start of the new design and can't wait to see the finished product. The yarn looks beautiful! Good luck with Stitches!

  13. Your squishy cables look awesome, and that baby! Soooo cute!

  14. LOL @ "the neckless baby"! Hahaha! The design (and the yarn) look gorgeous! Glad your little guy is doing well. I love love love that red hair! :)

  15. Such a beautiful boy. I just want to munch on those cheeks!

  16. What a beautiful baby!! When mine was that age he had no neck too. Course he also had no eyebrows... Actually he kinda still doesn't have eyebrows.

    I can't wait to see your new design it looks like it's right up my alley! ♥

  17. He is so adorable! and i love the new pattern too. I noticed it on ravelry. The cables make me think of calla lilies! :)

  18. Delightful ... baby, new design, and your upcoming travels!

  19. A babywrap, Alana!
    I used it all the time when I was on fairs and had my baby with me.
    I just wrapped her around my body and I sold more than other years. It's a perfect attraction for people too :p
    Just invest in a babywrap... not only for the fair. ;) it's awesome to carry your child around :)

  20. look at those big smiles!! What a n adorable little guy. And hat that looks amazing!! that single ply yarn looks pretty impressive...

  21. All seems good at Never Not Knitting! It's good to read all that! Your new design looks very cozy!

  22. I'm so glad you are going to be at Stitches! I have been in mini conversation with Lisa about it as I am all fan-girl about Becoming Art yarns. And I so want the pattern for the new cowl in your pics...

  23. Awww...He is so cute! And I'm thrilled to hear you're working on a new design. Here's hoping that you'll be inspired to podcast before too long. :) Hope to see you at Stitches again! :)

  24. Your baby is so precious! Can't wait to see you at Stitches West!

  25. What an adoreable baby you have!!!

  26. Welcome to California.

    Your baby is the cutest!

  27. wait. wait. you're coming to stitches and bringing the baby?! I wasn't even going to stitches. And, I don't think a baby needs a neck when they are that cute. Just sayin'

  28. Will you have a big "Never Not Knitting" sign? May stop by and visit! My sister's name is Alana!!!

  29. Will you have a big "Never Not Knitting" sign? May stop by and visit! My sister's name is Alana!!!

  30. Looking forward to seeing you and TNB at Stitches!

  31. sizSweet! What a darling baby. Thank you for posting the baby pictures.

  32. Alana, so very glad things have calmed down and you are able to enjoy that precious little boy and come up with more patterns for me to buy and knit. It was a great pleasure to meet you last year and it would be fantastic to say hello to you again. Hope to see you real soon.

  33. Alana, so very glad things have calmed down and you are able to enjoy that precious little boy and come up with more patterns for me to buy and knit. It was a great pleasure to meet you last year and it would be fantastic to say hello to you again. Hope to see you real soon.

  34. That pattern is absolutely gorgeous!!

  35. cutest photo ever. i wish s.c. was a bit closer to me, i want to go to stitches. have fun!

  36. Hi Alana, your baby is so cute. I love the podcast and I love all the projects that you have been doing.
