
Ready For Stitches West!

I'll be heading off to the Stitches West convention this week and I am awfully excited!

I will be sharing booth #1139 with the amazing Lisa Sanchez from Becoming Art again this year.
I will be there with all of my patterns, many knitted samples, and of course lots of copies of Coastal Knits... oh and a cute baby too.
I'll also have lots of fun little things there to give away to all of you.. so be sure to stop by and say hello!

Just look for the blonde girl covered in spit up holding a baby. :)

There are two book signings scheduled if you would like to bring your copy of Coastal Knits for me to sign.

Friday 2/24 booth #1139 I will be signing books from 2:00-2:30
Saturday 2/25 booth #931 (Alpenglow Yarns) I will be signing from 11:30-12:00

But if you happen to catch me at any other time during the show, I'll be happy to sign it for you then too. :)

I look forward to seeing all of my friends again and meeting new ones. See you soon!


  1. So nice to see you in my blog reader since I'm too far to get to Stitches.

  2. i hope you have a wonderful, profitable, stress-free time at stitches! can't wait to see what you post about it when it's over--& i hope you get to eat more than a banana this time! :)

  3. The best for you at Stitches. Wish I could be there. Can't wait to see more pix of that adorable baby boy and some new knits!

  4. I'll be stopping by your booth! Can't wait!

  5. good luck at Stitches! it will be even more fun to have your baby with you!

  6. I hope that both you and the little one have a great time! It's about 2,000 miles away for me, so I unfortunately won't be able to attend. Maybe someday! :)


  7. ooh, exciting!! Good luck, I hope it's a huge success!!

  8. I so wish I could go! Have a great time!

  9. Yay! I plan on coming on Friday wearing a Coastal Knit of course!

  10. aargh! i must stop reading blogs about fun and exciting things that i know i cannot attend!! have a wonderful time. hope to get my copy of your book signed sometime.. (and would love one of those buttons! can they be purchased?)

  11. Unfortunately our finances this year preclude me from going. My dear partner suggested I just go and look and be "with my people" but I know that the temptation would be too much. I'm also quite sad to miss seeing your new babe. My friend is taking my copy of Coastal Knits to get it signed and I'll content myself with the many fine patterns of yours I already have. I hope your weekend was fun and very successful!

  12. Hi Alana!
    I saw you at Stitches and you looked great!
    Keep up the great work!
