
Because Elephants Need Scarves Too.

Over the years I have been trying to teach my daughter to knit. 
If you are a long time reader.. you may remember this post from a few years back.

Now that she is six years old, I am happy to report that
she has turned into quite the accomplished little knitter.

She has now finished her first project. A stylish scarf for her elephant.

And she is very proud.

... as am I!

Last night she says to me.. 
"Mom.. why don't we both grab our knitting and sit on the couch and knit together?"

Somebody pinch me.. I must be dreaming. :)


  1. How sweet! I am looking forward to that moment with my little grand daughter.

  2. Alana - The photos are darling but your video is set to private!

  3. The best words daughter can say to her knitting mom!

  4. oh my! how wonderful!

    And I love elephants too. :)

  5. You are so blessed to have a daughter to share your passion with!

  6. Wow, she is good! And, the scarf looks perfect on Mr. Elephant.

  7. I so agree with Tina - how I wished my daughter would have shared knitting with me. And alas I have no grand-daughters either.

  8. Nice job!

    I have a five year old that I started teaching to knit when she was three and a half. It was her idea. It's taken a long time to get there, but she's now figuring out how to fix her mistakes and can sit and knit for a while. It's always such a good feeling seeing how far she's come.

  9. This is unbelievably adorable. You SHOULD be proud. I love it.


  10. you are proud, as you should be! I'm proud of her (and you) from way over here on my side of the country! You go, Girls!

  11. amazing!! her elephant looks very fetching in the new scarf.

  12. so cute <3
    Can`t wait to learn my daughter to knit:)
    I just love your blog:)

  13. This is the most adorable knitting moment I've ever assisted to! ;-)

  14. How lovely it is to have a daughter to follow your creative path.....I know this as my little girl just loves to have a go at cross stitch and knitting......but the best bit is when she looks at me and says I want to knit as good as you when I'm older....and I'm sure she will!

    Happy Knitting
    Fleur xx

  15. How lovely.Little girls are so delightful & lift our hearts up.

  16. Oh my goodness, you are totally living the dream! Congrats to your little girl for being such a talented young knitter.

  17. Oh my! She is so cute and you should be really proud of her! I love her scarf! A pattern maybe ;)

  18. Adorable! Everything about this! Your daughter, her scarf, and the fact that she wants to sit and knit with you! Just -- sigh! Enjoy the moment!

  19. how great is that, what a cute young lady

  20. And boys knit, too! Maybe more swords than scarfs, but just as wonderful.

  21. Oh, I love it. I have a photo of my now high school senior learning to knit at age 8. I treasure it. Fast forward 9 years, and she completed a beautiful Harry Potter sweater.

  22. How lovely! I too can't wait for the day my Elly shows an interest and is old enough to have the coordination required. Right now she just pulls at the yarn.
    Enjoy knitting with your daughter. I love the scarf she knit!

  23. Absolutely priceless!
    And the tension looks good, too! What fun...

  24. That is so lovely! You must be very very proud! Xxx

  25. To to cute! And she looking so grown up now!!!

  26. Congratulations - none of my three daughters wanted to learn to knit!
    Two of them had to learn at school but only the eldest finally became my knitting companion when she became a mom in her 20s ;))
    However, the others are not averse to me knitting for them LOL
    We'll see what the grand-daughter thinks, but she's only 5 mths old!

  27. Ha...I remember one of my first projects was a scarf for my best friend Eric's tiger. It was straight up garter in an orange variegated. Your post just reminded me of it.

  28. Awwwww!!! So sweet, and I agree that would be a dream come true. Please tell her that she is doing an incredibly good job, and that scarf looks perfect on her elephant!

    I learned to knit when I was about her age (I think I was probably 7) and made quite a few Barbie clothes during my young years. Looking back, I can see that I learned a tremendous amount during those trials and errors!

    Congratulations - I can tell you're very happy, and you have taught your daughter something that will bring her joy all of her life. :)

  29. I love it all! My daughter is 20 months and now says "kni, kni!" when I pull out the needles and will click them together herself to knit. I look forward to the day we grab our knitting and sit on the couch!

  30. Congratulations, and happy, happy, knitting to both of you!! What a wonderful memory to hear your daughter say "Let's knit together", a dream come true.

  31. How wonderful! My 8 year old tells me someday we will just sit and knit together when she is a "grown up lady" like me.

  32. Congratulations - what a wonderful scarf. So glad this is something you can share together, my Grandma taught me to knit and now when I pick up the needles it is a link to her. Lovely memories.
    I hope the elephant enjoys his scarf.

  33. This is so sweet I think it made my day.

  34. I like how she seems to get faster as she gets closer to the end! That is SO like me, lol.

  35. So sweet - love those wiggly knees!

  36. That is fantastic, Alana! What fun for you to share your passiOn with your little lady! I have a 5 year old son who is sometimes interested in learning to knit. Unfortunately, things quickly devolve into using the knitting needles as swords! He just turned 5 , so I'm not giving up hope yet!

  37. Aww so precious, unfortunately it's just in time for the next little one to tell you to put your knitting down ;) Seriously though, that is super awesome I dream of that day coming with my kids.

  38. That is absolutely wonderful Alana!! i can't wait to hear that from my own daughter!!!

  39. Aww... How cute! I am so proud of her too!

  40. I think all adults should find something to learn or do that makes them smile and look as proud as she does at the end of that video!

  41. She is precious!
    Lori at Purltherapy

  42. The video is precious! She's so joyful about knitting. I'm 25 and I just knit a sweater for one of my stuffed animals, ha!

  43. oh, my heart is bursting with happiness for you and for her .. xo

  44. How absolutely sweet!!!

    God Bless,

  45. Ooooooh, that's a beautiful story! I'm the mom of 3 girls, 2 of whom are learning to knit. Can't wait for them to say that!

  46. This is absolutely precious!!

  47. Anyway you could point me in the right direction with knitting this little scarf? I know basics and can knit a dishcloth and can crochet simple things as well but, my daughter is constantly pulling out my yarn and needles and sometimes fabric or felt to add to her creations. I would love to help her start and finish an actual project for her baby. She is 5!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  48. This is wonderful, Alana! Keep her pride and knitting projects going!
    So happy for you!

  49. She did a great job! So proud of her.
