
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 62 : Play By Play Knitting

Episode 62

Click here to download the mp3 file for Episode 62


Little Oak Photoshoot Fail

Enter to win a copy of the book, Knitted Dinosaurs, by leaving a comment under this blogpost 
by June 15, 2012. Please do not forget to include your contact information!
The book winner will be announced on Episode 63.

Please email me your personal knitting story to share on a future episode! Send your 5+ minute story recording to nevernotknitting@gmail.com and receive a knitting related thank you gift from me!
Contact me for details.

Thank you for listening!


  1. You had me laughing out loud with the story of your son and the Little Oak photo shoots. My daughter was about the same age when we tried to get a family photo with our 3 older sons and her. What a disaster, she cried the entire time. We got one photo where she wasn't crying, she was probably taking a deep breath to get ready for a really big scream :)

    I love all the knitted toys, I really need to try some, my boys would probably love those dinosaurs.

    Thanks for the great podcast!

  2. Dinosaurs! How great.
    --dclulu on Ravelry

  3. I haven't knitted any toys yet. These are so cute. I'm sure any child would love one. Thanks for the giveaway.

    Savannagal on Rav

  4. I really enjoyed listening to the story on the train! People really get intrigued by us knitters. We had a man commenting our knitting at the cafe on Wednesday. He asked: Are you a knitting club? Are you pregnant? He said that his sister started knitting when she became pregnant! Have a great weekend!

  5. Ooo...what cute looking patterns! I love knitting toys. :)

    KnitWrite30 on Ravelry

  6. I love knitting toys, even though my children are young adults, any excuse to knit toys! Thanks for the giveaway.
    Raverly. LAKCHI

  7. Thanks so much for the podcast and another great giveaway! (SReiber on ravelry.)

  8. LOVE the dinosaurs!

  9. Knitted Dinosaurs! How awesome!

    Ravelry: katiejo

  10. Loved the story on your photo shoots! Glad that the finished project is wonderful. Thanks for the podcast and giveaway. C

  11. I'm glad you're back! I'd love to try some knitted toys especially with a boy coming!

  12. I'm so glad you're back on the air ♥ ♥
    Love it!

    grandmastatus on ravelry

  13. Those dinos are soooo cute!

    (gardenJess on ravelry)

  14. Oh my dino-loving grandson would love those!

  15. Fun! Knitted Dinos?!?!! Awesome :-D


  16. Hey there! I just stumbled on your blog, and was delighted to see all the cool patterns and podcasts available! I took the time to peek into your book~♥. My siblings will totally dig these dinosaurs, and I can already hear the monstrous battles that will take place!Thanks for hosting this, and for giving my something interesting to read and watch! I will be back to follow your other podcasts(definitely keep up this awesome blog)!

  17. the dino book looks great :)
    /Karen aka lindse at Ravelry

  18. I also knit sweaters in the summer!
    Dinos what fun! Knitting toys in the summer is a great idea, small, fast and fun.

    Great podcast
    Rav ID cocoavanilla

  19. Cute book. ravelry id knitandfelt

  20. The photo shoot story was so funny with your little guy! Want to make this darling sweater!

  21. I do have a little boy who would LOVE a knitted dino or two! Thanks for podcasting again!!

  22. What a great story about the photos of your little oak cardi - the final result looks worth it!

  23. oh my goodness! how adorable! Dinosaurs are sooo cute. My little brothers would love some homemade dinosaurs!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. wow, what a fantastic book! (mma on ravelry)

  26. loving the pics on the oak cardi. your kids are so beautifull together wearing there cardigans. thanks for podcasting /eddy from sweden

  27. My granddaughters would love some dinasous!

  28. Knitted Dinosaurs?!?!?! LOVE! What cute patterns. :)

  29. Such a cute story on the picture of your little boy! Thank you for sharing.
    As for what I am knitting now - I bought Whee Wildflower to make for my 5-yo daughter, and cannot get the gauge right. No matter what I do - I am still 2 sts off.
    Thank you for discount.
    Too bad I cannot use it now.
    thank you,
    ~ iris68

  30. I was cracking up about your disastrous baby photo shoots! The sleeping with pinecone shots are priceless. I have the same problem getting good pics of my kids in my knits. Although, my 3-yr-old is harder to photograph than my 9-month old lately...
    Just bought yarn today to make Little Oak for my baby boy!

  31. I am a fellow year-round knitter. I only learned to knit a couple years ago, so I'm making up for a lifetime of lost knitting enjoyment. I just made some fingerless gloves in pink and purple for my daughter for this fall, and I want to make some shawls and scarves for myself this summer... once fall hits, it's knitting for the holidays. The knits in this book would make great ornaments. I'd love to win it.

  32. I am a fellow year-round knitter. I only learned to knit a couple years ago, so I'm making up for a lifetime of lost knitting enjoyment. I just made some fingerless gloves in pink and purple for my daughter for this fall, and I want to make some shawls and scarves for myself this summer... once fall hits, it's knitting for the holidays. The knits in this book would make great ornaments. I'd love to win it.

  33. Love the Dino Book! Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. My son loves dinosaurs...and I love the instant gratification of a knitted toy :). Thanks for the giveaway! Ravelry: lilpixie124

  35. I have never made a knitted toy, but I have three babies to knit for right now (two of which I know are boys, one still to be announced). I think this book would allow me to make a cute addition to the afghans I'm planning to knit for these babies!

  36. I'm hooked on Susan B Anderson's Itty Bitty Toys--I just finished a wrap me up pup and now am working on the reversible frog/turtle. I love making knitted toys and have had my eye on this book for a while.

  37. That was great! Thanks for the podcast!

  38. With a 3.5 yr old, and another boy due in August, the knitted dinosaurs would be an absolute hit in our house :) Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and another great podcast!
    Millertime on ravelry

  39. I love both Little Oak sweaters you made for your kids but am especially fond of the red Little Oak sweater you made for your daughter.

    I'm glad you are back podcasting. It's my laundry folding listening time. I have three little boys so would love a chance to win the knitted dinosaurs book.

    boosay on Ravelry

  40. hahahaha! They're sooo cute! I would really like to have this book. However, I won't be knitting dinos for kiddies, at least not at first: I NEED a triceratops of my own! Thanks for offering this giveaway.
    AnnBan on Ravelry

  41. I have a baby boy who (I think) needs a knitted dinosaur in his future!

  42. Thank you so much for your wonderful podcast!

    biscuitgirl on Ravelry

  43. Great podcast! So glad you are back. Love the dino book.

    Maevenish on ravelry...


  44. For me, summer is the time to knit socks and shawls (especially lace ones). I always have to wear my knitting as soon as it's off the needles, never mind the temperature! So, I don't knit wool sweater and other winter stuff, I juts wait for fall... I know that it would be smarter to plan away and knit for the upcoming season instead of the current one, but I can't help it: my motivation and inspiration are linked to the weather and knowing that I'll wear my finished object as soon they are done!

  45. I have a 2 year old nephew who would love a knit dinosaur! RachelUnraveled on ravelry

  46. Thank you for the great podcast.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Thanks for the podcast.
    pnarva16 on ravelry Paula

  50. Great podcast and giveaway. I am so glad you are back!
    Contact me as rlene on Ravelry.

  51. Thanks for another great podcast!
    Juliaknit on Ravelry

  52. Love them Dino's would love to knit them.

  53. i love knitting toys. i find adults like them just as much, if not more than the kids.

  54. Would love to knit dino's for my grandsons!

  55. Would also love the chance to knit a few dinosaurs. SandraRum on ravelry

  56. Loved the podcast. I would love to try knitting a toy too!

    Cindymen on ravelry

  57. Thank you for this giveaway!

  58. What a cute book! Would be nice to knit for my grandkids. glongley on ravelry

  59. i have the perfect customer for the dinosaur. An adorable three year old boy. He and his twin sister are getting a new baby sister (surprise surprise, mom and dad thought this was not medically possible).Daniel would absolutely love the dinosaurs and he might not feel so outnumbered by the new baby sister he is afraid to have come in the house. Keep up the great designing.

  60. Okay, so now the neighbors are saying "She's taking pictures of her children in knitwear again...poor girl" ;-) Love hearing your latest podcast, please keep them coming!! Charlene (Keppygirl on Ravelry)

  61. Dinos! Can we ever have enough? Fingers crossed...

  62. I love your podcast!! I'd love to win this book! Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  63. Love the story of the eaten knitted toys...my son (1 year) does the same! Rebecca (rebecca6923 on rav)

  64. Really cute book. I loved the story :) Stories are my favorite part.-Tori

  65. Loved your photo shoot story. It was very entertaining. The Coastal Knit for kids patterns are all so adorably cute. I'm sure my grandson and nephew would rather have a knitted dinosaur instead of a sweater!!

    knitsta on Ravelry

  66. I can totally relate to your hilarious photo shoot story. I have 6 kiddos myself, and a couple of them have been spit-up kings! If I had taken off the bib (or didn't have one on yet) I could always count on a big mess to follow. So glad you're podcasting again!

    KrochetKristin on Ravelry

  67. Love this blog! So happy to be hooked on it.

  68. I thoroughly enjoy your podcast. The toys are cute. I spent my 10th anniversary awaiting the birth of our daughter. That was 25 years ago today and now we are busy planning her wedding this August. Incredible how time passes so quickly.
    Skibum on Rav

  69. Love the dinos. Thanks for the opportunity.

  70. Love the dinos. Thanks for the opportunity.

  71. When my nephew was first born i made him a dinosaur blanket and two knitted dinosaur toys which can be seen on my ravelry page under my username catgocrazy. I really liked knitting Dinosaurs.

    I really enjoyed this podcast. Looking forward to the next.

  72. Just new to your podcast. Enjoying it a lot. Would love to learn to make dinosaurs for my grandson.

  73. Thank you for this giveaway. I'm in love with dinosaurs and would love this book as well.

    Breakfree7(at)juno(dot)com or
    DiabolicalRica on ravelry.

  74. Thanks for sharing Jen's story - I came home (from walking the dog) and downloaded a couple of her podcasts, to check them out.

    The Knitted Dinosaurs book has some cute toys - I took a look at pictures on Ravelry, and the pterodactyl might be my favorite...!

    RobinV on ravelry

  75. Love your stories!

    ThisnThatFarm on Ravelry

  76. My five year old boy and his cousins would love these dinos, how cute are they! Thanks for another great episode, so glad you've returned. I loved your story about your sons sweater, it brought back memories of my kids when they were young. How easily we forget about all the spit up and how much laundry such a little person can generate!

    I am Xanthey on ravelry

  77. So glad you are back podcasting, I enjoying your stories and your contributors too. Just have to work up the nerve to record and submit my own ..

    Kelly (hoodlumknit on Ravelry)

  78. I loved this episode.

    I have become hard-core knitter I guess. A couple of years ago I started knitting through the summer months. Before that I was a seasonal knitter. Last summer during the terrible heat waves I remember knitting a thick cable hat from angora-merino blend. My friends laught at me but I was really inspired to knit that yarn I got on summer sale and the Ysolda Teagues wonderful pattern. I haven't knit anything big and wolly in the summer yet, but I'm plannin to knit a sweater during the Ravelympics. We'll see how that goes.

    Thank you for sharing the story of taking pictures of your son. I also loved the train knitting story.

    Judiuni @ Ravelry

  79. My son will love you forever if I win this book!!! I made a bunch of the bunny nuggets and chicks to pass out at Easter. They were a hit with all the kids!
    My tag on ravelry is creationclay. :)

    email: angelamowery4@gmail.com

  80. I enjoyed listing to the podcast and will check back regularly for new ones. I have crocheted toys but haven't ventured into knitting them yet, being only one year into knitting. My new granddaughter will soon be old enough to play with toys and what's cuddlier than a T-Rex?

  81. My nephew would love for me to knit him a dinosaur.

    BookGirl on Ravelry.

  82. What a great podcast! I've fallen behind about a year and have some catching up to do. I, too, love to knit toys. I like Susan B. Anderson's Itty Bitty Toys and her other Itty Bitty books.

  83. Oops! I forgot to identify myself. I'm Survivor on Rav.
    Sara in WI

  84. Hello from London, England, my 3 cats and I curl up together each evening to listen to your podcasts, having only just found you we are working through the backlog on itunes, love love love it! I am an obsessive knitter and crocheter, the cats are not, but they are good sports!
    I am artieparty on ravelry

  85. Hello from London, England, my 3 cats and I curl up together each evening to listen to your podcasts, having only just found you we are working through the backlog on itunes, love love love it! I am an obsessive knitter and crocheter, the cats are not, but they are good sports!
    I am artieparty on ravelry

  86. I love the final picture of the Gramps Sweater (and your son's smile!) Jill Warren

  87. The play by play story was hillarious! This knitted dinosaur book looks awsome too. I love knitting toys as well :) I'm knitsareforkids on ravlery.

  88. I would love to make these Dino's for my baby boy!

  89. Looking forward to the new Coastal Kids book. I bought Coastal Knits from you at Stitches West this year and just love it!
