
Copper Penny

My new design project on the needles knit in Madelinetosh Tosh DK in Copper Penny.

Isn't this colorway gorgeous?


  1. Oh my gosh, so beautiful..Love all the different hues of brown. Can't wait to see what you are making!

  2. That is beautiful! I'd love to have a nice cardigan knit with that for fall!

  3. I simply adore almost anything by MadelineTosh - for me it is almost out of reach both geographically and very expensive, but all the more beautiful, the colours....!!! I have loved all your projects with MT and often wish I could get the yarns more easily and cheaply here in Europe. So far I know of no alternative as beautiful, sigh.

  4. If you weren't so lovely and your designs so fantastic, I might have to be mad at you for posting all these teaser pictures. :-)

  5. since brown has become one of my fav colors i may have to get this for my fall something??? i'll think of something i need to knit!! lovely!!
    ^)^ linda

  6. Gorgeous! I can't wait to see the FO!

  7. WOW this is beautiful!! If only there was a way to secretly buy it without my hubby knowing hehe;)

  8. Agreed. That yarn is so very lovely.

  9. YES! Wow, that yarn looks so much better in your photo than it has looked in the various online yarn shops. So gorgeous! I am a madelinetosh fool. That stuff is so delicious!

    Can't wait to see the pattern! :)

  10. Wow great color! Ugh. This is why I have a Madelinetosh problem... Can't wait to see what you create :)

  11. Truly gorgeous ... I think MadTosh DK is my favorite of her line!

  12. Amazing depth of color. I can't wait to see what you're creating.

  13. Love the color, and your designs. Can't wait to see what you have coming soon! I hope it's ok, I mentioned you and your awesome Autumn Vines Beret on my new blog, bloomsburycafe.wordpress.com. Have a fabulous day!

  14. Oh yes that is beautiful!!! I'm excited to see what it turns out to be.

    I'm a new visitor and I'm so glad to have found you.

    I stopped in at our local knit shop today and very happily discovered you and your patterns! Our shop owner just got them in, including your book..I was so torn, what to buy what to buy!!! I ended up getting Winter Trails and picked up some beautiful mulberry yarn and also Mini Water's Edge. I've never knitted a sweater before (just hats and scarves) so this will be a departure for me but I could not turn away. Your pattern leaflets are just beautiful done,and a great price for the quality. I'm hoping your book will still be there on payday LOL. They'd already sold one of the books and only had two left!

    Sorry for the lengthy comment but you really made my day, I can't wait to start Winter Trails.

  15. I was gifted a skein of Madeline Tosh and it is just amazing. I look forward to your finished project in this gorgeous yarn!

  16. Alana, I can't wait til I am able to knit a design of yours. I enjoy your podcast so very much. Keep talking, you are blessing many lives:) Thank you Bestemor2

  17. It is nice.

    Reminds me of chocolate.


  18. You gotta love MadTosh! My fav yarn to use for most projects. :o)


  19. This color is beautiful! It reminds me of the woods during autumn! I cannot wait to see what you are going to make with it!

  20. That is a GoRGEOUS colorway. I have to go check it out at my LYS!!!

  21. That is a Gorgeous colorway!! I have to check it out at my LYS. i LOVE browns.
