
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 64 : A Collection of Stories, Part 1

Episode 64

Click here to download the mp3 file for Episode 64


Charlene on Ravelry

Stephanie on Ravelry

Cathrine on Ravelry

Kerstin on Ravelry

Nicky Epstein

Knitting on the Edge

Knitting Beyond the Edge

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Enter to win a copy of the books, Knitting on the Edge and Knitting Beyond the Edge by leaving a comment under this blog post by August 15, 2012. In order for your comment to qualify as a drawing entry please include the following:

-Your contact information so that I can contact you if you are the winner!

-In your comment please tell me your favorite knitting story shared on the podcast. I'm curious to find out which stories you like best! (Choose any story(s) featured on Episodes 1-64)

The giveaway winner will be announced on Episode 65.

By the way... would you like to go on a "Knit-cation" this summer?
Sign up for Veronika's awesome knitting vacation with designer Stephen West!
Mention NNK and get $50 off!

Check it out HERE!

Thank you for listening!


  1. Episode 45 and teh acrylic afghan is the one I remember!

    TracyC611 on Ravelry

  2. I would love to win a copy of the books! Thanks for offering.

  3. These books are wonderful! Oh, my the random number generator shine on me! Thank you for such a great contest.

  4. I enjoyed the last story today of the young mom from England who promised to knit her mother in law a lace cardigan and then found out she was pregnant.

    I also enjoyed your story of the neighbor who talked you into finishing her afghan that ended up in your storage shed. Loved that one. The funny stories are my favorites because I find myself in trouble often!

  5. I love the 2nd story about constantly having knitting shows and knitting books around. I too enjoy thinking and dreaming about knitting projects as much as I enjoy the actual knitting. My pile of books, magazines and DVD's is growing to outrageous size. But I still think adding one of these books to the collection is a must! :) Deb Kegelmeyer

  6. I enjoyed the last story the most.

    Though the one that talks about all the books on the market is pretty on the nose, seeing as you're giving away some beautiful ones!

    katherinelynn04 on rav

  7. I also liked the story about all the knitting books. I have an addiction to knitting books, especially sock books! Thanks!
    gussek on Ravelry

  8. Love the first story on episode 64 of the kitten eho's babies were slippers! Such I a cute story, all were great!
    Rav id. LAKCHI

  9. The one about all the knitting books! Sounds like our place!


  10. I really liked Charlene's story about Luna the cat and her babies. I think the sahring of stories is amazing because now a person in New Zealand has heard that story and I will probably tell someone else that story and other people will know it and on it goes on its merry way.

  11. My favorite story was from the first NNK podcast I ever listened to...episode 61-Coming Clean. Since then I've gone back and listened to all your podcasts...love listening! Thanks for the chance to win these books!

  12. I would love to win this. Greetings from Canada

  13. I love epsidoe 64 and the story about luna the cat.

  14. I really liked your Coming Clean story/confession about the afghan than you inherited. I could sorta relate. I blogged about an episode I encountered about 5 years ago. It's an old post, but if you want to read about it, it's located at http://cafecrochet.blogspot.com/2007/11/our-move-is-on-again.html

  15. Great books for technique. Would love to win them. Thanks for the chance. Love your blog. Melanie1 on Ravelry.

  16. As an animal lover, the Luna story and her slipper children was heartwarming.

    Michelle Q on Ravelry

  17. It is so hard to choose because I liked them all, especially the ones featured in this podcast (I was however touched deeply about the story with the cat and her slipper children)...but I think my favorite stories of the entire podcast are your experiences as a new knitter...knitting with dpns and splitting the pack with your friend...and just being tenacious about teaching knitting classes when you were a new-ish knitter.

    tlobner on Ravelry

  18. I liked Charlene's story - episode 64 :)

  19. I liked Charlene's story about Luna's babies. I'm glad ther was a happy ending for everyone.

  20. I loved Charlene's Luna's babies story. So heartwarming. And I love happy endings!
    hotknitter on Rave

  21. The story I remember liking the most was quite some time ago so i hope I'm getting the facts right. I think it was a scottish knitter that made an intricate fair isle sweater in many colours??

  22. My favorite was the one a couple episodes ago about knitting on the commuter rail into Boston and overhearing the 2 women dissecting the knitting.


  23. These are all great but my favourite of all time was the one about the Joseph sweaters by Nic with a nice accent! Somehow it really imbibed a long love of knitting and sharing that with her family.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Loved the stories. My favourite was the first one with the cat and her two kitten slippers! Also liked the one from Catherine about her grandma although a little sad it was inspirational at the end.

  26. The Knitter's Blush, by Nic, is my favorite, as are all her stories. I think I just like her voice a lot. It's not a fair question though because I love listening to all of them, especially yours because I like your voice a lot too. Your podcast is THE BEST.
    rav id: littlevigilante
    Thanks Alana!

  27. I love your podcast. Thanks for keeping it going!!

  28. I really liked the end of Kerstin's story when she says that knitting teaches us something about ourselves...I'm crazy. I often feel that way. All the stories have been so fun that it is hard to choose just one. I also feel like I knit with my grandmother's memory and spirit. she taught me to crochet when I was about 10, and I inherited all of her hooks and awful acrylic yarn. she made beautiful things with that acrylic, but I just couldn't use it. Ugh. Thanks

  29. There have been so many great stories - some of them were mine!

    But I loved the Joseph coat a lot.

    Also the $50,000 sweater was a hoot

    Goodstuff on Rav

  30. Your story about knitting the second sock from episode 57, is the one that stuck with me the most - it happens to me all the time!

  31. I really enjoyed this episode! Two stories are tied for my favorite: the one from this episode about the "average knitter" (such an interesting idea!) and the one episode 62 about knitting on the train and how knitting brings people together. That latter one is a favorite because while I was listening to it, I had more or less the exact same experience as Jen!

    MooreJAM on Ravelry

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I liked the story from this episode: the Butterfly Connection. I didn't have a grandmother who knit, but so enjoy hearing about knitting coming down through the generations. Having these books would be wonderful!

    Camille (symphony@enter.net) aka wizzdumb on Ravelry

  34. Alana, thanks so much for the chance to win those amazing books!

  35. I love all of your knitting stories, they are so much fun. I really enjoy Nic's stories. She is a wonderful storyteller so they are so much fun to listen to.

    There was a heartbreaking story of a woman that knit a very intricate shawl for a county fair. When she went to go see it, she found it balled up in the corner entered as a crocheted tablecloth. That story just stuck with me.

    I love all the knitting stories. they are so very entertaining.
    Thanks - Diane
    Rav ID: zoohouse10

  36. First episode I ever listed, while knitting my first sweater and I Loved It! All the stories were quite heartwarming, especially the ones where perseverance wins the day! Am now going to go back through your archives while knitting the sweater, so hopefully the sweater will be finished before I reach episode 1.

  37. My Favorite knitting story was the one where you were making something for your daughter and she was so excited for it she keep hounding you... Reminding me of when I told my 6 year old neighbor I would make him a pair of socks.
    OMG big mistake the child was so excited he hounded me everyday. thank goodness i got them done in a week. He was literally shaking in inticipation as i darned in my tails. Lesson learned... never tell a child you are making them something.
    LOVE the PODCAST!!

  38. It's a tossup for me. I loved both the first story about the cat with the slippers and the last story about the mother-in-law sweater. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win these books.

  39. Hi! just found you podcasts today. Listen to ep 64 and really enjoyed the first story about Luna and her lost babie!

    nelsonjane on Ravelry

  40. I love the store about Luna the cat and her "babies" A mothers love for her "babies" either slippers or the living breathing kind is a very hard bond to break.

    debby7158 on ravelry

  41. Alana, your story episode was perfect timing here! I had a feverish 6-yr old lying around and I played the stories while ironing nearby. We both laughed and enjoyed each one...I like all knitting stories because they connect all of us. I laugh about the goofs and the embarrassing first attempts because I say, "Been there, done that."

  42. alana, i loved the story from Coralville, Iowa about Luna's babies!! i lived in Coralville the year of that flood. it was awful, altho i wasn't personally affected in my home. i think pets are so unique in their personalities! my shihTzu, Wriggly, drags my shoes/jackets/clothes into the living room to have close while she naps as i knit! it's just so comical...i'm picking up MY stuff that she deposits from all over the house!! i can certainly understand Luna's sadness and direct action upon returning to her home!! i live in Iowa City, and up on a hill just as a preventative!! i'm a new listener, and enjoyed it tremendously!!

  43. I haven't been listening long, my favorites have been the knitter on the bus listening to her iPod and the other riders were talking about her knitting and the last episode's last story from the UK. The funny and happy ending ones are my favorites.

    Kanani on ravelry

  44. I have been listening to your podcast for a while, but i was never current, this is my first time being able to enter a contest!! :)
    I dont remember the epi number but I loved the story of you repairing knit projects for people at your yarn store job, and how one woman came in with a smelly acrylic Heirloom blanket (which the dog had only gotten into "ONce:", yeah right!!! It was obviously the dog's!!, i just laughed and laughed.

    i am j8nny on Ravelry

  45. I have been listening to your podcast for a while, but i was never current, this is my first time being able to enter a contest!! :)
    I loved the story of you repairing knit projects for people at your yarn store job, and how one woman came in with a smelly acrylic Heirloom blanket (which the dog had only gotten into "ONce:", yeah right!!! It was obviously the dog's!, I just laughed and laughed.

    i am j8nny on Ravelry

  46. My favorite story was about the cat and her slipper kittens. I have had cats my entire live and know they tend to do some strange things but I actually felt sorry for this poor cat missing her kitten.

  47. I have just begun the baby (child) oaks cardigan and smile every time I see your sweet boy's smile. I have 4 kids and can totally relate to the difficulty of photos (I've even added 2 dogs in--aack!) so that is my vote for favorite story because it still makes me smile.
    Johnston4kids on Rav

  48. I loved the slipper/kitten story in this episode, but my favorite story is actually the one told every episode in the theme song. No housekeeping gets done in my world because I'm too busy knitting. And I always laugh at the bit where the house is on fire, but she wants to finish her row first.

  49. Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. I have to confess though, that this is the first podcast I have listened.

    I'm Loves2Dance on Ravelry.

  50. I especially liked the story where she said "Knitting tells us a lot about ourselves. I'm crazy." That fits too often for comfort.

    I'd love those books!

  51. I really enjoyed the one Nic sent in about the Jolly Green Giant sweater she made for her Dad. I also loved the one of you washing the hideous sweater (or was it more of a coat?) for a customer in the bathtub. I remember listening to that one while I was gardening. I laughed the whole time! I'm not sure which episodes they are from. Thanks, Alana!

  52. my favorite story was about the knitter on the bus (or subway?) who overheard the two ladies talking about her knitting when they thought she couldn't hear because of her earphones.=)

    misslillyknits on Ravelry

  53. Sorry if this posts twice, Google is being a bit persnickety.

    Not sure which episode it was, I think it might have been your post-baby returning episode, but the story that has stuck with me was the one about the awful, garlic smelling, acrylic project you "inherited" that eventually became a home for a family of mice. Tragic, but I felt your pain and guilty relief.

    Contact info is FiberDiva at gmail dot com.

  54. I love the stories! So hard to choose just one. I think the one I was impressed most was from Katherine from Canada.
    Thank you for giveaway!

  55. Love the stories and the podcast!! Listen when I walk. I'm so glad you decided to continue. Thank you so much!

  56. I have enjoyed so many of the stories you have brought us but the one from Cathrine in this episode really carried me back to when my Gramma first tried to teach me.

    I can relate to trying to make her Gramma proud through her commitment to making something to donate to her Gramma's favorite charity.

    As I was listening, not only did I also feel regret that my Gramma isn't here to see all the things I have loved making, thanks to her: I also thought about how much I would have loved knitting with her side-by-side once I was a skilled knitter AND even thought how she would have loved listening to these episodes together.

    Much of what I love about needlework is the legacy aspect and I think stories like this celebrate the connections we all make because of it, down through the years.

    Wonderful episode, Alana.

  57. I really enjoyed the story of the Butterfly Blanket. I can relate, as many do, with the connection between knitting and my grandmother. Also loved how she knit "for the greater good" in memory of her grandmother. When I began knitting I started a scarf drive to collect homemade scarves for a local battered women's shelter; I wanted the women and children who took refuge at the shelter, leaving everything behind, to have something lovingly made especially for them. This story about the blanket, which was lovingly made in memory of her grandmother, was made with the same intention, to help a part of the community. I loved that.

    (Rav ID: ItsLis)

  58. I love the last one on this episode - the one with 'knitting teaches you a lot about yourself' - 'I guess I'm crazy' :-)
    Very funny - I can totally relate :-)
    Rav Id: Schjerning

  59. I liked the story about "what is an average/above average knitter"? I always wonder the same thing about myself :-)



  60. I have just recently come across your podcasts which are a fantastic alternative to most TV programs. I can keep on knitting, while feeling I am in company of like-minded people. As far as liking one of the knitting stories featured in your podcast, I love the one about the fair isle. And how encouraging that she graduated to knitting an Alice Starmore. Thank you for your podcasts, may you do many more.

  61. On the bus is definitely tops for me.
    Great opportunity--great books.

  62. This is my first episode I've listened to of your podcast. I have to say my favorite story was the one of the lady who learned to knit English from her Aunt and then tried to knit with her neighbor who was a picker.

    I'm a lefty and a mirrored English knitter, I really identified with her frustration when she didn't understand why it didn't seem right or what the problem was.

    TARDISinaTEACUP on Ravelry

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. I liked Cathrine's story about connecting through a butterfly the best. Someday I hope to teach my granddaughter to knit and hope she will carry on the tradition in our family. It was a sweet and touching story.

    knitzincville onravelry

  65. My favorite story was from episode 12. I still keep that episode. It was so funny I cried and nearly peed on myself! It was "The scarf with the murderous bent". Dr. Gemma was hilarious! I'm thankful for you including it as I listen to her podcast too now. I've been wanting Knitting on the Edge for a while and the beyond book sounds fabulous. I'm maevenish on Ravelry.

  66. My fav sory was the one from the down cellars girl about pretending to be listening to music while secretly listening in to some ladies commenting on her knitting. I hope I remembered that correctly. I love all the stories. I also liked the one about a lay learning to knit a sweater and the lys lay making her frog it :(

    Rav Id Kazzychook

  67. My favorite story was about the optimistic knitter in Episode 64. I tend to be that way myself, "Oh, if I block it, and stretch it a little, it will be fine. I just don't want to re-knit that sweater front again."

    pianoknitting on Ravelry

  68. The one I enjoyed most was the one after your mat-leave. It helped me get through helping my hubby build a garage.

    Dutchgirl63 on Ravelry

  69. I thought the Optimistic Knitter was funny and cute. One of my favorites is the one about cutting up the sweater in the middle of the night. I laughed out loud several times! The Nicky Epstein books are a great giveaway and would be a perfect addition to my knitting library.
    Really enjoying your podcasts so very much.

  70. They were all great stories but my favorite was the one with Luna and her "kittens"! I recently learned about your podcasts and have been listening to them on the beach. It doesn't get much better than that!


  71. They were all great stories but my favorite was the one with Luna and her "kittens"! I recently learned about your podcasts and have been listening to them on the beach. It doesn't get much better than that!


  72. I have enjoyed all of the stories on you podcast but my favorite is Coming Clean where you talk about your inherited knitting project and the feelings that went along with pressure to finish it. Thanks for a wonderful podcast.

  73. I really like all the stories told on the podcast, it is so interesting to hear the experiences of other people!
    But my favorite has to be one you told, about the old lady who gave you a blanket to finish.
    I also really like Nic's stories, because she has such a fabulous accent.

  74. Hi! Thanks for another great podcast. Rebecca6923 on ravelry

  75. I loved the story of the woman who connected with her grandmother after she passed. It's amazing how knitting is a generational craft- one enjoyed or passed on from one generation to the next. I know my own grandmother felt a special connection to me when I learned to knit as a child. I was just too young to realize how important that connection was. I have been fortunate enough to teach several young people how to knit, including my own daughter, a niece, several members of a high school football team and my neighbor's girls. Some of these young people found a connection to their grandparents through this information. Since I no longer have my grandparents, I realize how vital these conversations are and how the young people will cherish them later in life.

  76. I love the story of the slipper/kitten. I can see the cat caring for the slippers as kittens. It was obvious Luna put her 'baby' somewhere safe and would have moved the other if she had time.

    The other was of the young woman who connected to her grandmother after death. It is funny how knitting/crafting will build wonderful cross generational bridges. We all could use a little more listening to each other.

  77. Great stories. My favorite was about Luna & her kitten slippers. I just discovered your podcasts & have been enjoying them on the beach!

  78. My favorite story was the knitter who had the ladies commenting on her knittingon the train. It was a total crack up. I kept giggling becuase I've had similar experiences on the train and in our lunch room at work.

  79. I commented once but I don't think it posted..boo.

    Anyway, my favorite story was the lady who knits on the train. I was cracking up listening to her repeat what the ladies were saying about her knitting. "I didn't even know they made needles that small." "She's using two sets of needles!" Too funny.

    weezieknits on Ravelry.

  80. Loved the story about the cat with her "babies".

  81. There are so meny wonderful stores, one I really like is lolls slippers in this episode.
    Ninnilina at ravelry

  82. I loved the $17,698 Sweater story, because I would rather change myself to make a finished project fit rather than rip something out and redo it :-)

  83. I love your last Podcast before the baby.He is so sweet.I love Nicki Epstein.Thank you.

  84. I loved the cat story, so cute! Made me think of my own cat. Great books, thanks!

  85. I enjoyed this episode's story about the English woman who wouldn't knit anything for her baby until she finished her mother-in-laws sweater. That takes patience!

    What a talented designer Epstein is.
    Thanks for the give-away!
    Amy O.

  86. Hi Alana,
    I have to say how much I enjoy hearing knitters personal stories, the funny ones are great, the poignant ones make me emotional but my favourite so far has to be the new knitter who offered to knit for her sisters baby, with all the calamities that ensued and who is anticipating the return of the favour now her sister has taken knitting up herself!

  87. My favorite story is The Knitter's Blush (ep. 37), followed by The Joseph Knitting (ep. 22).

    [sorry if this ends up being a duplicate, I've had some difficulty posting a comment today.]

  88. Hi Alana,

    I'm not sure of the episode number or name but the most memorable story for me was told by an English or Irish lady (I'm not good with accents) about a sweater that she was knitting for her father. She has told a few on your podcast and I just love her storytelling style. I found her story very touching. A close second was the $14,000 sweater. I laughed so hard at the end of the podcast, I never saw the punch line coming on that one! I am xanthey on ravelry.

  89. My favorite story was from this episode. It was the story about the cat with the crochet slipper kittens.
    RavID mayapof

  90. Hi Alana,
    Love your podcast! My favorite stories are the funny ones! On the last episode my favorite one was the one where the cat took over the slippers as her babies.

    maggiegrl on ravelry!

  91. My favorite story is the Process Knitter. I can so relate. Always enjoy hearing all of the stories. Thanks!

  92. I liked the story about " Luna" the cat and her slipper babies the best. Sure enjoyed all the stories. Thank you!!

  93. I had a chuckle at the last story in this episode but I have liked all the stories. The funny stories often have a common theme of our "mad moments" as knitters, which we can all relate to.
    KnittenSmitten on Ravelry

  94. Luna the cat gets my vote for best story.

  95. Since I am new to the podcast and have not yet listened to all the stories, i am selecting my favorite from an abbreviated list. I loved the story of Luna and her mitten-kittens. I've experienced the horror of flooding, but never had to leave a "kitten" behind. What a happy ending.

  96. I would love to win these books for my library! Thanks

    mrstn2006 on Ravelry

  97. I loved this podcast! I love hearing stories while i knit!

  98. Hard to choose a favorite story . . . it might be your recent story of the acrylic afghan. When I heard it I thought you could have told your neighbor that a needy family was using it :)

    Looks like a lot of people related to that one!

    Thanks, Alana!

    I'm stringfigures on rav

  99. My first time listening to Never Not Knitting. Those stories were a great introduction. My favorite is the story of Luna and her purple slipper babies.
