
A New Little Friend

In my last post I mentioned that I had a big surprise and a special new someone to introduce.
The time has now come!

I would like you to meet Annie.

Annie is the main character of a new children's book that I am working on with my daughter and super talented illustrator, Neesha Hudson! The story is titled Annie and the Swiss Cheese Scarf and is about a little girl who faces the challenges of learning to knit.

What a super exciting project this has been thus far! It has been so much fun to work on this with my daughter. As you might remember, she is six years old and is learning to knit herself.. and it is pretty obvious that the character of Annie is modeled after her. :) You may even recognize Annie's sweater too. :)

I hope that all of you will visit Annie's brand new website found HERE and enter to win a free book!
I am hoping to open up pre-orders sometime in September if everything goes as planned.

I have lots of special surprises in store.. I know that it will be a fun-filled next few months for us as we get everything together and finalized. This is obviously our first time working on a project of this nature and we are really enjoying watching this take shape.

I can't wait to release this book!


  1. Adorable illustration! I can't wait till this is released - my daughter and I will definitely read it together.

  2. Really cute!! Love the idea. Look forward to seeing the finished product.

  3. So cool! I want one! I would love to give my daughter that book plus her very own Playful Stripes Cardi for Christmas!

  4. Awww, sounds wonderful. What an exciting journey. You were right on your last post, I never would have guessed. All the best of luck! :)

  5. I have no little ones but I would love to get one for the future little one.

  6. What an adorable character!! this is such a wonderful idea, I bet when my little girl is older and learning to knit this book is going to be perfection. I'm super excited to hear more about the project as it unfolds!

  7. !!! Awww this is so cute. My son and I will love reading it. As it is he loves browsing his favorite knitting books on my shelf- Susan B. Anderson, Rebecca Danger, and other toy books are his favorite ;)

  8. ooo I'm Annie too! This is adorable, can't wait to see more

    This would be a good book to read to the knitting group that I am going to start at school.

    And one to encourage my daughter to keep knitting. My son, who knits, will love it too.

  10. You are so talented, Alana!!!

  11. And I thought you'd introduce a puppy! This is wonderful news. I really look forward to seeing this book. Bravo!

  12. This is so cute! Can't wait to see more!

  13. I just showed yOur new website to my 5 year old son nd his response was "When can we get it?!". He is learning to knit, too! I wondered if he would think it was a "girl book" - I get a lot of that these days- but he is really excited! Which makes me really excited, too! Congrats, Alana! I can't wait to see what other fun things you have in store!

  14. what a wonderful project for mommy & daughter!
    ^)^ linda

  15. And to think I thought you got a puppy. :-)

  16. You are amazing! That is fabulous!

  17. When I saw the illustration I thought "Aw, cute - a drawing of your daughter..." And then I read that her name is Annie and I thought, wait, that's not her daughter's name! LOL. Very cute project. I can't wait to hear more about it.

  18. What an absolutely lovely idea! I can't wait to buy one for my granddaughter. I fantasize all the time that she will want to learn to knit (she's only 2 now). I'll definitely be buying a copy for us!

    Congratulations on this project! :)

  19. Congratulations! I love her gap toothed smile!

  20. Oh my gosh I am soooo excited! The illustration is beyond cute and adorable! Can't wait to read it!

  21. This is so, so exciting! My little daughter Elsie was born just 4 months ago, and I'm already getting excited about teaching her to knit.

  22. Can you have a hope chest for a future little one? I think so! And this is going in it!

  23. This is so cool and such a cute idea! I can't wait to get a copy to read to my two granddaughters.

  24. How exciting! I can't wait to add it to my daughter's library!

  25. How exciting!! I love your little character, Annie! She's adorable and I can't wait for this book to come out. :)

  26. This is adorable! I can't wait to see it in print.

  27. How wonderful! I love the illustration and I can't wait to read the story.

  28. Awwwwww everything about this is adorable. Best of luck!

  29. Super exciting!!! Can't wait to see it! :)

  30. Omg - I love it! Can't wait to see the book in person!

  31. I love this idea! Best of luck with the rest of the book. I'm sure it's going to be great!

  32. How wonderful - sounds like a great story idea and to have your daughter involved is just lovely. Good luck with it. C

  33. Oh my goodness, what an amazing project! Can't wait to see the big reveal!

  34. I collect childrens books with knitting themes. This one will be a nice addition.

  35. Congratulations on another wonderful project! I love this, such a cute idea, and I love your main character’s name...I called my daughter Annie when she was a little girl. I wish you all the best with the book. Charlene (keppygirl on Ravelry)

  36. can't wait! we have LO on the way in february, i'm sure s/he will NEED this book!

  37. What a fabulous project for you and your little girl!

  38. What a fabulous project for you and your little girl!

  39. Oh how precious! I love the idea. Congratulations on this latest adventure.

  40. Annie is adorable! My 6yo has tried her hand at knitting and has gotten quite frustrated with it as well. This book would be perfect for Christmas or birthday! Can't wait to pick it up! Love Snickerdoodle's idea of making a matching Playful Stripes Cardi to go with it.

  41. OMG, that is so cool, Alana! I love the drawing and hope to order this book for my little niece. :)

  42. Dear Alana, I been looking at your designs lately specially the Sand and Sea Shawlette. And now you come with this lovely idea. Congratulations. Please try our lovely Alpaca yarn www.alpaca-select.co.uk It will be a pleasure to send you some yarn.
    Best Wishes
    Isabel Langdon

  43. I'm a children's librarian who knits. You have no idea how excited this makes me :D
