
Cables and Knots

A few years ago now, my friend Audrey hired me to knit up this sample of her lovely Cables and Knots Scarf for her upcoming book, Reversible Scarves; Curing the Wrong Side Blues.

Now that the book is all done and in print, she kindly let me keep the sample. 

I am thrilled of course, because not only does this scarf have a great textured pattern...

But its completely reversible...

No wrong sides!

And it happens to be in my favorite color too.

I guess we know what scarf I will be reaching for this season. :)


  1. That is a beautiful scarf! Have a nice week and Happy Knitting!

  2. It's amazing how it is truly beautiful on both sides.

  3. I interviewed Audrey for an upcoming Knit Picks podcast and I had such a lovely chat with her. I find her designs intriguing and have several in my queue.

  4. Oh that's a gorgeous scarf, absolutely beautiful. And that colour looks so scrumptious.

  5. Love the scarf! It's in my queue now. So hard to find an interesting looking reversible scarf.

  6. that scarf is one i would reach for too!! lovely!
    ^)^ linda

  7. It's a beautiful reversible scarf! I think all scarves should be ;-)

  8. I second Maryse ;)
    Also, what gorgeous texture on this.

  9. I recently knitted a cable scarf and wished that I had known that there is wrong side and a right side. I'm not totally sure why I kept on knitting! I shall look up the book and add it to my Christmas wish list!

  10. The scarf is beautiful - and so smart with it being reversible! Love the color.
