
Pleated Neck Scarf

Back in January of this year, Amy Clarke Moore from Interweave contacted me and asked if I might be interested in contributing a design to the ever beautiful Jane Austen Knits magazine. Being a fan of all things Jane Austen, I was immediately interested and started scouring the Internet for design ideas.

I then came up with this.

This Pleated Neck Scarf knit from two different colors of Rowan Kid Silk Haze and fastened with a crocheted flower button. It's ethereal, feminine and reminiscent of the ruffled collars commonly worn in the Regency Era.

Photos courtesy of Interweave. Photography by Christa Tippmann

Believe it or not.. this is my first REAL, ACTUAL published magazine pattern. (in print)
Kind of exciting! :)

Find the pattern in the latest issue of Jane Austen Knits Fall 2012.


  1. That is so neat! It must be beyond exciting to see your pattern printed up.

  2. How absolutely lovely!
    (said with the appropriate accent and enunciation) ;-)

  3. WOW - Congrats! I think you nailed it with this piece.

  4. The scarf is lovely and so is the flower pin.

  5. Interesting post. I have been wondering
    about this issue,so thanks for posting.

    wholesale scarves

  6. Hey wait, I have that magazine...I think. I'll have to check :)

  7. Congratulations! It's a really beautiful accessory!

  8. Congratulations! Your design is Oh So Beautiful.

  9. So beautiful! I wish I had a long neck to go with it! ;-D

  10. This is so pretty! Congratulations! I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of this magazine; especially this pattern!

  11. Gorgeous -- and so very Alana! Congrats.

  12. Alana,
    Great pattern! Love Jane Austin knits mag. So many elegant projects. I'll have to check my stash and give the pattern a go.
    Happy thanksgiving to you and your family.

  13. It's gorgeous...I bought the magazine a week or so ago...congratulations!

  14. Congratulations! It's beautiful!

  15. Alana, that is exquisite! It really captures the period, while still being wearable and contemporary. I'm puzzling over which movie that Anne Hathaway shot came from, will have to study IMDB next.

  16. That looks gorgeous! I'm also a Jane Austen fan and I think it's really captured the time period. Congratulations on your first magazine publication - may there be many more to come. :)

  17. Got to love knitting and Jane Austen. Think I might enjoy both today thanks to you!

  18. Gorgeous!!! It looks like perfection.I have this issue, too! Add it to the queue....

  19. Beautiful! Happy blog anniversary this week as well.

  20. I bought this magazine last week, here in the U.K. That was one of the patterns that really caught my eye, it's beautiful. Deb x
