

If you happened to listen to my latest podcast episode, you will already know of my new knitting obsession.
The beekeepers quilt which is comprised of hundreds of these little knitted hexagon puffs aka "hexipuffs".

I've tried.. but I literally cannot stop making them. I am truly obsessed. 
They are so fun and quick and oh so satisfying. 

Here is my "hexipuff station." 

I've been working on these every night using up my stray balls of sport and sock weight yarn. I have now completed over 50. Only about 350 left to go... 

 I have decided to seperate them into groups according to color family. I would like to have an equal number in each group so that I can spread them evenly across the blanket when I seam these altogether.

Everytime I finish a new little hexipuff, I love to spread them all out again and see how they look. 

My daughter and niece offered up their expert opinions this afternoon as to how these hexipuffs should be arranged.

Even in this incomplete state, this project is just so much fun.

I'm off to knit more hexipuffs! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love all the different patterns and motifs you worked into these. Adorable!

  3. Oh my! Your hexipuffs are just so delicious :-)
    When I saw Stephanie talking about them I couldn't resist to start the beekeepers quilt!

  4. Those are so cute!!! Can't wait to follow your progress!

  5. It does look like so much fun! :) I can't wait to see the finished project. :)

  6. I just knitted my first hexapuff after listening to your podcast!

  7. these little things look so yummy and cute.

  8. I love your hexipuffs! So cute! Cannot wait to see them once you have more done!

  9. It looks so fun and addictive! I love that the little girls are arranging them for you!

  10. Ah, they are super cute and such a great idea to get rid of leftovers! Cannot wait to see the end result! xxx

  11. I've been drooling over the beekeepers quilt for a long long time but I just don't think I have the patience to stick with it. I can't wait to see how yours is going to turn out!

  12. I've been hearing a lot about hexipuffs and how fun they are. I even know an indi-dyer that sells mini skeins to make them and they sell like crazy! I haven't gotten into the craze yet. But, your posts have me thinking. It just looks like so much work...especially, the seaming of hundreds of little puffs. Hmmmm? Not sure. But, it sure will be fun to see how your blanket comes together.

    I've been reading your blog for quite a while and didn't realize you had a podcast. I've recently starting listening to various yarn related podcasts. I'm excited to listen to yours. Happy New Year! :-)

  13. Love the ones you have added a design to.

  14. I'm gleaning vicarious pleasure. I ♥ one in particular. Any guesses which?

  15. I became addicted to hexipuffs this weekend...They go with me everywhere now (I even made a little pouch so they can travel in my tote around town!).

  16. Uh-oh! I think you are the one finally sucking me into this obsession! I have been terribly strong for so long...but I feel my grip slipping...I've just added 4-thousand hexipuff chart patterns to my Rav queue! Aaaargh! (and thanks!)

  17. Love the hexipuffs! They are so satisfying! I'm about 100 into my blanket and love it!!

  18. HAHA! I've purposely not purchased that pattern, because I'm afraid that what is happening to you will happen to me... Hexipuff Obsession!

  19. Alana -- Your hexipuffs vision reminds me of my large knitting afghan, which is like a biography:
    And I did a little video a few years ago demonstrating duplicate stitching, one of my favorite techniques:

  20. Wow, I want to do the beekeeper's quilt. Yours looks great!

  21. Oooh, yours is looking great! Thanks for posting the link to your Pinterest Puff-themed board. :D I found lots of new charts for mine while browsing though it.

  22. I love your hexipuffs! I have had my eye on that pattern for quite some time. You may have just pushed me over the edge!
    (cords06 on ralvery)

  23. Hey there,
    Do you embroider the patterns on with a needle later, or do you do it with intarsia? Especially the heart hexipuff.
