
Because I had to...

It's a funny thing being surrounded by beautiful yarn for 4 days straight. 

Let's get real here... how could I honestly leave Stitches West without buying just a little?

Being in the same booth with Lisa's amazing colorways.. was just a bit too much temptation to bear. 
I decided early on that these skeins had to be mine.
And no. I have not a clue what I will do with them. And no. I don't hardly ever use variegated yarn. 
But look at these! No explanation required, right?

Our booth at Stitches West was dangerously close to the Cephalopod Yarns booth and the first day I overheard one of the girls talking about "mini-skeins" perfect for the "Beekeepers Quilt."
That's all it took. I was over there in a flash buying up these 4 miniature little beauties.

The new booth that I found myself the most excited about out of all of the booths at the entire show was Spincycle Yarns. The first time I walked by, I was literally blown away by the sheer volume of gorgeous hand spun yarn. I *may* have even gasped out loud and talked to complete strangers about it that happened to be around me at the time. 

The yarn I picked is the "dyed in the wool" mill spun line that looks a lot like hand spun but has the even quality of a commercially spun yarn. I am SOO terribly excited to wind up these skeins and start swatching. You may see this yarn showing up in a future design.

Last but not least I found myself enamored with these adorable miniature sewn bags from the "A Needle Runs Through it" booth. I love this because is the perfect size for holding stitch markers, and well.. its just SO cute. I had to buy one for me and one for a friend. 
Just had to.

I had a wonderfully inspiring time at Stitches West this year! I am super excited about all of my new purchases and can't wait until I get a chance to play with all of these new goodies!

If you went to the show this past weekend, tell me in the comments what you came home with!


  1. I also bought Spincycle yarn! Amazing yarn and the owners were so sweet and helpful.

  2. Lovely, lovely yarn. Am jealous, but mayhap someday I can go.

  3. I wasn't there, but wanted to give a shoutout for Spincycle, they are regularly at the Urban Craft Uprising here in Seattle and have beautiful colorways.

  4. Such beautiful photos of things I love....I'm inspired! I just started blogging (www.pateandbirdie.com) and I hope to inspire as well as you do with such gorgeous photos (not there yet..)!!

  5. Loved your posts about Stitches West! I was a guest of Craftsy one year and couldn't have had a greater time! If your readers ever get a chance, they MUST go to a trade show. Most all of them are open to the public....not just for industry folks. So many knitting/crocheting rock stars to meet, yummy yarns and tools and knitters/hookers so friendly and ready to learn.


  6. i LOVE the itty bitty bag-must have. i'm on my 3rd botanical knits project. totally love your designs-you are a genius.

  7. Oh all your yarn is beautiful! I can't wait to see what you turn it into.

  8. Looks like we hit up all the same booths! I think we even got the same orange skein from Spincycle. Those girls have come up with a mighty special yarn.

  9. I had to fly all the way to Stitches from Seattle to get myself some Spincycle Dyed in the Wool in the Tangled Up in Blue Colorway (a gorgeous, vibrant colorway). Spincycle Yarns is located less than two hours away from me in Bellingham, Washington, so you can bet that I will be adding more of their yarn to my stash sometime soon.

  10. On Thursday night my most exciting moments were chatting with you and flashing two of my FO's from Botanical Knits. Thanks for the Hershey's in the burlap bag with your leaf motif.

    The other booth I was excited to check out was Spincycle. Loved chatting with the girls and learning about their approach. Friday I made my first yarn purchase from them. I agree, great discovery!

    Sadly I never found just the right yarn in the quantity I needed so I won't be casting on a BK sweater just yet. I am sure I will get reinvigorated when the book ships!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Alana, it was fun to see you again at Stitches and at TNNA!
    I was determined not to buy anything similar to what I already owned (and that covers a lot) so I was very selective. I got some stainless steel yarn from Lion Brand; some single ply worsted in purple from Newton's, for a granddaughter who loves purple; and Stitch light from Buffy Anne Designs - great for working at night. And a circ needle for my current project. That's it!

    (goodstuff on Rav)

  13. Jealous! Someday I hope to make it out there for one of these. Your yarn is absolutely gorgeous. I love the colors you chose.

  14. Such lovely colors. Love the little kokeshi pouch purse. Cute.
