
Finishing Fever

After months of working at a very comfortable pace, I woke up one morning a few weeks back with a sudden case of "finishing fever" and decided that I had to finish up my 
collection for Botanical Knits 2... right away. 
As in NOW. As in yesterday.

I don't know where the sudden rush of motivation came from.. but I have been working like a crazy person ever since. I am determined to get these knits designed and done as soon as possible.

That means... a lot of knitting... and a lot of playing with new yarn. It could be worse, right?

I thought I'd share with you some of the highlights from my past few weeks of work.

Firstly, I got these gorgeous special skeins of Spincycle Dyed in the Wool yarn in a brand new colorway to test out. I am so excited to see what they will knit up like! The colors are so rich and beautiful.

I also finished a new shawl design that I just love. 
It's a new and updated take on my Cedar Leaf Shawlette and all of the other leaf bordered shawls floating around out there in pattern land.

Its cool and whimsical and I am really happy with it.

And I love the way that this gorgeous purple yarn goes with the other colors I'm using.

I am also knitting a sweater out of this rich glowing brown yarn.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I am "un-knitting" a sweater out of this rich glowing brown yarn.

I have spent a fair amount of time ripping back today as I learned an invaluable and unfortunate lesson about the placement of bobbles on the front of a sweater. 

Turns out a bobble put in the wrong place on a sweater front can look rather inappropriate. :(

Speaking of sweaters... do you remember this lovely little green sweater?
Oh good.. I'm glad. 

 I promise that I haven't forgotten about it. 
I still have plans to release this pattern individually very soon.
Thank you for your patience with me. 

Back to work I go! More updates soon!


  1. oh my god that shawl ! my oh my :)

  2. loving all the colours in your knitting!

  3. I love your knitting. And I laughed out loud about the bobbles....

  4. Such a wonderful Shawl! Congratulatins!

  5. Love your knittings!

  6. I've been fighting off a case of starteritis...finishing fever sounds so much more productive. Love the progress on B2!!

  7. "Turns out a bobble put in the wrong place on a sweater front can look rather inappropriate." Unless you can make it swing around clockwise ( while the opposite bobble swings counterclockwise)! You're too much!

  8. I have got each of your patterns or books, and I love them all. I cannot wait for this next one!

  9. beautiful shawl and colors! Yep, agree wholeheartedly about misplaced bobbles AND the additions of ruffles inappropriately/unnecessarily placed

  10. Oh my gosh! I'm loving those sweaters. =) Can't wait for the book to come out!

  11. I can't wait for Botanical Knits 2.

    lmecoll on Ravelry

  12. I am so embarrassed that I never said "thank you" for your prompt reply to my "MAYDAY!" e-mail when I was knitting the botanical hat with the stem and leaf petal. You were so tactful (when all else fails, Connie, read the directions...duh!). I finished it and immediately whipped out another, and both went off to my niece and her roommate at Point Loma College in Southern California. They love them. Your designs are delightful. Thanks again!

  13. I'm pretty sure I laughed out loud about the bobbles...which is why I would hesitate to use them on the front of a sweater. But that's me.

  14. I can't wait for the next book! This Christmas all the special women in my life are getting botanical knits gifts and I already put in my request to "Santa" for yarn to make myself the autumn's end pullover!! Your knits are the only thing keeping me sane during my crazy studying for organic chemistry! Thanks for your talent!

  15. The new shawl looks so beautiful. I'm so looking forward to your new book.

  16. I am really looking forward to the pattern for the "little green sweater". I am checking your blog every day now, hoping it comes earlier than the snow :-)

  17. Wow, fantastic knits!! I am so looking forward to you next book :) i love your passion about leaves, I have that too ;)

  18. Thank you for promoting The Nature Conservancy. I love thw way you went about it. I look forward to that yarn!

  19. Thank you for supporting The Nature Conservancy. I look forward to using this yarn.
