
Playful Stripes For Grown Ups

What seems like ages ago now I designed my first little sweater for children, Playful Stripes.

Over the years, I have so enjoyed seeing other knitters make their own versions with all sorts of different color combinations for their little ones. It is definitely a fun knit. The stripes are so addicting! The yoke offers a perfect opportunity to not only play with color but to use up odd little scraps of yarn lying around. 

I have gotten so many requests for an adult version, so in 2011 I began working on one. 
Only... I was pregnant and up to my eyeballs in knitting for my first book, Coastal Knits... so with little time to focus on the design, the resulting sweater did not turn out as expected. In fact it was an epic fail. The proportions were terrible and the colors I chose were kind of... disgusting once put together.

I was so discouraged by this that I didn't feel motivated to try again until now... A whole three years later.
With much more experience under my belt, I feel more confident and am finally happy with the result! I would like to introduce the new improved Playful Stripes sweater for women in Quince and Co. Owl yarn.

Pattern coming this Fall!


  1. Gorgeous!!! Can't wait for the pattern!

  2. This is great! The colors are perfect and the shape looks like it fits amazingly! Also can't wait for the pattern like some others have said :)

  3. Super cute! Looking forward to the pattern Alana. Have a fun summer!

  4. I love this sweater and I love Quince and Co….so I'm waiting rather impatiently for your new pattern to be released!! YAYYYY

    Have a great summer!


  5. I love the look of the sweater! Do you sew anything like afghans? I made a goal to finish knitting an afghan by the end of the year but still have yet to find an afghan pattern I like. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
    Shelly Slader | http://myknittingsupplies.com/product-category/afghans-throws/

  6. Hi Alana,
    It certainly is a lovely cardigan, the colours are sweet. Isn't it interesting how different the same pattern looks using different colours?
    Cheers, Anita.

  7. Thanks for the heads up! I'm going to have to clear the decks to make room in the queue for this. So pretty!

  8. Oh, I can't wait for the pattern! I'm already making room for it on my to-knit list. :)

  9. really fabulous.baby is also cute like your sweater and excellent pattern

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