
Sweet 'n Sour Apple Hat

I have a two-year-old boy at home who unfortunately seems to have a problem with handknits.

I recently completed the adorable aviator style Sweet 'n Sour Apple hat by 
Kate Oates of Tot Toppers and his reaction to it was less than ideal. :( 
I should have learned my lesson from the Gramps sweater, right?

Below you will notice the progression of photos as I bribed my son into his new hat with chocolate chips.

Chocolate really does make everything better, doesn't it?

This hat was a fun little knit out of only one skein of Malabrigo Merino Worsted that I found in my stash. 
I think that the finished hat is sooo adorable and cozy!

I think my son will appreciate this snuggly warm hat this winter. 
But I will be sure to bring chocolate chips along just in case. :)


  1. I love it!! Chocolate chips work wonders - and the hat it perfect.

  2. Omg, chocolate really does make everything better : ) That hat is adorable, I think my little dude needs one too.

  3. aww, what a cutie! and smart momma for knowing the path to a smiling happy hat model. ;)

  4. aww, what a cutie! and smart momma for knowing the path to a smiling happy hat model. ;)

  5. ahhhh, chocolate chips! great for potty training, too! Love the hat!!!

  6. Looks like somebody has your number, mamma! :)

  7. Your post took me back many years!
    This could have been my son's reaction as well!
    Lovely though and very warm!
    P.S. Chocolates biscuits might well do the trick!
    God bless,

  8. Adorable hat! A chocolate chip bribe never hurt anyone, especially mommies.
