
The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 83 : The Knitted Leggings

Episode 83


Enter to win a printed copy of both the Adult and Children's Playful Stripes Cardigan patterns by leaving a comment with your contact information under this post by October 15th. Only one comment per person please!

3 winners will be announced on Episode 84.

Thank you for listening!


  1. I'm not normally into matchymatchy ... But I might be for these sweaters. :)

  2. Please count me in! Thanks for the giveaway!

    KansasPrairieGal on Ravelry

  3. These sweaters would be so cute to make for my daughter and I. I really look forward to every podcast. What a fun story from Christina!

  4. Oh my goodness. I cannot believe someone has actually completed a knitted legging to this extent. I am amazed. Sabrinaquilts on Ralvery

  5. Thanks for the giveaway. I love these sweaters! I'm peal on ravelry.

  6. Love this sweater. Seriously considering matching mother daughter cardigans.

  7. Thanks for sharing my story Alana! I love the playful stripes sweaters so I would like to enter :-)
    chrissaah on Ravelry

  8. I have knitted several Playful stripes for my granddaughters and I would love to win the adult version too.

  9. I've admired the little-girl version on Ravelry, but my little girl is 12, so I'm really glad to see the grown-up version! :) --Bookaholic13 on Ravelry

  10. I have been eyeing off the adult version of playful stripes since it came out and it would be great to have the original in a format other than in a magazine.

  11. I've wanted to make playful stripes for myself since the pattern was released. I totally think I could boy this up so I could be matchy-matchy with my boy. :) Thank you! I'm bigblueice on Ravelry

  12. I adore these cardigans. Thanks for the giveaway!
    lindarumsey on Ravelry

  13. Me and my little girl would love to win!!! Thanks for all your potcasts they always bring sunshine to my day?
    Zsoofi on Ravelry

  14. I really love both patterns. They would be wonderful for my grand daughters and their mom! And me too, why not?
    Ravelry: zenitude

  15. Good grief knitted leggings!! Loneliness does odd things to our choices-- I would so love the adult striped pattern as I have knit the child's version for my granddaughters!
    Thanks for the chance��

  16. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
    Love the sweaters!

  17. What fun to knit the matchies!

  18. Thanks for offering these sweet patterns. I would love to knit them. My ravelry name is kimbuktu7

  19. I've been eyeing these patterns for a loooong time. Thanks for the chance to win! I'm ShadowAP on Rav.

  20. Yet more wonderfully inspiring knits! Thank you!

  21. I'm too excited about this pattern. Its ADORABLE. I have so many yarn scraps in my stash that I refuse to toss... Thanks for a chance to win

    PS see you at Rhinebeck!

    -Porcupineology on ravelry

  22. I would love to have a copy of your beautiful sweater patterns. My granddaughter& daughter would look beautiful in them together. I'm glongley on Ravelry. Thank you Gale

  23. Those are so nice, I am in.
    Bentes on ravelry

  24. I'm looking forward to meeting you at Rhinebeck.
    Lmecoll on Ravelry

  25. as I am entering my second childhood I would love to wear stripes like this. since there is no grand kiddo I would make a matching sweater for my older sister and we could be matchy just like when we were kids.
    I am mjm on ravelry

  26. What a great giveaway! Such beautiful patterns! I'm zetta203 on Ravelry

  27. Since I chose Oak Grove as my project to make and wear to Rhinebeck this year, I'm now especially excited to meet you and Hannah! It is also my first Rhinebeck. Loved the story about the crazy leggings.
    lovelisette on Ravelry

  28. I love your patterns and would be so happy if I won these two!

  29. I love the knitted leggings story. I think I've knit the same pattern!

    And the sweaters- I would matchy matchy my kids and I all up!

    TopHat on Ravelry

  30. Love your designs and love the podcasts! I have the child's pattern already, but could use the adult one for my adult daughters. Thanks for the chance. plymouthknits on ravelry

  31. Love the sweater. I have no problem about matchymatchy.

  32. Another great sweater! I'd love to make the adult version of this.

  33. Oh my goodness! LOVE these sweaters :) I have three daughters (3, 5, and 8) and we could go on serious matchy overload here :) :)

    jennygarland @ gmail (dot) com

  34. I totally remember the 2011 adult version of playful stripes! It is indeed so much better this time around (the new colours are a lot easier on the eyes, too). I wish I was going to Rhinebeck this year- I was offered a spot with a group to travel down and a rented house, but I have work meeting in Quebec City the same weekend! Stupid work meeting.

  35. Love both of these patterns so much!!! The first time I saw the little one I thought, "I wish I could fit in this!" And now I could!

  36. Love the cardigan maybe navy and white for my grandson?

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I too was wondering what this cardigan would look like in boy colors. Might be worth a try...
    knitterjo2 on ravelry

  39. It would be so fun to win these two patterns! I´m Lammas on Ravelry.

  40. Loved this episode, and I hope to see you and Hannah (with my Coastal Knits book and knitted sweaters!) at Rhinebeck in a couple of weeks. You will be a Rhinebeck fanatic, just like the rest of us. I look forward to it all year long! Thanks for another great giveaway -- I don't have issue having matching sweaters with my daughter. I'll just knit them in different colors. They don't have to be exactly the same in order to match, right?

  41. So happy to hear there's an adult playful stripes! Ever since I completed my toddler daughter's sweater at LYS group, at least 3 others have made the sweater and it inspired the store to offer a class in it. I'd love the grow up version! Theatergrrl on Rav.

  42. I have put the required yarn for Playful Stripes in online shopping carts several times but then thought, better wait until I have worked down my stash. If I own the pattern, there will be no excuse!

    Knitzincville on ravelry

  43. What a cute set! I only have boys but I'd have no problem actually knitting something for myself for a change. Maybe even knitting up sweaters for my niece's girls. Too fun! Thanks for the chance to win. :-)
    Quiltedwings on Ravelry

  44. My 2 year old daughter has done the same unraveling trick!

    tunafishcat on rav.

  45. Love the sweaters. I hope I win.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I can't imagine the first version being awful, this one is so pretty! I'm with you on the matching, it's adorable. :)
    tabateman on Ravelry

  48. Love love love....so cute...


  49. My children are grown and I have no-one to match with any more but I would happily go it alone in this beautiful cardigan.
    Love the podcast and enjoyed the leggings story especially since it had a happy ending.

  50. I'm from Sweden so naturally I loved the knitting story this episode! :-)

  51. I'd love a copy of these patterns! I also loved the knittingstory this week as I spent 11 years in Sweden :-)

  52. Thank you for the giveaway...
    So happy you didn't give up on this sweater!

  53. I look forward to making a Playful Stripes Cardigan for my daughter and would knit one for myself too. The adult version looks great!

  54. Such a cute set of patterns!

    RAV: wolfcreeker

  55. Can't wait to see your matchy matchy cardigans! Loved the knitted legging story with pictures to go with it. So fun.

    Rav id: craftyland

  56. I love this pattern! Thank you for the chance to win!

    JoanBlondina on Rav

  57. The leggings story was great and I love the pattern

  58. I'd love to win these patterns! I'm so glad you decided to give the adult version a second chance!!

  59. These are lovely well worth the three year wait. PURPLEPOLLYPOCKET on Ravelry

  60. I recently began my very first cardigan project and though I am pleased with the process and my progress I have temporarily paused my sweater for self (which is part of a KAL), and begun a second cardi for my Dad, who has advanced cancer. I am inspired by your podcast - the well crafted lovely cardi patterns, the supportive tone and the way you include stories from others too. Have a blast at the NY Sheep and Wool event, sounds wonderful!
    (my ravelry moniker is BrookeCrafts)

  61. I really liked the legging story, and I think matching sweaters are cute.

  62. I love these cardigans! I am nikki4 on Ravelry.

  63. I love the playful stripes cardigan and would definitely love a chance to win the patterns! Rav ID: Podocarpus

  64. Love these sweaters! Thank you for the opportunity to win them.
    Jackielemon on Ravelry

  65. Such cute sweaters! I'd love to knit them.

  66. I think these sweaters are great!

    BangersAndMash on Ravelry


  67. I love the sweaters. They are so fun.

  68. Thanks for another terrific podcast.

    Rav = outofthisworld

  69. Such a lovely pattern. In both sizes.

  70. You do WONDERFUL on your podcasts!!!

  71. I would love to win! I'm Jas330 on Rav!

  72. I would love to make these sweaters for myself and my future granddaughter. I'm LoveAfrica on Ravelry.

  73. These sweaters are so pretty...I would love to win.

    woolercoaster on Ravelry

  74. Thanks for the give away. I love the idea of experimenting with the stripes and textures. :-)

    I am nauti54knitter on Ravelry

  75. I would love to win this pattern. I love your patterns.
    Thanks so much for the opportunity.
    gabyj on ravelry

  76. You are such a talented designer. At the moment I don't have any little cones to knit for but I am definitely interested in the adult version.

  77. I love this sweater combo.
    I do not have a daughter myself but I would make this for my cousin and her daughter. I would make this as a reward for her for losing over 250 pounds. I think they would love it

    Raverly Username Sammylynn87
    Name Samantha Johnson

  78. Such a sweet sweater. Thanks for a chance to win these two patterns

  79. What a funny story! Loved it. ^^ Thanks for the great podcast. =)

    insheepishfashion on ravelry. =)

  80. I love your patterns! The new, adult playful stripes is amazing! It went right into my queue as soon as I saw it on ravelry.

    Sherraltheknitter on rag.

  81. I am very excited about the adult Playful Stripes! Thank you for your generosity.

    WideAngleMind on Ravelry

  82. super cute patterns! thanks.

  83. We love matching sweaters, socks, etc in our knitting family!

    I enjoyed hearing about your adult version of the Playful Stripes Cardigan. I wish I had saved one of my own epic fails to share with newer knitters. The only way we learn and grow is to risk failing.

  84. Love your podcast! I am dicroker on Ravelry :) Happy knitting

  85. Would love to make the cardigan for myself and my (soon to be born) baby!

  86. The Playful Stripes looks a "go anywhere" versatile garment. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
    Sandrada on Rav.

  87. I love the adult Playful Stripes. I'm currently knitting the child's version for my daughter, it'll be really cute when it's done. Thank you for the giveaway.
    Mamamustknit on Ravelry

  88. What a great srory! Love the podcast and your designs

    Cindymen on Ravelry

  89. Great episode, Alana! I love your daughter's Wee Wildflower. Such a pretty pattern!

  90. Love both of these! Thank you for the chance to win.

  91. I'd happily knit more than one of these. My daughter though need adult sizes as well...

  92. Another great episode....loved the story, would love a copy of the playful stripes patterns.

    uknielsen on Ravelry

  93. Great sweaters! I cringed hearing about the itchy leggings.

    LaurieB on Ravelry

  94. i would love to knit one for my daughter

    Teahouseknits on revelry

  95. So pretty. Fingers crossed!

    flutterbysong on ravelry

  96. KnittingNancy1 on Ravelry:
    I love these patterns! Hope I get a chance to win!

  97. I would love to knit this sweater for myself and my special needs daughter, Justine.

    fyjjkj on Ravelry.

  98. Just discovered your podcasts and enjoy them very much. Thank you for giving prizes too 😊

  99. What a wonderful opportunity! I love the thought of mother/daughter sweaters for my daughter and granddaughter...and of course, Karl would want one like his mom and sister. Thank goodness, Chris would not want one!
    Rav ID: muttiruth

  100. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    saradenbo on ravelry

  101. This would be so much fun for my dil and grand-daughter and maybe me too!

  102. Thanks for the opportunity for the giveaway! Love these sweaters!

    Highlanddancemom on Ravelry

  103. This is such a lovely pattern. thanks for the chance to win.

  104. I've always liked that pattern! Great duo! Anyonecanknit on Ravelry

  105. Also I would like sign up for these super candy.

  106. Dear Alana, who are the lucky winners? :)

  107. Inga,

    I will announce them in my next podcast episode.

