
Exclusive New Pattern! The Cabled Leaf Pullover

Introducing my brand new sweater design which is for now exclusively available through kitterly.com!

Kitterly is a brand new site with a personalized and easy approach to shopping for your next knitting project! They provide an easy way for you to search according to project type and skill level and get all of the materials you will need for the project of your choice in just a few simple clicks! They take all of the guesswork out of the process for those who like to shop for materials online.

I am pleased to have many of my patterns available to purchase on the Kitterly site as well as my latest pattern as an "exclusive Kitterly project".

This particular sweater was just debuted at Stitches West this past weekend, so I have a special Stitches discount code to share with you. 

Use code "STITCHES2015" in the checkout process to save 15% 
on your next project purchase on kitterly.com!

Please click HERE to learn more about my new Cabled Leaf Pullover modeled by the lovely 
Julie Crawford from knittedbliss.com.


  1. This is utterly divine, but I really dislike having to buy it as part of a complete kit. I prefer to have the freedom to sub a yarn that is in my price range or that I might prefer. That's disappointing, as I clicked across to buy the pattern immediately and no go.

  2. Just wanted to follow up on what SewJillian said because others may be in the same boat - it looks as though on the kittery.com website, you ARE able to add just the pattern to the shopping cart by simply unselecting any yarn or additional needles/notions. It doesn't appear to be an all or nothing kit purchase, so bear that in mind if you are interested in purchasing the pattern.

  3. The pattern is really lovely! I second Sew Jillian, do not like kits, is there a feature release as single pattern purchase?

  4. Beautiful sweater! I'm disappointed about having to buy it as a kit, though, so I probably won't make it.

  5. Love this! Really interested to see how the shaping works. I'm yarn dieting until June, so may purchase the kit later this year. ;)

  6. Dear SewJillian, Yarndude, Bubiknits, and Jodi,

    Thank you for your kind words about the sweater! This pattern is available exclusively in kit form only through kitterly.com at this time, but I will be releasing the single pattern later this year.

    Thank you again for your interest!

  7. It's really beautiful! I wish I could bookmark it to save it for later on Rav, but I hope to come across it again because it truly is beautiful and I think it would be the perfect sweater project for me right now!

  8. Just found it on Ravelry to fave! I'll keep a look out for it in May. I have the perfect wool for it. :)

  9. I just listened to the interview and am intrigued. I am off to check out the Kitterly site. Your new sweater is just lovely and, as always, the photography is beautiful. Your son looks adorable in his sweater as well.
    Rav ID: smithmks

  10. I love the sweater from Kitterly as well as the sweater your son is wearing. I just love all of your patterns and own several of them.
    Ravelry ID: debby7158

  11. I normally do not do pullover, but the "v" neck, I can do that with my body type. I normally have not been a fan of "kits", but I have looked at their site and was very impressed with what I saw and will, for sure, be making a purchase this month. Thank you for the such a beautiful pullover.

  12. OH wow! Kitterly is such an awesome idea, thanks for the interview and the episode!

  13. Alana -- great podcast as usual -- the sweater is gorgeous and might even get me away from my "cardigans only" kick!
