
Selbu Modern

Truth be told.. I have a hat phobia. I love hats on others, but on me. Well. I just feel so silly. I want to get better. I want to get over this. There are too many beautiful hat patterns out there, and too many cold drizzly days where hat wearing would be in order. So I'm starting here.
With Selbu Modern. My new hat love.

This hat was so fun to make. I haven't done stranded colorwork in a really long time, so it was fun to get reacquainted. I was oh so scared that with changing colors my tension would be all over the place, but it wasn't. It was fine. I just followed some really good colorwork tips that I've heard in the past, and that is what I credit to my success.

Helpful Tip #1: I put one one color in my left hand and the other color in my right. I never switched hands. The left hand always held the gold, and the right always held the brown.
When using this method, I knit all of the gold stitches in the continental knitting style and all of the brown stitches in the English style. I am a continental knitter usually so this took a little getting used to.

Helpful Tip#2:
Slightly spread out your stitches that you have just knit on the right hand needle before adding another color. This helps the tension not be too tight, which can be a big issue with stranded knitting.

Helpful Tip #3: Keep one ball of yarn on your left side and the other ball on your right. If they are together in your lap there is much more chance of annoying tangledge and twisting of your strands. Not a good thing.

For this pattern I used 1 ball of Jameson's Shetland Spindrift in Grouse and 2 balls of Scotch Broom. I almost got the entire hat out of only 2 balls, but on the last few rounds I had to break into that second ball of Scotch Broom. Dang. I hate that.

I also went up one needle size than the pattern recommended, and I am really happy with the ending hat size.

I am all around very happy with how the Selbu Modern turned out and who knows.. Maybe I'll become a hat girl after all?


  1. After your last post, I went to the Dancing Ewe website and ordered enough of the Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift to make my own hat and it arrived today. I didn't realize when ordering Scotch Broom that it was a color you were using, but that makes me even more excited to get started after seeing the vibrant yet warm color in your pictures today.

    Beautiful job as always and thanks for the tips.

  2. The hat is beautiful! I've never done stranding! It looks wonderful on you...love the jacket too! And of course, beautiful photography!

  3. Wow, your photos are gorgeous! You're definitely a hat girl--you just have to get used to it. :)

  4. I love stranding and think this would be such a fun quick project. I can see me ordering some of that yummy yarn asap. You should bring on the Hats, 'cause you are beautiful in them!

  5. Beautiful, Alana. You look great in that hat!

  6. What a WOW effect! It's such a beautiful fair-isle hat...it looks gorgeous on you and I am loving it!
    Enjoy your new hat - Miss Hat Lover!
    p.s. nice shots...you got a great photographer!

  7. The hat is beautiful! It looks good on you! Great job!

  8. You look very cute with your hat :) It's gorgeous work, I don't know if I have the patience yet for stranded colourwork at such a small gauge but you've definitely inspired me!

  9. The hat is beautiful! It looks great on you, too! Thanks for the tips, as well. Next?

  10. What a fantastic piece! I really look forward to working one up myself in the near future. And to figure out how to "English" knit so that I can avoid the tangled mess that color carrying can cause.

    Um...also?...where did your amazingly beautiful coat come from?

  11. It's just darling! You look great in hats, too.

  12. It's beautiful. You should be a hat girl, it suits you!

  13. so, so, so, so, SO beautiful!- the hat, the coat, the photography, and the model ;) Great job! I don't even know what stranded color work is, but some day...

  14. It is beautiful. Such a lovely compliment to your golden hair. You are definitely a hat person now!

  15. Oh wow. I love that hat. You are now definitely a hat girl now.

  16. Beautiful hat - I really like the colors you used.

  17. I think you look fantastic. Now I have a pattern in mind for all the lovely spindrift at my LYS. Thanks for sharing.

  18. You are way too adorable in that hat and coat. Much love for your look. I can't wait to do some colorwork and use your tips.

    Selkie on Ravelry...

  19. The hat is fabulous, and ohmygosh, where did you get the coat?! I'm totally in love.

  20. This is just so lovely! And incredibly photographed too!

  21. Wow, your hat is amazing. I can only aspire to such things.

  22. This hat is fantastic. You did a great job. Thanks for the tips.

  23. It looks great on you. By the way, as to keeping each color always in the same hands, I totally agree with you, but would like to add that if you carry the contrast color (in this case, brown) in your left hand, you would really see the pattern "pop" more. Eunny Jang's old blog has an extensive couple of posts on it, and it really does work out beautifully. A tip for your next project!

  24. Forgive me for commenting on a very old post but, as I mentioned on Ravelry, I just "discovered" you (and your podcast, by the way!). Your projects are LOVELY. It was this fantastic hat that first draw me to your project page. Great job. I'm looking forward to keeping up on your blog regularly. :) Leslie
