
A New Hat Obsession

I recently fell in love with the Selbu Modern hat pattern and just had to cast on right away.

I think that this colorwork pattern is just soo cute!

I am using Jamiesons Shetland Spindrift for the project. The pattern says that I need 3 skeins 2 of the main color and 1 contrasting color. But I am almost done and still have yarn left. Lets hope it is enough. I would hate to break into that 3rd skein for just a few yards.

The yarn is nice. Its very "au naturale", not processed like a superwash merino which is the wool that you usually find in this weight. It isn't smooth or super soft but rustic and full of texture. I know that when I wash it the hat will soften more, but I am not too worried about it because it hasn't bothered my skin so far.

What I love about this yarn is the beautiful heathered shades. The heathered colors look so pretty in colorwork. I did a complete review of Jamiesons Shetland Spindrift in Episode 12 if you'd like to find out more.

I look forward to blocking this project because the stitches will smooth out and the pattern will look a lot nicer.

Its true what they say, knitting in a colorwork pattern is soo addicting! I cant stop knitting this because its so fun to see the designs form as I work.

I must keep knitting..


  1. That's absolutely gorgeous - you clearly have more patience than I do, all that colourwork would drive me insane!

  2. wow... this is so beautiful. Great work 8-]

  3. Gorgeous! What a beautiful colour combination which I would have never thought of! There's so much for me to learn while playing with colours. Good work!!!

  4. After seeing your post, I was inspired to knit something for myself, which never happens with 2 kids in the house. I cast on this afternoon!

  5. Oh, wow! That is a gorgeous hat. What colors are you using? They're fantastic! In my local yarn shop, we have Jamieson's 2-Ply, which is almost the same. Did you talk about the difference in the two? The person at my local yarn shop said it was exactly the same, except for the colors, but I don't think it is. What do you think?

  6. It's beautiful, I love the pattern.

    I know you say you're not a hat person, but I think this one would look fabulous on you!

  7. You're right; the colors are just great together! Nice job!

  8. Having just finished this hat for somebody else. Seeing yours I am tempted to make me one.

  9. Very inspiring, as usual! I love flowers, and heathered colors, and all things Scottish... Can't wait to see the finished product.

  10. Your hat looks fantastic and your podcast got me thinking about colors for a pair of endpaper mitts. The color choices of the Shetland are great.

  11. Great episode. And I love the hat pattern. Great job on your child sweater pattern too.

  12. The colorwork and pattern are beautiful! Nicely done.

  13. Love the new episode--glad to hear your voice again :) Your new hat is looking fabulous and I'm very excited about the new sponsorship arrangement! Off to check out the Dancing Ewe site.

  14. That one is in my queue too. Love yours! Also, NICE new logo and blog layout!

  15. Love the hat. And it was great to hear you talking about the origin of the yarn with so much in depth history as I am from Scotland.

  16. Do you care if I copy the colors in your hat???? Very inspiring, thank you!

  17. Hi Val,

    Of course I dont care if you or anyone else copies the colors that I used in Selbu Modern! Im glad you like them!



  18. The Selbu Modern hat is gorgeous! I had to go look it up when you were talking about it to see for myself. Good choice! I understand the obsession! :o)

  19. Love the colors!!!! I have been inspired and was very tempted to rush out and buy yarn ;)
