
Chicken Family

Great news! "Mama Chicken" has a found a rather plump, polka dotted "Daddy Chicken" to share her life with! They met and fell in love while spending some time together in the knitting bag. Before I knew it 2 little babies flew off the needles.

Finally the chicken family is complete!

I was really attempting to differentiate between the hen and the rooster with this pattern. As I mentioned before, the Mama Chicken has eyelashes and no tail feathers. The Daddy Chicken has the white tail feathers and I knit one extra in orange and sewed in to the top of his head to make his comb more prominent and rooster-ish. And of course I knit the small size for the Mom and the medium size for the Dad. I think it works.

I think they make a fine couple.

I used the Spring Chick pattern to make the baby chicks. Now this was a fun pattern! So fast! It was great. It took like an hour to make both of the babies. Also I felt good using up some of the yellow I had. I had only taken a little bit from the skein to make the chicken beaks and had nearly an entire ball left over!!! So it was nice being able to use some of that up. I had planned on making more babies but then got kind of sick of chicken knitting. I'm really feeling excited about my next knitting project so I was eager to just be done with these.

But who knows? Maybe they will expand their family in the future?

I shot these photos at one of my favorite locations. Avila Valley Barn. Its a little farm you can visit to buy fresh produce, feed farm animals and eat corn on the cob. I put the Watermelon sweater on my daughter because I felt that it was quite festive for the occasion.

It also was a great place to photograph the new chicken family. All that hay and stuff. But we unfortunately went on Memorial Day and it was packed! So many people. So you can imagine how insane I looked taking pictures of knitted chickens in front of tons of onlookers.

It was kind of normal feeling when my daughter was there, but she soon tired of the chicken pictures idea and left to go get a snack with my husband. So there I was, now alone. Just me and the chickens. I seriously looked like such the "crazy chicken lady" rearranging and posing my little chicken friends for all to see.

So weird.

Oh the things I endure for the sake of this knitting blog... :)


  1. Oh Alana,they are sooooo cute you are such a quick knitter and your daughter is such a sweetie she looked so cute in the watermelon sweater with her little chicken family...I really appreciate you make a fool of your self for the sake of the blog! Your a true knitting friend!LOL

  2. can barely deal with all the cuteness! Cuteness overload!!!!

  3. I love the chicken family, so cute!

    My neighbors are used to seeing me outside, draping knitted objects over the shrubbery. They haven't called the police...yet.

  4. I love the photo shoot, very funny about all the onlookers. I am still in love with that Watermelon Sweater as well, I am determined to make one - for no one particular. I will most likely just hold it up to small children on the street and give it to the first one it fits. (I'm really not a creep, I just love the sweater.)

  5. So cute indeed. I am sure most of us have had 'what we do for the blog' moments! I am glad you didnt let the onlookers put you off getting these great photos, love them

  6. Just darling! I love the addition of the baby chicks.

  7. Oh - just the perfect spot for those pictures! And I consider the onlookers lucky to get a glimpse of the crazy chicken lady and her adorable little family! Once again, I can add another "inspired by Alana" project to my list.

  8. Aww, that chicken family is too cute!! Those little yellow chicks are adorable, and of course your daughter is gorgeous. Thanks for looking like 'the crazy chicken lady' to get the good blog shots- the photos are awesome!

    - Julie

  9. As bored as you were with the same yarn for the "Daddy" Chicken, it was so worth it. The family is adorable and I'm sure your daughter is smitten with them all.

  10. It's a beautiful thing when poultry find love...

  11. What a lovely little chicken family. :)

  12. That is funny! This looks like a happy chicken family.

  13. Wow, adorable! The chickens are just so cute :) thank you for sharing!

  14. Well, cluck. I think these chickens are so cute. I would have done the same thing you did at the farm! Onlookers, beware, when I set my mind to something! I'll do it! Thanks for the effort to take the pictures; they're great!

  15. Seriously...these are to cute:0)

    I probably would rearrange them several times to get the perfect shot also.

    Love your blog!!

  16. Crazy Chicken Lady are my friend. . .teehee! They look great, and your daughter is lucky to have a mom like you!

  17. I'm just cackling over how cute they are!

  18. That's so funny. I always feel silly taking photos. I take photos of things I make while I model them in the back yard, and lately I've been wishing for higher walls because I must look like I'm just really into photographing myself or something.

    I LOVE these chickens. I might have a kid just so I can make all the wonderful things on your blog.
