
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 20 : The Black Vest Quest


Dancing Ewe Yarns

Knit and Crochet Show

Myra Wood

Crochet Provisional Cast On and Bind Off

Melissa Leapman

Janet Szabo

Twists and Turns

Knit Purl


Chevron Scarf

Abundant Yarns

Larissa Brown



Sublime Angora Merino

Rose Red Beret

Dublin Bay

Yarn Garden

My Something Red Sweater

The Chicken Family

Spring Chick Pattern

Featherweight Cardigan
Martha on Ravelry
Martha's Blog

The Black Vest

Please join the NeverNotKnitting Ravelry Group!

Follow me here on Twitter!

The winner of the signed copy of "Ethnic Knitting Exploration" is Victoria! Congratulations!!!!

Announcement: Dancing Ewe Yarns has extended the special discount offer for the Blue Sky Alpacas Dyed Cotton for the month of June as well. This is the yarn I used for my Chicken Family as well as the Something Red sweater! I love this yarn!

You will recieve 20% on the entire selection of Blue Sky Alpacas Dyed Cotton
and free shipping for all orders that include this yarn.

This offer is exclusive to the NeverNotKnitting podcast listeners and blog readers for the month of June.

In order to receive your discount, click on the Dancing Ewe link and in the checkout process enter in the special code " NNK1 "

Click HERE to download the MP3


  1. Love listening to your adventures! You articulate the pits and pearls of knitting so adeptly. Will enjoy Season 3 ... enjoy your time of rest.

  2. Loved this episode Alana! You gave me so much useful information, since I am getting on a plane to Portland in 12 days :) I hope to get to a couple of those yarn shops you mentioned. I will also give my "travel knitting" a bit more thought. Have a great little break, and I look forward to season 3!!!

  3. Thanks for another great podcast! Your travel story was very funny (although not very pleasant for you). I was thinking about your red sweater. I have a book that says that most women have a raglan length of 10-11 inches. I'm pretty tall, so I measured the raglan of a sweater I'm making, expecting it to be at least 10 inches, and it is... 8 1/2 inches.
    Have a great break!

  4. Great podcast, as always, Alana! I received my BSK Dyed Cotton (from Dancing Ewes) in the mail to make a Something Red sweater and I just LOVE that yarn! You were so right about how soft the yarn is. Thanks for the pattern idea and the yarn review. Enjoy your time off this summer! Looking forward to next season. :-)

  5. I love your podcast. The airport story was great. I have a few of those overflowing holey ziploc bags too. Have a great break I can't wait until the next season starts:)

  6. I love this garment. And your blog. I've given you the "One Lovely Blog" award. You can pick it up at my bloghttp://pendlestitches.wordpress.com/

  7. Just love listening to your podcast. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I wish I lived nearby to come over for a knitting lesson!

  8. I discovered your podcast a few weeks ago and, after a relaxing sunny weekend knitting in the garden, have just caught up. Thanks for the great podcasts and looking forward to the rest of season three!
