
I Have A New Favorite Color


Here is my "Something Red" sweater in the works. I started it not too long ago and am making fine progress.

Since this picture was taken, I have divided for the sleeves and am now knitting my way down the body.

Its going great! I cant wait to wear this one. It's all soft and cottony and ... red.
I think that every woman needs a good red cardigan in their lives. It's such a boost to an outfit.

For me red is the new green and you'll be seeing lots of knitted red projects popping up shortly.

But for now.. I'm just loving my Something Red Sweater and this delicious red yarn.


  1. Oooh, and what a red it is!

  2. that is such a PERFECT red, wow! The cardi is going to be gorgeous.

    - Julie

  3. That is a beautiful colour. and I love that sweater...It is great I see something I like and you knit it. It really is deferred gratification.

  4. That red is beautiful! Looking forward to seeing your cardigan.

  5. I like red, too. I think I will knit this too, when I am done with the Spring Garden Tee, which is getting close to being done, and looking cute!

  6. Wow, I never cared for red but lately, I've been drooling over it. Your pictures have absolutely convinced me that I must knit up something in RED...

  7. I just started Fifi in RED. Love it. (Of course, red is my rut color, so maybe I should switch over to green?)

  8. Yeah! I LOVE red!!!! You will look beautiful in this color. NSF

  9. When I first moved away from home I lived with a mother and daughter, and the mother would not let her daughter wear red. So out of respect for her "house" rules, I didn't wear red. But then I found a dress for a convention, and it was perfect, and it was red, really red. I bought it, wore it, met my husband in it, and now I can't get enough red. And the mother finally "gave in" and agreed red was an okay color to wear.

  10. You know, I've been leaning toward red, lately, myself. What yarn is that? Colorway? I know you'll tell us in just about a minute, now!
