
"Something" Is Nearing Completion

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Knit and Crochet
in Portland, Oregon with my wonderful friend Audrey.

I couldn't have had a more fabulous time! I took a bunch of great classes by talented designers and learned so many things.

The traveling part was interesting. I never travel. Hardly ever. Truth be told, I haven't been on a plane in nearly a decade! And I have NEVER EVER traveled by myself! It wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be.

So I'm super glad that I went and that I didn't die.

I'm also super glad that I had so much time to work on my "Something Red" sweater!
I'm almost done!

I only have to finish this sleeve and do the button band!

AND I also happened to find the most perfect button at the show!

What are the chances of me finding "THE button" right when I needed it?

That never happens!


  1. That is the best button, ever! What booth had it? You just have to remember!! That is a perfect button.

  2. P.S. I traveled from the Midwest to Germany by myself!!! SCARY! I know how you felt!

  3. Beautiful button! I have that pattern so will watch your blog for the finished sweater!
    I found your podcasts, downloaded 17 and 18 - loved them, so today I downloaded all the others. You will be in my ears for the next while, as I knit!
    Thanks for the podcast, and glad you enjoyed yourself in Portland!

  4. The button is like candy! Perfect match for your sweater. Love the colour. I can't wait another master piece from you soon!

  5. I can't wait to see your finished item! I think it is going to be gorgeous. I may be inspired to knit something red, it always used to be my favorite color!

  6. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? It isn't always easy finding the perfect button at just the right time, I am so happy for you. You'll be so lovely in the red, can't wait to see it finished.

  7. That is a super gorgeous button and I love the color of your sweater. Can't wait to see it completed.

  8. Hilarious description of your trip! I love your photos - tantalizing. The button was a great find.

  9. That is seriously the most perfect button ever! What a great find! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh I'm so glad you were kidding! I'm sorry, I was probably being overly sensitive about the issue.

    In any case, I do like your blog a lot and will continue to read it! Thank you so much for your consideration and replying to my comment.

  12. Love the button! Perfect...your right you never find it when you need it. The stars must be aligned you.
