

My new stripey design is now finished and available for purchase!
This is a super easy fun pattern that goes remarkably fast on the needles.
It only took me a few days to complete!
I highly recommend trying out the new Spud and Chloe yarn, but this sweater would also be a great pattern to use up partial skeins of worsted weight yarn that you might have lying around.
Like all of my previous patterns, this sweater is worked in one piece with no seaming and very minimal finishing work.
I am offering this pattern in an extended size range, from 3 months all the way up to
girls size 10!

I really enjoyed knitting it and I know that you will too!

Here is some pattern information for you:

3 months [6 mos, 12 mos, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10] (shown in size 2)

Chest: approx 18 [20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30] inches (2 inches of positive ease)
Length: approx 7 [8, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 13.5, 15] inches from top of shoulder to cast off edge after blocking

Spud and Chloe Sweater [55% Wool, 45% Organic Cotton; 160 yd/146m per 100g skein]
Color A: Popsicle #7501; 1 skein or approx 40[ 50, 55, 60, 75, 85, 105, 125] yds
Color B: Grass #7502; 1 skein or approx 40[ 50, 55, 60, 75, 85, 105, 125] yds
Color C: Watermelon #7512; 1 [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2] skeins or approx 75 [90, 100, 105, 135, 160, 195, 225] yds
1 #16” US #8/5mm circular needle for smaller sizes
1 #24” US #8/5mm circular needle for larger sizes
Size “I” crochet hook
2 pieces of scrap yarn to serve as stitch holders
Tapestry needle
Stitch markers
2 small or medium size buttons
Sewing needle and matching thread
18 sts/24 rows = 4" in Stockinette stitch on size 8 needles

It's amazing how easy-going children are when there are lollipops involved!

(Note: This pattern has been revised as of 7-18-10. The pattern now has a beautiful new 4 page layout that Im sure you will enjoy! A few numbers have been tweaked. The sizing has been adjusted, but the chest measurements remain the same. Thank you!)


  1. Cute sweater & adorable photos Alana, and yes, lollipops work everytime :)

  2. cute as a button! lovely photography!

  3. What a cute little sweater and the model is adorable as well!

  4. This is just so cute! I'm still working on two other designs of yours! I've got to get going! I'm so glad you are including the larger sizes. Thank you!

    About that lollipop, when I was coming back from Nashville, from my visit with my daughter, a man got on the plane with a little girl with a lollipop in her mouth. The flight attendant asked her how she was, and the dad replied that she was just fine; there wasn't much a good lollipop couldn't fix! So true!

    I love the pictures of your little girl, but the last picture of your daughter is my favorite on this set.

  5. This is so sweet - and thank you for making it available in a range of sized. I have such trouble finding patterns for my 8yo daughter.

  6. This looks like it will be great to knit as a gift, should go pretty quickly right? That way I can knit for a baby girl even though I don't have my own :)

  7. So Sweet!

    Hard to decide what is cuter - the sweater or the model...

  8. Adorable!! Love those candy coloured stripes.

    - Julie

  9. Wow, with all these wonderful patterns your producing I'm seeing an awesome book in your future!!! Love this pattern and Ava is just so beautiful! Love and hugs!

  10. Love love LOVE the ruffle! I'm so going to have to get me a little girl one of these days...

  11. This is such an adorable sweater. BTW, your daughter looks just like you!

  12. This is adorable ! I will definately be purchasing this pattern soon. Great job !

  13. That is adorable. Well done.

    And I will have to remember the lollipop trick!

  14. Gotta buy it! Couldn't be cuter. Thanks for your hard work!

  15. Jumping Jellybeans you've got a cutie here! Nice striping combo with the ruffle...the lil' model is a keeper as well!!!


  16. this is adorable! now i wish i would've bought more yarn at purl. i wanted every color!!

  17. I just cast off and I had to come and tell you how happy I am with this pattern! I love the little sweater I made for my baby girl. I'm restraining myself from casting on another one right now! It was such a fast knit. I would have been done in a weekend if not for work getting in my way.

    I will certainly make this again as my daughter gets bigger. Thank you for sharing this great little sweater!

  18. I am really enjoying knitting this pattern. It is my first ever project and I have figured everything out until the pfb row in the ruffle on the bottom. I can't figure it out! I think I can handle kfb though. Is it important that it be done as pfb or can I go to the next row and kfb the whole way?
    Thanks for the great pattern.

  19. I just bought this pattern, Alana, and I'm casting on for my baby Chloe.
