
A Bad Case of The Uglies

Lately... variegated yarns have not treated me kindly.
First there was the "Featherweight Cardigan Fiasco".
The variegated lace weight I chose for that project knitted up to be so ugly that a picture couldn't even be posted of it.
But I had high hopes for this yarn. Lovely, lovely Koigu.

And yes, one is variegated! But I wasn't worried. I had this all planned out.
I bought these two skeins to make my very own
Chevron Scarf. I mean...with two luscious colors of Koigu, how could anything go wrong?
Well my two Koigu beauties morphed into the ugliest scarf ever.

I tried to like it. Really I did.
Hmm...Maybe If I turn it around....

Aahh.. it's really quite revolting isn't it?
I think I'll stick with solid colors for awhile.
I know that this doesn't look like much of anything yet, but this is my newest cast on.
Rose Red by Ysolda.
I've been wanting to knit this up for such a long time now, and I am certain that this one will turn out to be quite lovely.


  1. Oh, so sorry about the variegated. You just never know. But yes, Rose Red is going to be lovely!

  2. I like the scarf. I'm sorry you don't. Your Rose Red will be beautiful.

  3. oh, the scarf isn't that bad! not really my colors, but i didn't puke when i saw it lol.
    looking forward to seeing your Rose Red as a FO.

  4. Variegated yarns hurt me so badly. They look so pretty skeined (as yours does) and then so wrong when knitted up. I feel your pain, and I've learned to love solids myself.

  5. I'd love to see your Featherweight! I'm considering one of my own ... but I tried the Whisper and it bored me to tears.

  6. I think the thing with the chevron scarf is to pick two ugly yarns that are contrasting and they come together to be pretty. Your two yarns might be too complementary! They are are too pretty. If that makes any sense. :) xoxo

  7. Oh no - that's a shame! I keep looking at the gorgeous yarns and then the scarf and I can't understand how that happened. The Rose Red is stunning though!

  8. I like the scarf. Send it to me! Love the hat, as well.

  9. Just call that scarf "Vintage" (circa. 1960-70something), and it's PERFECT! Oh, but I get the variegated disappointments! Enad it changes again when you change your knitting from flat to in-the-round! Oh, those crazy multis!

  10. I think I bought the exact same colourway of koigu a couple years back, made a hideous pair of baby booties (http://www.ravelry.com/projects/TeamKnit/snowflake-bootees ) and then gave the rest of it away- some varigated yarns just look like clown vomit, and there is nothing you can do.

    Fortunately your Rose Red is going to be gorgeous!!

    - Julie

  11. The Rose Red is looking so pretty :)

    Sorry but the scarf does look "kind-of" ugly. As pretty as the yellow/gold is, I think that's the reason it isn't working. Complementing the red or green might have been better?

  12. I have the same colorway of Koigu, and it took 3 tries before I found a pattern that looked decent with this yarn: Monkey socks, on knitty.com

  13. I LIKE the scarf! I'd never wear it...but I figured that was because I don't wear scarves, ever. I like the mustardy tone, but, I am also kind of a variegated hater...rarely buy it!

  14. I have the same troubles with variegated yarns constantly! I currently have a huge wad of Helen's lace in colors I just love--but that looks terrible no matter what I try to do with it. Blarg: solids or semi-solids from now on!

  15. When I planned my Chevron scarf, I noticed the ones I liked the most were the ones where the colors in the two balls were very unlike, where I wouldn't even dream of putting them together. You know, it could be very nice in a contrasting solid. Even black would be pretty striking. Or a solid in a color that is in the variegated but not very much, like the green or red.

  16. Well, call me crazy, but I like the scarf!!! Variegated yarns can be pretty tricky though - often much nicer looking in the skein than knit up.

  17. Who'd a thunk it? The skeins on their own are veryveryvery nice, but together are reminiscent of some awful 1970's wallpaper. Thanks for sharing your minor disaster...all is not lost. You have Rose Red and that is really cool!

  18. Oh, LOVE the row counters. What a find! As a knitter of just five years -- and still a beginner -- this would be perfect for me. The end of stopping at each row to make a tally mark. You hat is gorgeous too. Cables (and socks) are on my "learn-to-knit" list. Thanks for another great podcast.

  19. I love the scarf. I really love yellow, and autumn colours.

  20. I really like the colors of your scarf. Good thing there are so many color schemes from which to choose. There's bound to be something for everybody.
