

The Sheepish pattern is now available for purchase!

A sheep inspired sweater out of this really soft Organic Merino is something that just made sense to me. The yarn.. the buttons.. the concept just went together so perfectly and the finished result is exactly what I had in mind!

Sheepish is worked in one piece from the bottom up. The pockets are knitted into the sweater and secured with stitching on the wrong side of the fabric. The little sheep motifs offer a great introduction to intarsia work.

I think that this design is very versatile. Unlike my other designs, its not specific to a little girl's wardrobe. Sheepish can be worn by a boy as well!

My daughter was very excited about this sweater design in particular. I think it was the pockets that really won her over. She was so very pleased to wear it, and there is nothing more rewarding than that for a mother and knitter.

I'm sure the little one in your life would be happy to have their own sheep sweater as well!

Here is the pattern information for those of you who are interested in knitting this:

6 months [12mos, 2 years] (shown in size 2)

Chest: 20 [23, 25] inches
Length: approx 10.5 [13, 15] inches after blocking

[MC] Sublime Organic Merino Wool dk [100% Organic Merino Wool; 113 yd/105m per 50g skein; color: #113; 4 [5, 5] skeins. Or 420 [460, 500] yards of dk weight wool or wool blend.
[CC1] Cascade Yarns Lana D’Oro [50% Super Fine Alpaca, 50% Wool; 110 yd/101m per 50g skein; color: #1049; 1[1, 1] skein. Or 55 [55, 60] yards of light worsted weight alpaca or alpaca blend.
[CC2] Cascade Yarns “Cloud 9” [50% Merino Wool, 50% Angora; 109 yd/100m per 50g skein; color: #101; 1[1, 1] skein. Or 20 yards of light worsted weight angora or angora blend.

2# 32-inch US #6/4mm circular needles
1# 24-inch US #5/3.75mm circular needle
1 set of US #5/3.75mm double pointed needles

4 pieces of scrap yarn to hold underarm stitches
Stitch holders
Stitch markers
(4 st markers in a contrasting color to mark intarsia sections)
Bobbins wound with CC and CC2 for intarsia work

5 medium to large buttons and matching sewing thread
Tapestry needle

22 sts/32 rows = 4" in Stockinette stitch on size 6 needles

So of course I had to take my daughter to a local farm to feed some "real sheep" while wearing her new sheep sweater.
Of course! :)

I think the sheep liked it.


  1. I just love your photography and of course, your daughter is gorgeous as will!

  2. This sweater is absolutely adorable! If the design hadn't sold me already, your photos surely would have.

  3. so sweet! does the pattern also say where to buy those buttons?

  4. Just love that sweater, but please, more large sizes, did I say please? (I need size 7/8 - to be specific). I'm celebrating my blogiversary - hope you stop by to enter the giveaway - it's fun!


  5. Alana, your designs just get sweeter and sweeter. Wish I had a little girl (both mine are grown) to knit this for...
    Heck, I might just knit it for fun. Anyway, I've bookmarked it just in case :)

  6. What a great design! You are so talented Alana! And the kits look fabulous!

  7. So sweet in every way! So many Alana designs... so little time! :)

  8. As I was reading, and admiring your photos, I was thinking of how cute this would also be on a boy! Way to go. . .very handsome design. . .and of course your little one is so lovely, as always!

  9. Beautiful sweater and adorable little girl!

  10. Love it! What an awesome pattern! Great job girly! Miss you!

  11. Adorable sweater, beautiful model. Terrific!

  12. You've done it again! What a cute pattern. And I'm so happy to see one that can suit a little boy. Thanks!

  13. Absofreakinluely gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!

  14. To reply to "living-in-an-attic" and to the rest of you who might be wondering, the sheep buttons for the pattern are also available seperately through Dancing Ewe Yarns. The buttons are not up on her website, but if you are interested you can give Cathy a call and purchase them over the phone. Here is the number

    Thanks everyone for your comments! So glad you like the sweater! :)

  15. GORGEOUS! And, wow is your daughter photogenic!

  16. This pattern is adorable!! This is a yarn we can get too. Too cute! You are very talented and Jodi and I are excited that you contacted us. I have an idea for a yarn for you! Talk to you this week. Lis

  17. Gush ... I love it, Alana! What do you think - could a little boy wear this, too?

    I just put up your ad on my blog!

  18. That has to be the cutest sweater and photo shoot ever. Your daughter always looks cute, but there seems to be some extra enthusiasm about this sweater. Lovely!

    BTW, what kind of graph paper do you use to do the motifs? It doesn't look familiar.

  19. Gotta say, I've been looking for CUTE & ADORABLE knitted items for my 6 mo. grandbaby girl. Every one of yours, are perfect! Except...where did you get those sheep buttons?

    I'm finishing a project, and when I'm done I'll be purchasing Very Cherry first.

  20. Hi Sue!


    You can find the buttons at Dancing Ewe Yarns. Here is the number:


  21. I just purchased this pattern, I know it's been out for awhile. Just had a question when beginning the sleeves. In the materials section you call for a #5 set of DPN's. But the instructions for the sleeves call for #6 DPN's. Do I need both or just the #6? Thanks

  22. Dear Mo,

    I am so sorry. That was a typo. You will need size 6 dpns for the sleeves.
