
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 21: Woolaphobia

Dont forget to enter this episode's drawing!

Dancing Ewe Yarns is offering 10% off of all Spud and Chloe Sweater yarn for the month of August.

This offer is exclusive to the NeverNotKnitting podcast listeners and blog readers.

In order to receive your discount, click on the Dancing Ewe link and in the checkout process enter in the special NeverNotKnitting listeners code

" NNK1 "


  1. Really enjoyed that Alana! Was nice to be listening to a current episode after catching up on all the old ones.

    Oh and my favorite Spud & Chloe has to be Splash.

    Hmmm, how hard would it be to size up your Chloe pattern for me :)

  2. I love Spud & Chloe Lake -- Enjoyed your podcast.

  3. I absolutely love the Chipmunk colorway.

  4. Thank you Alana! Love listening to your podcast. I like Firecracker!

  5. I loved your new episode--very enjoyable. Hmmm, I like the grass color of Spud and Chloe. Cheers.

  6. I'm so excited that you're podcasting again! You've been a busy woman. I love the color Splash, but especially next to the chipmunk. Maybe one of your Chloe sweater in those two colors plus Ice Cream or Toast...

  7. I love all the colorways!!!!! But I guess my fav would be grass because I love that little frog that Susan B Anderson did & would like to make it for my son, you know, like when I have some free time ha ha ha :)

  8. It's so wonderful to hear your podcast again. I've missed you so. I'm in love with your Sheepish cardigan. I recently got a chance to look at the Spud and Chloe line in my LYS. I admired it for quite some time. I think my favorite color is Grass. It's so unique.

    Already looking forward to the next podcast.

  9. Enjoyed your new episode. That Spud & Chloe yarn sounds like it's really nice to knit with. I think I like the Splash color the best.

  10. Welcome back, Alana! Great episode. I love the Pollen Spud & Chloe color.

  11. Hi Alana!
    Thanks for playing "BaBa Black Sheep"
    on your great podcast. Your listeners may get a copy of my CD "Wren's Greatest Knits" from my website wrenross.com. I have a collection of songs that celebrate the delights and dilemmas of knitting since I myself am "Never Not Knitting!"
    BTW- Your designs are gorgeous and I love your photos! What a magnificent daughter you have!
    Yours in Yarn and Song!

  12. Great podcast! I think that my first fave color is rootbeer, with splash following closely second.

  13. Glad to have a new podcast from you! My favorite Spud and Chloe color is Firecracker. I think it with Pollen and Rootbeer will make a great Chloe sweater.

    Also, thanks for the heads up on Petite Purls. I recently knit one of Allegra's patterns and am very happy to see that y'all have banded together for the cause of great tot knitting patterns!

  14. Hi Alana,

    It's so nice to hear your sweet voice again. Thanks for the great podcast.

    I like the color Pollen.

    Thanks again.
    Gurunam Kaur

  15. Woolaphobic~ that's totally my mother! I haven't converted her~ yet!

    At first, Pollen and Splash were a toss up, but then Splash won. One of my fiber lovin' girls would absolutely love anything in that color. Maybe a Chloe would fit her with a little knitting magic. (She's a thin 14yo.)

    Thanks for another enjoyable podcast! Knitting is always more fun while you're listening to knitting talk!

  16. you're podcasts keep me company while i knit and do housework..can't wait until the next episode...my favorite color of the spud and chloe colorway is chipmunk

  17. I like splash. Another great show!

  18. Welcome back from your break. We missed you but understand breaks are necessary. I can't wait to try some Spud and Chloe. Superwash wool and cotton! It must be great for babies.

    I couldn't decide which is my favorite color but it's between watermelon and grass.

  19. I would love to make something using Spud & Chloe Sweater striping Lake & Pollen - they're my school colors!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Love the newest podcast Alana! I am just starting a sweater using Spud & Chloe in Rootbeer, but I also really love Moonlight. Can't wait for the rest of this season with NNK!

  22. Glad to have your podcast back. I love splash and pollen in Spud and Chloe. I may have to try the Chloe pattern with it and one more color. Which one...?

  23. Good podcast - my favorite color is Anemone.

  24. Alana, it is so good to have you back again. Your Chloe sweater turned out so cute, and wow, is Sheepish ever adorable!!! Your daughter is one lucky little girl to be sporting such cute garments, as well as building up her fabulous toy stash.
    My favorite Spud & Chloe color is Firecracker. Pop!

  25. So happy that you have returned to podcast land. Sounds like you had a productive summer. I love Ribbit the frog so I guess grass is my choice.


  26. Love the Sheepish sweater - it is so adorable (as is the model, of course!). I enjoyed your review of the Spud & Chloe yarn, will have to check it out when it arrives in one of my LYS. I think my favorite color is the Rootbeer. Thanks for the contest!

  27. I am so excited about the Spud and Chloe line. My fav color so far is Firecracker.

  28. Welcome back Alana. I really enjoyed this podcast and LOVE the new sheep sweater pattern.

    Spud and Chloe's Moonlight colorway is my favorite.

  29. Another great show, I downloaded it as soon as I saw it :) That sheepish sweater is so cute, I love your designs.

  30. I'm so glad you are back, I really enjoyed this episode.

    The Spud and Chloe yarn looks great, all the colors are pretty, but I think Moonlight is my favorite.

  31. I'm a new listener and am quite enjoying your podcast. I have a 7 y.o. daughter and appreciate your patterns sizes in her range.

    I'll tell you my daughter's favorite colorway: Moonlight, by a mile!

  32. Love the podcast and as a mother of 6 I really appreciate your kid designs.

    My favorite color of Spud and Chloe is definitely grass :-)


  33. I really like what I see with Spud and Chloe. I think my faves are Watermelon in the Sweater yarn and Carbon in the Outer yarn.

  34. Welcome back!

    I have to say, Lake is my favorite S&C color...would love to pair it with Popsicle for a really fun sweater!

  35. Glad to have you back!
    I like the Firecracker colorway.

  36. Yay! I discovered your podcast a couple weeks ago & listened to all of them in about 2 days. And then I missed you...& missed you...& missed you...

    And then I synced the computer with my zune last night & there you were! I'm so happy! You are my favorite podcast. I love the music & your stories & your listeners stories. Please never stop. :)

    Can I pick one of the fine yarns as my favorite? I'm going to attempt socks soon. I love Anemone! Whoever wins will be lucky. That yarn looks luscious.

    Melissa :)

  37. It's hard to pick a favorite color of Sweater, I love them all, I guess I'll say Lake for now! Do we get the chance to purchase additional skeins in the same dye lot if we win?? (I won't win anyway)

    I love listening to your podcast, I recently discovered it and have listened to all the old episodes, I'm looking forward to Season 3!

    I love your designs, I wish I could knit them for my daughter, but sad :( they grow up so fast..She's 17 now!

  38. You're podcast got through the wait time while reinstalling software on my new Mac. I am looking forward to trying Spud and Chloe. My favorite colors in the Sweater line are Root Beer and Moonlight.

  39. Great episode, Alana! Glad to hear your knitting and designing has been going so well. I like Spud & Chloe in the Moonlight colorway. Off to check out Petite Purls!

  40. Thanks for the review of Spud & Chloe. What a fun name for yarn. It definately sounds like something I would want to use for a garment because of the easy care. I love the popsicle color. Also, it was good to hear one of your stories again. Keep up the great work.

  41. mmm, Spud and Chloe looks great! I'm liking the Rootbeer colorway--getting ready for fall? Who, me?

    Glad to hear you back. Missed you!

  42. I love the colorway Grass - beautiful!

    Love love love your podcast! I missed you while you were taking a break!

  43. Alana, once again it is wonderful to hear your podcast. I really like the colorway Root Beer!

  44. Enjoyed the podcast. My Spud & Chloe color choice is chipmunk.

  45. I'm glad you used Spud and Chloe - as I've been wanting to try it!

    I love firecracker!

  46. Hi, Just finished listening to Woolaphobia, and I really enjoyed that. Your work is wonderful.
    My favorite color is...well, a toss up between pollen and ice cream.

  47. This was my first time listening to your podcast -- thanks for reviewing Spud & Chloe yarns. I was waiting to hear your thoughts on them after seeing the striped sweater you finished. So cute!

    If I'm the selected winner, I'd like a skein of TOAST. Thanks!

  48. Alana, love the Chloe sweater. I already bought the pattern. Thank you much for designing it in such a large size range.

    Love all of the Spud & Chloe colors. Pollen is calling to me.

  49. Alana-

    It was so great to hear you podcast- all your new patterns look great!

    My favorite Spud and Chloe is grass!

    Audrey =)

  50. Loved the podcast and I love Spud & Chloe in Moonlight also.


  51. Hi! Loved the podcast & my favorite Chloe & Spud has to be the superfine called Glowworm (combined with Sassfras, it would be very pretty).


  52. I discovered your podcast a few weeks ago and have just finished catching up with all your episodes. I've really enjoyed it and I'm really looking forward to season three!

  53. I love your podcast! Really enjoyed the Woolaphobia story...so true.
    Gosh, it's really hard to choose a favorite of the S&C yarn, but I guess I'd choose Watermelon.

  54. Thanks for your podcast - and thanks for sharing "Baa Baa Black Sheep," made me smile. :)

    The Spud & Chloe yarn sounds lovely - alas, haven't seen any yet in person. The colors are all luscious - maybe I'd try pollen...!

  55. Welcome back - we missed you! Wouldn't it be nice to walk in the MOONLIGHT by the LAKE with Spud & Chloe?

  56. Hi Alana,
    I love the podcast. And my favorite color has to be Firecracker. So warm and lively!

  57. Hi This is Amanda from Australia

  58. Hi this is Amanda from the US.
