
NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 24: The Perfect Socks

Episode 24


One Planet Yarn and Fibers

The Naming of Molly

Artesano Alpaca 4-ply


Sublime Organic Merino


Cafe Au Lait Mitts

Handmaiden SeaSilk



Helpful Chart For Gail

Montego Bay

Lace Ribbon Scarf

Swallowtail Shawl

One Planet Designer Kits

One Planet Customer Bonus Programs

The Perfect Sock

The Perfect Sock Colorway

Tabby on Ravelry

Tabby's Knitting Blog

The NeverNotKnitting Listeners Group on Ravelry

*Dont forget to enter this episode's drawing!

The drawing winner for Episode 23 is "D"!

The winner of the signed copy of Fairy Tale knits is KnittyBarb!


One Planet Yarn and Fibers has kindly offered 10% off the entire shop to the NeverNotKnitting listeners and blog readers.

Just enter the code "NNK" in the checkout process!

Offer is valid until October 15th.

Click here to download the MP3 of Episode 24.


  1. Wow. I really sympathize with the "perfect yarn vs. perfect pattern" story. I just had a similar experience with the perfect silk and trying to find the perfect pattern. I went through 4 lace scarf patterns and I'm still not completely happy with it, but I'm afraid that if I frog it one more time, the yarn might fall apart LOL. Great podcast as usual and what a great lottery gift :) I got on the website and it truly IS the perfect colorway!

  2. As always Alana, this was a great podcast. I really appreciate your positive presentations, even when things aren't perfect! (Perfect? What's that?)

  3. Marvelous podcast, as ever! Now I want to knit an Elijah.

  4. Another great episode, Alana! I love Sea Silk yarn, and I didn't know that it releases vitamins and minerals into your skin while wearing it. I'm knitting the Alhambra scarf pattern by Anne Hanson out of it right now, and it is lovely and so nice to work with. I'm BlueCanoe on Ravelry.

  5. Another great episode Alana! Thanks.

  6. Great show, Alana!

    That colorway is beautiful and I'm sure I could find a perfect pattern to knit sock with it.

  7. A great episode Alana. Thank you.

  8. I have been been a simple knitter for a while now. I just picked it up again and am trying to be more "adventurous" . I cannot tell you how many times I have had to youtube different ways of doing things to help me get through some patterns.

    I'm going to take a sock class in October (fingers crossed) :)

    PS: Elijiah is now in my queue!

    kristinfitzgerald on Ravelry
    Boston_irish1 on Twitter

  9. The perfect sock story made me laugh. My daughter Rachel seems to have her name written all over the socks on (and off) my needles too :)

  10. A great podcast as always :) I'm off to look at all those links, I love to check out new yarn stores.

  11. I totally know the feeling that the perfect yarn sometimes has a hard time finding the perfect pattern. Loved the story.

  12. Your podcast has been great company today while finishing some socks for my little boy (tubular bind-off, taking ages!!)

    LOVE the look of Molly, looking forward to seeing the pattern :)

    I'm Cherubin on Ravelry

  13. I would love to try lace someday, but am completely intimidated by it. Anxious to see how your Gail turns out.

    Also, I was wondering what the original perfect sock pattern was.

  14. I too have a daughter who has benefited from my gauge mishap with the perfect sock yarn. It was spunky eclectic pink, brown and white narrow stripes and I was in love. Alas, my gauge measurement wasn't very exact and it fit my daughters slimmer feet perfectly. She doesn't like pink but wears them constantly - I think its to taunt me :)


  15. Thanks, Alana! Love to try Aurora!

  16. I listened to your podcast while knitting a pair of socks for my Grandfather for Christmas. Thanks for another great episode!

  17. I never did mention the original pattern in the story, did I? LOL It was Kaibashira by Chrissy Gardiner. Gorgeous pattern, I just couldn't make it work.

  18. You always have such great discount opportunities! I am excited to check out this newest one! And lucky KnittyBarb!!

  19. Another great podcast, Alana! You are quite inspiring. I think my queue just exploded...
    -kellery on ravelry

  20. Loved hearing about all your new projects! Thanks so much for another great episode!

  21. Alana, I feel your pain. I have4 started patterns and have frogged the life out of yarn because of starting over, and over, and over. I think patterns that you love that have crazy directions are an evil trick from the devil himself!!!

  22. Great Podcast Alana! - I loved the sock story -- made me smile ( I can so totally relate!)
    Stacey (Nordicgdss1 on ravelry)

  23. HI Alana,

    I loved the podcast!! I have always wanted to try sea silk and now that I know that it has vitamins that my skin will absorb, it has gone into my must try soon list. I love the Molly hat and the Spring Garden tee.

  24. Great episode, Alana. I always get a chuckle out of your theme song, and your content is always informative and entertaining.
    I liked today's story!

  25. I enjoy your podcast so much. It has really become one of my absolute favorites. Thank you!

  26. Loved the story of the perfect socks. Thanks!

  27. Thanks Alana for a great episode. I love the sea silk yarn.

  28. Thanks for the stories on your projects...starting, taking them apart, restarting....It makes me feel like I am not alone!!! Love the green Ireland colorway of the sock yarn. Susan Inouye (from Idaho)

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Great podcast Alana. Your shawl is going to turn out beautifully! I love the colorway you've chosen. I know the feeling of being humbled by charts. Happy knitting!

  31. Hi. I'm a new to your podcast. I'm really enjoying it. Thanks for the informative show notes too.

  32. Hi. I'm a new to your podcast. I'm really enjoying it. Thanks for the informative show notes too.

  33. I adore the Aurora color way! No surprise what is not beautiful from Fleece Artist?

  34. I loved the story about the not-so-perfect socks for the perfect yarn. Like many of your other listeners, I've been there.

    - Pam

  35. Don't we all have stories that that! Sigh...sometimes we just have to wait on the yarn to speak to us...and then sometimes the simplest route is the best!

  36. thanks for the review on the yarn, have not worked with it sounds intriguing. teri p

  37. another great podcast as usual. I am off to look at yarn for "Molly" I cant wait to make that hat for my 2 girls. I never knew that sea silk release minerals into the skin nice piece of info. Thanks :)

  38. I've heard from many knitters that they've had problems with the Gail shawl pattern as well, so don't be too hard on yourself about it :) Thanks for another great episode!
    Now I also must check out Oneplanet for their internatinal shipping rates...

    -M (vi0let on Ravelry)

  39. Great episode! Love the sound of that Sea Silk, and am releived to know that I am not the only one to have trouble choosing sock pattterns (to the point of avoidance!!)

  40. Very enjoyable podcast! Great sock story too; I'd love to try Fleece Artist one day!
    StaceyKnitsIt Ravelry

  41. Hi Alana, Thanks for yet another great podcast. I dropped off you flier at the Looking Glass Yarn Shop in Santa Fe. Hopefully they'll contact you. The were glad to find patterns for children and admired the large range of sizes.


  42. Great story! Names are powerful things, aren't they?

  43. Catching up on podcasts today. Sea silk is on my "hope to knit soon" list, so I appreciate the review of it. And the Aurora is beautiful!

    Barb aka gunflintknitter

  44. Loved the story -- it is such fun to find yarns with names that have special meanings for me personally. And, it does seem to happen that some things are just meant to be for a specific person whether you know it or not when you start knitting.

  45. This is a great episode and you have inspired me to make something out of this gorgeous yarn!! I also love the molly pattern and your daughter is the cutest thing!!

  46. LOL I fully get the Story. Every time I start a new knitting project for me...my daughter gets it. Last time I tried to make some socks my don took off with them. Great show again. I love love love that green yarn and your daughter is so adorable in Haltermellon :)

  47. This was my first time listening, and I really enjoyed the podcast! Now I must knit Elijah for one of my kids for Christmas. :) I look forward to listening thru your podcast library - and future podcasts. Thanks!

  48. hey Alana! Loving your podcast! I'm another with startitis, I swear it happens at this time of year to us all.

  49. I really enjoyed this episode. Glad I found your podcasts.

  50. Love the elephant I defiantly making this one. Like always love your podcast, patterns, photos, everything. Keep it up

  51. Great episode! I was especially interested in your reveiw of Sea Silk as that has been on my "must try" list for awhile. So what am I waiting for, lol??
    And I've also had the "shawl bug" lately. I just finished my first lace weight and recently knit the "Traveling Woman" shawlette by Liz Abinante, who you linked to for the helpful chart with "Gail". Very timely - Thanks! That shawl is in my queue as well.
    Happy Knitting!

  52. I just listened to your podcast. I love the end song, what is the name if you do not mind telling me? Love your podcast and looking forward to listening to it again!

  53. Hi Natshla!

    The song at the end, was performed by a friend of mine and is the theme song for the podcast. You can listen to it on my blog. Its on the right hand sidebar!

    Thanks for listening!

  54. My 3 year old loves knitted toys too. I knit him a small market bag and every couple of weeks I add a new fruit or vegetable to the set. He considers me his one woman sweat shop. It's some of the most rewarding projects to complete!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Would love to be entered in the drawing, I love the yarn!

  57. Love the beret- and your daughter is an awesome model! Excuse me, TOP model =) !!!

  58. i totally want to make an Elijah now.

    Im glad her daughter enjoyed the socks. heh.

  59. Great podcast! Always love listening to them.
    -beth (bagknits on Ravelry)

  60. Relatively new to your podcast, but I enjoy each episode! It's great to hear the trials and triumphs of knitters. :-)

  61. I listened to the whole thing whilst stuck in a traffic jam and boy was I glad that I WAS stuck in the jam - it was great! Am def going to knit an Elijah and if you chose me for the draw fo the Aurora you would make my month! Looking forward to the next one!!

    louiseluvsyarn on Ravelry

  62. Another great episode! This is truly one of my favorite knitting podcasts. Alana, your hard work and attention to detail show every time. I especially loved the sound of the knitting needles, the mouse clicks and the printer in the knitting story section :))
    Can't wait till the next one!

    (YvonneVT on Ravelry)
    The Caffeinated Knitter

  63. Great episode as usual. I really connected with the essay; been there and done that!

  64. I love your podcasts! You inspire this beginner knitter.

  65. I have a huge glass jar full of yarn waiting for the 'perfect' pattern! At the moment I am content to let them just be pretty. I am sure I have room in the jar for another skein!
    woolpiggy on Rav

  66. I love listening to your podcast!
    It's great listening when I'm knitting simple things. Thank you :-)

  67. Great podcast! Love the Molly hat(it's confusing b/c it has the same name as the "Molly" hat in the newest issue of the online knitting magazine "Knit on the Net"). I didn't know that your body absorbs nutrients from Sea Silk yarn when you are wearing socks made from it. Very interesting. (Sorry, I had to delete my first post and re-post this one b/c of my error)

    Jean in Maine (Rav ID)

  68. Great podcast (as always). I like hearing about different yarns, and then checking them out - the colors of sea silk yarn are all gorgeous (I really like Wildflower).

    (RobinV on Ravelry)

  69. Another great podcast! I will definately buy some seasilk soon, thanks for the rewiew.

    My ravelryname is siljadevine

  70. Hi Alana - I have just recently found your podcast and I have to tell you that I love it. It's lively, entertaining and charming. Thank you so much and keep up the great work!

  71. Thanks for the great information Alana! I've never knit with yarn with seacell (spelling?) in it but have always wanted to. Thanks for the heads up on the Gail chart, I love the shawl and probably would have been very frustrated had I not known about the other chart!

  72. What an enjoyable podcast! I'm excited to learn about One Planet Yarn and Fiber and appreciate their 10% discount. I'm kozykathy on Ravelry.

  73. I think I need to make Elijah for my niece now.

  74. I just discovered your podcast and website. I love it! This has opened the whole new world of online knitting to me. Your podcast is really well done. Fabulous!


    I'm new to the blogoshpere. Apologies if I posted this twice.

  75. Absolutely love anything and everything in green! Sea Silk looks beautiful! Will have to order up a skein and make the Molly beret - I've been looking for the perfect hat project for myself and I think I've found it! As always thanks for a great podcast.

  76. I just want to say how much I love your podcast. I had discovered it a while ago but between moving three times and crashing computers I didn't resubscribe until today. I especially love your product reviews because until a few months ago I didn't live anywhere near an LYS and so had to grab stuff when out of town. I'm really wanting some seasilk now...
    Thanks so much!

    PS: hope I'm not late for the drawing but if I am, *sigh*, maybe next time.
