
New (Deformed) Elephant Friend

A week or so ago, my daughter asked me if I would make her an Elephant. Have no clue why. But that's what she asked. I love to knit toys so I happily obliged!

This most adorable knitting pattern "Elijah" immediately came to mind. Ive decided to use up my scraps of the super soft Sublime Organic Merino leftover from my Sheepish sweater to work on this cute little guy.

Isn't this the most perfect Elephant color?

(Pattern available here. Yarn available here.)

So.. not to worry! He isn't finished yet!
I hate knitting things twice, so I had to move onto a leg after I finished one ear. At least I did it on the opposite side so he looks more "balanced". :)

I just thought he looked kind of funny and cute at this stage of the process... in a pathetic/deformed sort of way. I just had to share these pictures. Its cruel, I know.

...I think he's embarrassed...


  1. Love this! So cute. He has this, "I know she'll finish me" look going on.

  2. Oh that's so cute! He really does look embarassed!

  3. You're such a good knitter - even something forlorn looks lovely. He is going to be adorable!

  4. oh, he's so cute! or should i say he's going to be so cute?! just adorable. elijah is on my things to knit list too.

    best - annri

  5. so cute!! but yes, he does look a bit embarrassed. Adorable!!

    - Julie

  6. "....... you are going to finish me....right?.....Before you start another project?!"

  7. He is so cute! Thanks for the link to the pattern. I have a hard time finding animals to knit. I mostly find crochet patterns and I can't crochet :)

  8. so adorable! I think I'm going to make some knit toys as gifts for my kids friends this Christmas. He's definitely going on my list.

  9. I made this pattern and loved it - no seams! Hooray! Your version is adorable.

  10. So cute!...I am loving his sweet face. It's always so amazing to me how expressive those little faces are—how can two little eyes convey so much personality?...so cool!

  11. The funny thing is that I looked at the pic, and was like "why is he deformed?" lol. duh. he's so cute! :)

  12. I'm in love. I just love him - for all of his present quirkiness and for all of his future potential. (Plus, my 4 year old loves elephants)
    Your yarn choice is wonderful too - as usual.

  13. You are so funny! I agree that he is pretty cute as is :)

  14. Hey, how crazy is that? I'm knitting Elijah too - for a two year old's upcoming birthday. The pattern is so nicely detailed...

    Selkie on Ravelry

  15. Oh I LOVE knitting animals! I have (well, my sons have) a large collection of octopi and squid that I worked on all last summer! So fun!

    Love this elephant, it's very sweet and sooo soft looking, even if a bit.... lopsided and embarrassed!

  16. Hi, he is really cute, and the dresses for little girls are beautifull, see you soon.
    Kisses from Portugal,

  17. I don't know how I hadn't stumbled across you blog before now, but I just discovered it and have spent the last hour reading over older posts! It's so wonderful! I want to knit every one of your beautiful little girl sweaters. Awesome.

  18. Oh, another cute toy! I'll have to make this little fellow too! He is adorable, even in his embarressed, unfinished state. :)

  19. Where do you find the "Elijah" pattern?

  20. Oh he's too precious. I love your blog. You knit so beautifully. I'll get there someday. I've been fumbling with circular knitting with dpns and it's making me a little crazy :o) I will have to give this little guy a try. Also, Susan Anderson has a cute elephant pattern called "elephante" for free. He's precious too. www.susanbanderson.blogspot.com

  21. Isn't he cute? I've done two Elijahs, and after the first, I figured out that it's much easier to do the ears before you knit the body! All that turning and turning is less of a hassle when you've just got the head.

  22. I had to queue the Gail pattern on Rav. I do love the green yarn that Gail is being knitted in. I am trying so hard to use up stash One Planet makes it very difficult to use up stash and not buy new.
    Tammy aka Pinklady

  23. You are right. That is the perfect yarn for the elephant. He is so cute. I can't wait to see what he looks like when he's done.

  24. It's always fun to see what you have spoken about. Sometimes I want to pull over right away and look up your projects on my phone. This guy is adorable!

  25. It's always fun to see what you have spoken about. Sometimes I want to pull over right away and look up your projects on my phone. This guy is adorable!
