
The NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 26 : Interview With Susan B. Anderson

Episode 26


Dancing Ewe Yarns

Itty Bitty Toys

Pictures From Inside the Book

Spud and Chloe Blog

Susan's Blog

Susan on Ravelry

NeverNotKnitting Theme Song

O-wool Balance


Vine Yoke Cardigan

Vine Yoke Cardigan KAL

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*Dont forget to enter this episode's yarn drawing!

Dancing Ewe Yarns is offering all NeverNotKnitting blog readers and podcast listeners 10% of the entire selection of O-wool Balance yarn through November 1, 2009.

Just enter in the special code "NNK1" in the checkout process!

**Be sure to check back in a couple of days because I'm going to be posting a special drawing for the Itty Bitty Toys book. You will be able to enter to win a signed copy from Susan B. Anderson!**

Click here to download the MP3 of Episode 26.


  1. Hi Alana
    I always enjoy your podcats and your projects a lot!!

    Today I cannot download it from the blog because I usually "click here to download..." Could you add this link?

  2. Great interview, Alana. I have Susan's "Itty-Bitty Nursery" book and absolutely LOVE it.

    I, too, love the color green and I noticed that O Wool Balance comes in a colorway that is my birthstone, Peridot. I really love that colorway and would love to make something in that color.

  3. I haven't listened yet, but was so excited to see that this podcast is an interview with Susan. Susan is a member of the Itty Bitty Knits group on Ravelry and is a regular contributer. We have all been very excited about the new book. Thanks for what I'm sure will be a great interview!

  4. Another great podcast Alana. The interview was great. I am in LOVE with the turquoise colour. It's very yummy. ;)


  5. What a great interview! I have been waiting for this book ever since I saw a preview of Susan's reversible toys back when she released her Itty-Bitty Nursery book at Lakeside Fibers in Madison. It was such a tease to have to wait so long for the next book to get the patterns!! I am so excited to see this book is now available. I'll have to check back for your drawing!

    I love the shade of turquoise of the o-wool balance. It really pops off of the page!

  6. Oh I'm so excited to listen to this. I love making Susan's toys.

    I love that Malachite color...

    Selkie on Ravelry

  7. What a great podcast! I loved the "lapis" colorway in the O-yarn, even though it shows as ... sold out... gasp

  8. Great podcast. Very well put together. I love how every show segment (yarn review, book review, interview) followed the same theme - Itty Bitty Knits. I'll have to check out this "O" yarn. I love a heathered look with natural colors.

  9. That egg and bird is the cutest thing ever! My kids aren't so little any more, but I may have to make one anyhow.

  10. Hi Alana. I listen to your podcast all the time. I love your interview with Susan B Anderson, and the chance to win a copy of Itty Bitty Toys book autographed by Susan. Woohooo! Thanks for the chance :)


  11. My favorite Yarn from DancingEwe yarns is O-Wool Balance in Rose Quartz 4105.
    I can't wait to see and feel this yarn in person!


  12. Today was the first time I have listened to your podcasts. I really enjoyed and and I LOVE the colors of the O wool balance yarn...so hard to pick a favorite but I think that the Turquoise is it!

  13. Oh no . . . Now I want to knit every toy in the book, too!! Susan was very entertaining - great podcast. :)

  14. And the Turquoise O Wool is definitely my favorite. :)

  15. What a lovely interview, I love Susan's designs and it is always exciting when a new book comes out :0)
    Thank You so much, Love Mel x x

  16. Terrific episode Alana! Great interview, and I also loved the sound clip of your daughter talking about her bluebird/egg. I like the graphite color of 0-wool balance.

  17. I loved the interview with Susan! I must have the book!

    I love the O-Wool in Peridot, but Amber is a close second. I wonder if I should make a toy from the book with the peridot and amber together... sounds like a wonderfully evil shopping plan to me... ;o) My husband thanks you.

  18. Fun interview, Clever book.
    I love wool and cotton mixes, so the O-Wool would be very nice to knit with. I love Malachite best and the other earthy colors.

  19. Fabulous podcast and great interview! You two seemed to have good rapport.

    The O-Wool balance is pretty stuff, and I'd love to try it in Ruby.

    - Jodi in Chicago

  20. What a great episode and interview! I can't wait to get my hands on the book.

    I've been in an orange phase lately, so the amber is speaking to me. The turquoise is beautiful as well.

  21. I liked the amber colorway. So pretty and bright.

  22. I love the Tourmaline colour, I like all of them really but the Tourmaline just begs to be knit up :0)
    Love mel x x

  23. My favorite books...cute, fun, easy on the hand, head and of course wonderful for the heart. I'm looking at the wonderful Sunstone - but all are very pretty. I'm a newbie here and like what I found :)

  24. Alana, I read in Itty Bitty Knits forum discussion a post from your friend Susan B. Anderson to comment as you are having a giveaway! You can see all of my comments about your daughter, the bird/nest project, the blog, etc. in Ravelry! I love the Malachite color of o-wool (greens are my favorites)! Thank you for being generous enough to have this contest and a future contest for a signed copy of Itty Bitty Toys -- I have a copy and look through it almost daily - fabulous!

  25. I just love this podcast and to have Susan on too is just unreal. I can't wait to get started on Itty Bitty Toys

  26. I read about the contest in the Itty Bitty forum on Ravelry and I think your pod cast was great! I like the malachite colour, very nice! Thanks!

  27. Great interview!! I love the amethyst o-wool balance. Love the bluebird you knit. I definitely need to buy that book!

  28. I adore the egg and bird you made for your daughter from "Itty Bitty Toys". I have a granddaughter who is just about the right age for it. Your daughter is so photogenic and her pictures always make me smile.

  29. Hi, I love your podcasts and the picture of your new toy with your little girl is sooo cute. I love the butterstone color of o-wool, it's so cheery. Happy Knitting and thanks for the podcast.

  30. Love the Slate color, and the interview. I've never tried this yarn before, but I am going to have to now! ;)

  31. I always enjoy your podcasts. I generally save them to listen to when I walk. The interview with Susan was great and the O-Wool review appreciated. I think my favorite color would be peridot.

  32. What a great podcast! i felt like was sitting at a kitchen table with the two of you! The two of you have certainly impacted the o-wool market, colorways are sold out in alot of online stores! I would be happy to win any color.

    Thanks again


    kristinfitzgerald on Ravelry
    Boston_irish1 on twitter

  33. Great podcast. Loved the interview with Susan.
    I like the natural colour of the OWool Balance. Thanks!

  34. Just discovered your blog and pod casts they are both wonderful, thank you.

  35. It killed me that I didn't get to listen until today! But it was definitely worth the wait. Great interview and I had to go ahead and order IBT because I don't have patience to wait until Nov 1.

    I love the Turquoise colorway of O-wool! (um, and all the other ones...)

  36. Great episode Alana! You know you have a good theme song when..... I caught my husband humming it as we were getting ready to go out :)

  37. Love that bird and egg. Thank you for showing me something wonderful...again!

  38. Hi Alana,
    I am so glad you chose to interview Susan. She is one of my favorite designers! I love Itty Bitty Toys. I have just finished Bunny, and love your Egg to Blue Bird!

    My favorite color in the O-Wool is 2301 cornflower.

  39. Alana, the interview with Susan entertained me on a long car ride to my daughter's today. Thank you! I now can't wait to make the bird in the egg. The picture of your daughter holding it is adorable.

    I believe the color of O-Wool Balance that I need for the bird is Opal, so I would love to win a skein of it. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  40. Thanks for the podcast!

    I love the Peridot O-Wool Balance.

  41. I love the brown O Wool. Where else can one find such a perfect speckled blend?! I'm so excited that you and Susan have introduced it to me. Hope I win but if not where do I order it?

  42. I loved your interview with Susan, she's really fun!

    I noticed one of the O Wool Balance colorways is Malachite. I have this thing that whenever I see a yarn colorway that is close to my kids name I have to buy it. I definitely see Malachite coming to my home soon to be knit into something for my little Malachi.

  43. Alana, thanks for another great episode. And I would love to try the O Wool.

  44. What a great episode!!

    I love the peridot :)

  45. The book looks like fun! from Jill Pickle

  46. I really enjoyed this podcast. I'm not usually a huge fan of interviews, but this one was interesting and full of content. I'm also a Susan fan too.

    I think my favorite O-Wool Balance color would be Amber. I'm really into oranges lately. It looks like a beautiful yarn.

  47. I have looked at the O Wool & they really have some great colors!! I think I love the peridot colorway the best though.

  48. Loved the interview-made me want to cast on a few toys immediately! Checked out the O-wool; loved all the colours but Malachite would have to be my favourite.

  49. This is the first time that I have listened to your podcast. It was quite entertaining and informative. I loved Susan's interview, and the product reveiws you offer are quite helpful. I look forward to your next one.
    -Angie Smith

  50. Another great podcast! I will be purchasing that book soon, my kiddos LOVED the pictures from it that I showed them.

    I am not really a blue person, but I was drawn to the Lapis color when the website popped up. Lovely.

  51. Hi Alana,
    Great podcast and the interview was great! I really like Malachite.

  52. I would love to give o wool a try, I love the plum color.

    I enjoy your podcast!!
    Thanks so much!!

  53. What a great show!! This yarn looks awesome. I am in love with the turquoise color...reminds me of the ocean!

  54. I love your podcast and your pattern for or daughter. I love the lapis color. Keep up the good work. Judy from Kansas

  55. Love the Sunstone colorway, it would make a great sweater for Indian Summer / Early Fall season, when you still have a little summer tan left ...

  56. Great podcast! Not too long at all. I really got my NNK fix this week.

    Can't wait to see Susan's book. I'm starting Ribbit tonight.

  57. Can't wait to see Susan's book. Not too long of a podcast at all. I wish they were all an hour! I really got my NNK fix today.

  58. Great podcast. I've been waiting for Susan's Toy book for a while. Nice to know it may be at my LYS now. Loved the interview.
    Phyllis in Sonoma

  59. I am new to your podcast and I love it I am all caught up on old episodes. I love the theme song for the podcast and played it for my hubby he thought it was really funny

  60. Great interview! Thanks for bringing us such fantastic content! I've been anxious to try O Wool - and would love to win a skein. Either way, it's destined for my stash.

  61. Favorite color of o-wool balance is rose quartz.

  62. My favorite is the rose quartz colorway. Wonderful podcast, as always.

  63. What a treat to hear such a long podcast! I love the turquoise O-Wool color - and thanks again for everything!

  64. Your interview with Susan was great!

  65. I would love to try the O Wool Balance in any colorway! Peridot, Malachite, Granite are my favorites but I like them all! Thanks for the introduction to this yarn, since I haven't seen it before and it is very reasonably priced!

  66. Wonderful podcast! I bet you and Susan would have a great time sitting down to coffee and knitting. And I see you have a future podcaster on your hands, as well :)

  67. This was a great podcast. The interview was fun to listen too, and I really liked that it was a longer podcast.

  68. I loved the interview! What a nice surprise when I listened to the podcast. Also great to hear about another new yarn - it will be hard to choose what my favorite colorway is...

  69. Excited to try the O-Wool. The colors are really pretty and it looks so soft. Thanks for doing the yarn review. You made it sound so yummy!

  70. It was hard to pick out of those beautiful colors, but I think the Slate was my favorite.

  71. Love the Malachite - a lovely greeny color. I've never used O-Wool but am intrigued.

  72. Great interview with Susan and your daughter sounds so cute talking about the bird turning into an egg.

    I like the O Wool color Slate.

    Jean in Maine

  73. Hi Alana!
    Great interview with Susan Anderson! I'm so excited to get started on some of these toys...as soon as I find a copy of the book :-)

    my favorite color is turquoise but I also like the amethyst (my birthstone color) so that might be one reason i like it so much.

    Love your podcast! Keep up the awesome work :-)

  74. I have only been able to listen to the 1st 15 minutes so far. Those darn PTA meetings :) Hopefully tonight I can finish the rest.

  75. What a sweet book - I would love to win!

  76. Hey Alana, what a great interview! and the sound bite of your daughter...too cute! Your pictures are just wonderful and I guess it must help to have such a cute model! I just love the o wool it looks so squishy! I think the colors are all beautiful but I would be so pleased with turquoise if I am the lucky winner!

    Thanks for what you do for us knitters,

    Peace and Blessings
    Darlene in PEI

  77. Thanks for another great episode of your podcast Alana! LOVE the rose quartz color of O-Wool Balance.



  78. O wool- love the graphite colorway!

  79. Cute toys! I have ittybitty hats and have knitted at least 10 projects from the book to give as gifts. Upside down daisy hat is a favorite.

  80. Love the Rose Quartz O-Wool, I really would love to knit some toys!!!!

  81. Great podcast. I really enjoy the interviews - thanks!

    The O-wool Balance yarn sounds wonderful. I'm thinking it would be fun to knit up for the Red Scarf Project - maybe Tourmaline or Amethyst?

  82. Alana! I'm caught up! I've listened to all the episodes by staying up late and knitting. I love the interview with Susan B. Anderson. I'm hooked on the podcast!

  83. Great episode and interview! Love the Butterstone colorway in the O Wool Balance!
    Thanks for all you do!

  84. What a great podcast. I just discovered it, and it was really great to hear the interview with Susan Andersen and I love the song.

    The OWool Balance is just beautiful, and I love the lapis colorway.

  85. I am very excited to try O-Wool Balance. Sunstone is my fav color (and I'd love to win the free skein).
