
Egg? Bluebird?

I just knit the most fantastic little toy out of Susan B. Anderson's new book Itty Bitty Toys.
The last chapter contains 5 ingenious reversible patterns, including this one... my favorite.

It starts out as a tiny egg and hatches into a sweet little Bluebird.
What a fun concept.

It was so quick! And way easier to construct than I thought it would be.
For this project I used 3 skeins of O-wool balance in colors Opal, Natural, and Agate. It only took a tiny amount of each skein.

(Yarn available here.)

I just used some scraps to make the beak and eyes. There was no way that I was going to order a whole skein just for that!

The "Bluebird/Egg" pattern also comes with its own tiny little nest to rest in. So adorable!

If you would like to hear more about O-wool yarn and the book Itty Bitty Toys, listen to my latest podcast episode #26.


  1. Oh my! That is too precious. I am eagerly awaiting my copy of that book, hopefully today. I can't wait to get started. Your daughter is also quite precious! Have a great weekend.

  2. Just saw this on Susan's blog...too sweet! Can't wait to listen to the podcast!

  3. Oh, that's so cute!! Love the photos :) I just may have to order that book now!

  4. How adorable. And the toy is cute, too. The toys in this book would be great gift ideas for all my little cousins.

  5. OH that is too cute. I have both the other Itty Bitty books, that is going to be a must have for the bookshelf.

    Your little one is a very well-loved child - all those wonderful gifts.

  6. That toy is way too cute. I need to get this book. I think it will be a great library addition.

  7. So much cuteness: your girl, the bird, the concept... I'm going to have to give that book a look!

  8. What a cute little bird, I love it!

  9. That birdie is wonderful! Reversible toys like this are awesome and great for letting little imaginations grow.

  10. sooo cute!!! the daughter and the bird!

  11. This is just tooooo cute....gotta get that book now! Adorable!

  12. how could you absolutely refuse that sweet little voice? ;)

    the only thing cuter than that bird and the pics of that cute little bird and your sweet girl is her sweet little voice and her story about the egg turning into a bird turning into an egg. and it's so little! :)

    thanks for a great podcast! this was one of your very best.

  13. Too cute for words!! My niece would love one of those!! I ordered the yarn, but had to order from 2 different shops. You and Susan together are making O- Wool sell out!!

  14. I love this concept. Kids love to be surprised. The colors are earthy and natural. I can't wait to try the pattern with this yarn.

  15. What a great podcast! I loved the idea of the reversible toys and would love to knit some myself. :-)

  16. Oh I must make that, would look so cute as a cardinal in the nest in our woodsy themed Christmas Tree - Hope I win the book. btw...love your podcast :-)

  17. I can't wait to get this book. Great podcast.
    Phyllis in Sonoma

  18. I have used the O-Wool balance to knit a Cobblestone pullover for my husband. I loved working with it and have a few skeins of "nest" color leftover. I adored their teal-y green color!

  19. OMG, your daughter sounds so cute talking about her little bird that turns in an egg.

  20. I was listening in the car and had to see that giraffe as soon as I got to the office. It really is cute but the bird in the nest is my favorite!

  21. Your daughter is precious, and the blue bird is sweet as well. My favorite color of the yarn is the Turquoise.

  22. How adorable! I love the bird and nest. The O-wool looks great too, especially the Turquoise color.

  23. Okay following the rules now - I like the Turquoise with the Lapis a close second!

  24. that is by far the sweetest thing i saw in a long time!

  25. Hi Susan,

    Thank you for sharing your adventures with the "Collector"on line with us. She is as pretty as she is sweet. You two take me back to when my daughter was the Collector's age. So many wonderful times.

  26. Wow - I have no kids and I'm sure my dogs would destroy that egg/bluebird - but I want to make it so badly! It is adorable and I have several friends who may now have a new toy for their babies in their future! Thanks for the great photos!

  27. That toy is absolutely adorable (as is your daughter)! I want to make that toy and I don't even have kids!

    Thank you for creating such a wonderful podcast!

  28. I haven't seen any of the Itty Bitty books - but this sounds like a delightful treasure. And the blue bird is adorable

  29. I would love to have this book. Enter me in the drawing Please.
