
The NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 29 : The Fantasy Sweater Shelf

Episode 29

*Don't forget to enter this episode's yarn drawing!
Dancing Ewe Yarns is offering all NeverNotKnitting podcast listeners and blog readers 10% off all Classic Elite Yarns for the month of December 2009.
Enter code "NNK1" in the checkout process.
Congratulations to bethgormong, the winner of Episode 28's drawing!
Click here to download the Mp3 of Episode 29.


  1. I think the color you chose for your hat and gloves is great. O
    Another great podcast and story.

  2. I love the superior spruce colorway.

    Another great episode! I love the Made In Brooklyn booklet- when it came in at my LYS I had to have a copy ASAP- and almost everything got queued on Ravelry immediately. The Seneca sweater is my post-holiday project this year for sure!

  3. Hi Alana! Thanks for another great podcast. You're funny when describing how you get nervous about meeting celebrities. I'd likely react the same way.

    Anyway, I have been drooling over the mitten patterns for a while now and am considering making the beret you made, too.

    I really love the Tawny Chestnut colorway, Like you felt about your yarn choice, this one makes me think of Fall.

  4. Great new podcast episode! I love that you are sponsored by such great websites that they offer you a promotion code for your listeners. It enables me to try new yarns I might not otherwise buy. :)

    I love the Genteel Grey colorway on the Classic Elite Princess. I seem to be on a grey kick lately. Grey reminds me of comfy warm pjs. So I guess it gives me a cozy feeling. :)

  5. I'd be starstruck with Jared too! He's coming to my LYS this weekend but I'm going to be out of town. If I'm lucky enough to be picked, I like the Cotes du Rhone color...

  6. I love the color spruce. Thanks for all the drawing opportunities.

  7. Thanks for the great episode. I am about to start "Beaumont" from Made in Brooklyn. I, too, love that book and have lots of projects from it in my mental queue. For your drawing, it is hard to chose but I love the Tawny Chestnut as a potential color to make Laurel. :)

  8. The colors of that yarn are amazing. The Milord's Madder is so rich but I think the Orange Attitude is my favorite...maybe just because of its name :o)

  9. This was my 1st podcast and definitely not my last. I have made the Beaumont Tam for my daughter out of a shall we say more washer friendly yarn (she loves to felt stuff in the washer) but want to make one for myself out of the Fresco but now maybe I need a Laurel with mittend out of the Royal Red.

  10. What a great show Alana. That knitting story was superb. And I loved hearing all about Jared. I would have felt the same way as you. The Princess yarn you reviewed sounds interesting. I have seen a colour that caught my eye - Majesty's Magenta. How regal!

  11. I enjoyed that podcast, in particular the essay. I'm not sure what I would do if I actually met a knitting star!

  12. Great podcast! It's amazing that you got to meet Jared Flood in person!! I love all of his work.

  13. Love Jared Flood's designs too. OT - I have your Cedar Leaf Shawl pattern, and am waiting until the Handmaiden Lady Godiva is available in that wonderful green shade again.

  14. I love the Royal Red colorway!

  15. Lucky you, meeting Jared Flood! I'd be all awkward and tongue-tied too. Another great episode and if I had to pick a skein of Princess I'd choose magenta. Thanks!

  16. Hi Alana! I loved Amy's fantasy sweater shelf story! The princess yarn sounds fab to work with. I like the Cotes du Rhone color.

    Thanks for sharing your podcasts and beautiful projects with all of us!

  17. Thanks for the podcasts Alana! As usual, I like the greenish (Spruce) colorway ;)

  18. Ooh..I've never used any of the classic elite yarns either..the yarn you used looks great on your Laurel!! My favorite is actually Genteel Grey..I loveeeee grey. :)

  19. Great podcast once again. I love the Tawny Chesnut colorway from the Classic Elite Princess line.

  20. Thanks for the lovely podcast. I'm in the middle of knitting the Quincy hat - was nice to hear that it looks even better in person than it does in the book!

    I love the spruce colorway

  21. Thank you for being a great company again :-)

  22. I've been listening for a while but always drop by too late for the drawings!

    I love the "orange attitude". I don't own anything in that color yet, but I thought it would be a good occasion to give it a try and it would look awesome in "magenta", a color I like just as much. But I do have a few violet/pinky garnments.

  23. Enjoyed the podcast, as always ! My favorite color is Classic Elite Princess Cotes du Rhone

  24. I look forward to your podcast every 2 weeks! Keep up the awesome work! I would love to see some youtube classes from you.. maybe about finishing items (blocking?) or picking up stitches.. you do such fabulous work. Crystal

  25. Hi Alana,
    I like the Cotes du Rhone - it looks like a lovely wine colour. Yum!

  26. First Favorite is 3476 Brown, which the site does not show at the moment. 2nd Favorite is Tawny Chestnut.
    Great episode!

  27. You know, I also bought the Quincy pattern and a skein of Rowan Cocoon for it!

    I love the Tawny Chestnut colorway. So wonderful for fall, even here in California

  28. Thank you for introducing another great yarn. I'm rather fond of the Superior Spruce color myself. My SnB has declared January "me month" so I might have to pick up some of this yarn for MY project.

  29. Lucky you to meet Jared! Cobblestone is on my to do list for my hubby.
    I think your Laurel looks great. I love the Tawny Chestnut colorway of the Princess yarn.
    Your contests rock! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  30. I think majesty's magenta is a beautiful color.

  31. Brahman Blue and Majesty Magenta both look very pretty. Oh, a STRIPED laurel! Ah... that wouldn't go to well with all the cables and bobbles, would it? Anyway, lovely podcast! I have listed to all of your podcasts! :] Once I had "caught up" with NNK, I tried to find another... I have listened to stash and burn, and the knitmore girls. Yours is the best. Organized, and your voice is crisp and clear. love it. thanks for such a great podcast!

  32. Awesome show...as usual. You do such a nice job Alana! I love the Tawny Chestnut color of Classic Elite Princess.

  33. Loved the episode, it is always super inspiring! I love the hat - what a beautiful color!

  34. I would chose Orange Attitude. Love the color but I really love the name.

  35. Dear Alana, I'm the same way when I meet even LOCAL celebrities. "OMG! You're Bob from Bob's big burgers. I am SUCH a fan!"

    Your hat/gloves are gorgeous. Gives hope to those of us wanting to try these projects.

    I love the Royal Red colorway too. thanks for opening the drawing. Good luck to everyone.

    Love, Angela in Italy

  36. Superior Spruce
    Is my favorite. Love your pod cast.

  37. Thanks for another great podcast. I would faint if I met Jared Flood in person. And I too, have a secret sweater fantasy shelf in my head. Every sweater I knit isn't quite right and it ends up in my dresser not seeing the light of day very often. I'll keep trying though and loving every minute of it!

  38. I love this podcast. The classic elite princess sounds really nice. I especially like the Spruce color.

  39. Thanks for another good podcast!

    I'm imaging a Laurel in the Superior Spruce. Mmm...

  40. Fun podcast and great hat! My favorite colorway Cotes du Rhone.

  41. Pretty hat! An organization I belong to will be having a "Go Red" fashion show for the support of Women's Heart Health in Februray, wouldn't the Red yarn make a great hat for the show?!
    Hope I win, denise

  42. Love the episode and the podcast ... I am so with you about being a perfectionist! But rest assured, your hat is absolutely gorgeous ... as well as your pics of your hat!!

    Cotes du Rhone has to be my favorite color, it must be so pretty in person. The Princess yarn looks absolutely amazing to knit!!

  43. Love the podcast! My favorite color in the Classic Elite Princess is the Superior Spruce.

  44. I'm new to your podcast and really enjoyed this episode. I'll be back for more and the previous episodes.

    The yarn sounds great. I like the Royal Red, it's yummy looking.

  45. I've felt the same when meeting bloggers in person - too shy to say a word!

    The Princess yarn colors are all lovely - maybe the Tawny Chestnut would be my favorite? (Hard to say...)

  46. I like the superior spruce, and I think your bobbles are lovely, not puny!!!

  47. I love listening. Makes me want to just knit all of the patters you mention!

  48. Great episode! I loved hearing about Made In Brooklyn book and patterns. If I get picked for the drawing, I love the Superior Spruce colorway, its a wonderful green.

  49. Alana, Thank you for another gread podcast! I love the spruce color of the princess yarn....

  50. Royal Red is nice,and so is Milord's madder. I always enjoy listening to your podcasts.

  51. Your hat looks soo so good! Love the color - I think my favorite color is either the Milords Maddor (I'm an orange fan!) or the Majesty's Magenta!
    Now I have to go check out Jared's book!

  52. I love the hat you made!! and the color is great

  53. Ah, finally a quiet moment to listen to the podcast. Thank you for opening the door to new yarns and patterns to us listeners!
    I'm loving the Milord's Madder too!

  54. I would love to try this yarn. I like 3432 Majesty's Magenta.

  55. Just listened, and I'm finally caught up! Another great podcast. If I'm lucky enough to win, my favorite color is the Tawny Chestnut.

  56. Great podcast as usual!

    I like the grey or the Genteel blue. I'm not comfortable wearing bold colors myself. They look so good on others, but I like more muted tones on me.

  57. I found this podcast on iTunes and I really enjoy it. I miss you when you take a break. Keep it up, please.

  58. This was a great episode; I really loved the guest story. I think the Majesty's Magenta the best colorway, but I might have a purple bias.

  59. I think out of all the Princess Yarn colors yours suits the pattern. It is gorgeous!!!! ohbytheway....idonotfindyourbobbleslacking... :)

  60. wonderful Podcast! I can hardly wait to start some of the Made in Brooklyn projects!

  61. Hooray! I finally got to listen. Better late than never :P You definitely have me itching to get my hands on some Princess yarn.

  62. Great episode! Cotes du Rhone is my favorite. I'm not sure if it's the color or the name that I love more :)

  63. thanks for the great stories. I am not alone!


    jilldwarren at ravelry

  64. I love the color you chose, what a beautiful hat!

  65. I have only just downloaded all your podcast and within 4 days I am up to episode 20. Only 9 more to go till I am up to speed on all that has been happening. I am so enjoying your podcast and love coming on to Rav and seeing the projects you are knitting. Love your work and enjoy listening to you .I can even hear your voice in my sleep LOL

  66. I love your blog! I have been listening to it while typing up papers for grad school. I love the fantasy sweater shelf... I have a fantasy sock drawer. :) I love the Genteel Grey color from Classic Elite Princess. Gorgeous yarn.
