
The Results Are In...

Thank you to all of you who entered my "blogiversary" drawings! I was delighted to read all of your comments and receive all of your pictures! What fun!

Now to announce the winners...

Drawing #1: I randomly selected one of the comments left under the blogiversary post and I am happy to announce that the winner is Katerina

who wrote: "I found your blog through your podcast, and I found your podcast through searching iTunes for knitting podcasts! (I listen to quite a few of them and always like to hear a new voice!) I enjoy your reviews and laid back style I've only been a reader/listener recently - but enjoying hearing/reading it!"

Congratulations Katerina! I will be sending some of the NNK patterns, a few skeins of yarn and some treats your way!

And now onto Drawing #2!

Here is a collage of all the wonderful knitters who sent me their pictures! I just love this! :)

It was great seeing all of your faces and learning more about your favorite knitting spots.
I randomly chose between all the pictures sent...











Tracy wrote: "Here is my picture for the NNK Drawing. I was going to take a picture of myself at my LYS where I buy most of my yarn and notions, but honestly I love knitting at home after dinner and a long day of teaching. It is a perfect place for me while knitting and spending time with my husband and the other members of our family (dogs: Bandit, and Bailey and our tom cat Winston). "

Yay Tracy! Congratulations!

This is what you won!

Dancing Ewe YarnsGundrun JohnstonOne PlanetNeoKnits
AudknitsTot ToppersRoseKnitsKnitbotJane RichmondFunky CarolinaLoopsSew LiberatedThe Caffeinated KnitterPulling at StringsKnit CircusTot Toppers

Also included in this prize is a beautiful button selection from Tangled Yarns, (Regrettably the package is being shipped all the way from Australia and didn't make it in time for the photo-shoot) and an ingenious row counter from Pretty Knitty Jewelry!

Well I just have to say that this drawing was sooo much fun! I would like to start running drawings like this regularly throughout the year. If you would like to be a contributor for an upcoming giveaway please email me: nevernotknitting@gmail.com.

Thank you everyone for participating!


  1. Congratulations to the winners...what wonderful prizes! Love seeing all the pics!

  2. Congrats winners! Nice prizes. Will have to enter next time.

  3. Congrats again on your anniversary and great prize! Lucky winners. :D


  4. Yay! Congrats to the winners what fun!

  5. Yeah!!
    Thanks so much! I can't wait to 'keep knitting' with the yarn!

  6. Wow, those are some wonderful prizes....Congrats to the winners.
