
The NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 30 : Interview With Myra Wood

Episode 30


The Backwards Loop

Smoky Cedar Leaf Shawlette

Cedar Leaf Shawlette Pattern

Malabrigo Silky Merino

Cedar Leaf Knit-a-long

Vine Yoke Cardigan



Tea Leaves Cardigan Pattern

Tea Leaves Progress

Tosh Merino

Malabrigo Worsted


Eyre Cedar Leaf Shawlette






Myra Wood

Myra on Facebook

Xiphium Shawl Pattern

Crazy Lace

Crazy Lace Ravelry Group

International Free Form Group

Myra’s Graphic Design Portfolio - (check this out!)

NeverNotKnitting Ravelry Group

Get free shipping through The Backwards Loop until Jan 15th by entering code: “freeship” in the checkout process. Also be sure to listen to episode 30 to get an alternate discount code for selected Madelinetosh yarns. The special podcast code applies to all yarns with an *.

Episode 29 drawing winners: Michelle is the winner of the signed copy of Made In Brooklyn, and Donita won the skein of Classic Elite Princess from Dancing Ewe Yarns! Congratulations!

This is the last episode for season 3. Please join me back for Episode 31 on March 1, 2010.

Thanks for listening!

Download Episode 30 MP3 here

Crazy Lace


  1. Will miss hearing you until March! Might see you around that time though!:) Love you lots and give Ava a hug for me!

  2. Great episode!

    And I'm glad I'm not the only one...

    I did the same thing with my Mara shawl that you did with the Damson. I noticed a yo mistake a few rows past it, tried to unravel and couldn't get it to work and then had to unknit 2 or 3 rows to get back to it and fix it the right way.

    Uggh, it was frustrating!

  3. I had no idea there were so many types of Madelinetosh. I've used the Worsted and loved it. Thanks for another good episode.

  4. Ooooh, I felt almost famous for a second when you mentioned my name on your podcast ;)
    I couldn't agree with you more about Madelinetosh's colors - they have so much soul, and I love them. I will definitely be knitting with MT again and again.
    Thanks for another fun and informative podcast. Have a Happy Holiday and Happy Podcast Break.

  5. Congrats to the winners! ;-)Especially my friend, Michelle!

    Will miss you until March, but glad that you are getting regular, refreshing breaks! I hope there is much fun family time while you are "off the air!"

  6. Great podcast! I look forward to hearing you again in March.

  7. As usual, great podcast!

    I loved hearing from Myra Wood. I need to go look for her book. I feel inspired to try some crazy, freeform lace. I've been a crocheter for most of my life (since I was a young girl) and freeformed all the time. I don't crochet much anymore due to wrist pain. I guess it's for my knitting to take up the freeform slack. ;o)

    Thanks for the inspiration! Both of you!

  8. Yay! I can't beleive I won! I so wanted that book so hooray!

    I love the podcast, will miss you till march!

  9. Have a good break! thanks for the yarn review!

  10. I must say that Myra really is a fantastic instructor, and is very inspiring! It was great to listen to the interview.

  11. I am so happy to hear your podcast every two weeks. I will miss you till March!

  12. OMG I'm totally in awe of Myra... Thank's for another wonderfully inspiring episode Alana. Hugs from Reykjavík... Ragga

  13. What a wonderful interview! I have never dipped my toe in the lace "pond" before. I am inspired. Crazy Lace sounds right up my alley. Thank you!

  14. Great episode! I will miss listening to you during the break but I hope you have a great holiday and lovely winter!

  15. Great episode, I will definitely miss it between now and March.
    I will have to use every ounce of willpower not to buy any of the Madelinetosh after your review....but my stash is bursting out of my closet. It will definitely be among the first things I buy once I whittle down the stash.

  16. Looking forward to the podcast next March. Great episode, interview, and prizes!

  17. great interview. Another great podcast. Hope you have a great holiday season.

  18. Wow, what a talented lady Myra is! Thanks for the review!

  19. Loved the Myra Wood interview! Thanks for broadcasting it.

  20. I only recently found your podcast. I've tried out many, and yours is easily one of the best. I'll definitely miss listening for the next few months. Enjoy your time off. Happy holidays!

  21. I've been dying to try Madelinetosh! I completely agree with you the colors are so beautiful and unique.
    Thanks again for the podcast, can't wait to hear from you again! :)

  22. What a great show! I loved hearing about free form lace knitting, I'm so going to get Mara's book! Her list of work is incredible, I checked out the link to her site of graphic design projects, WOW!! The Madeline Tosh yarn colors are absolutely beautiful, can't wait to get some!!

    Have a great couple of months off!!

  23. Enjoy your break. Myras interview was very enlightening- would like to read the book.

  24. Sad this season is over, but already looking forward to the next!

  25. great podcast. am inspired to try my hand at lace knitting. love the idea of free form. will wait for the drawing before i buy the book. have a great hiatus and look forward to hearing you again in march.

  26. This was a great interview! I listen to a few knitting podcasts and whenever there is a interview I always feel like it is rushed and only a few basic/same-old questions are asked. But with your interviews (even though I know you say you are nervous) they feel more natural and the questions more varied. Keep up the great work.

  27. Im not sure if I can wait till March. Have a great vacation!

  28. Myra really inspired me to start some lace projects. That was a great interview. I can't wait to order some maelinetosh yarn it sounds wonderful. Thank you Alana!

  29. Thanks for another great podcast. Will miss it until next March.
    Happy Holidays!

  30. Very much enjoyed listening, your voice is very soothing. g

  31. You have inspired me to make lace in 2010! Thank you so much. ann

  32. Well I've listened to the last cast several times now.
    REALLY missing you!
    I love the interview with Myra (so inspiring!) and so far, I have resisted buying Madeleine Tosh Tannehill..... but it can't last.

    I'm doing my own project during ravelympics (Infinity Scarf in Malabrigo) but I'm keeping in touch with your blog and others.

    How I LOVE your daughter holding the sticks :D
    Can't wait to see what little animal you're knitting.
    "see ya" in March.
